Biblical Unitarian Christians believe that the one true God is ONE God in ONE PERSON, who alone is the Father.

In other words, the Biblical Unitarian view of Jesus is that Jesus was MADE Lord, Christ or Messiah, and a God under his God and Father after the cross and resurrection.

To say this another way, Jesus is NOT Almighty God Himself in the flesh having two natures at the same time, one divine, and one human, during the days of his flesh.



First of all, the SHORT answer to this question is that there are basically four types of Christians and Biblical Unitarianism is ONE of those four types of Christianity. The simple definition of GENERAL Unitarianism is that ALL Unitarian Christians are NON Trinitarian Christians. In other words, ALL Christians who bear the “general” name “Unitarian” deny the doctrine of the Trinity and they believe that the ONLY TRUE God is ONE God in ONE PERSON who ALONE is the FATHER. But there is a vast DIFFERENCE between BIBLICAL Unitarian Christians and GENERAL Unitarian Christians which I will explain in a moment. Here are the three main groups of Christians that are actually FOUR main groups of Christians as you will soon see.


#1. There are Trinitarian Christians who believe that the ONE TRUE God is made up of THREE separate distinct persons in the one God who are God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit.


#2. There are Binitarian Christians who believe that the ONE TRUE God is made up of TWO separate distinct persons who are God the Father and God the Son.


#3. There are Unitarian Christians who believe that the ONE TRUE God is ONE single person who alone is the Father. All Unitarians believe that Jesus is the SON OF the one true God who alone is the Father. And MOST Unitarians believe that the Father highly exalted the Son of MAN, Jesus to become a God under Almighty God the Father.


Now, Unitarian Christians are divided on many other church doctrines such as, the doctrine of soul sleep and when the rapture of the church will take place. And Unitarian Christians are also divided on WHEN did God’s Son, Jesus, come into existence and WHO or WHAT is the Holy Spirit. But they ALL agree that the ONLY TRUE God is ONE God in ONE person.

However, one Unitarian group of Christians called the Oneness Pentecostal Christians believe that Jesus is the Father Himself as a VISISIBLE mode of existence. In other words, THEY believe that the ONE God is ONE person exists in three different FORMS, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit but they are NOT three SEPARATE persons. So basically, they are just another form of Trinitarianism with the exception of a pre-existing Son of God which ONLY Trinitarian Christians teach. So this is group number FOUR of the different types of Christians concerning WHO Jesus is, according to THEM.

The other Unitarian Christians are divided as to WHEN Jesus came into existence. The Jehovah’s Witnesses believe that the Son of God came into existence in the eternity past. And the BIBLICAL Unitarian Christians believe that the HUMAN Son of God came into existence at the virgin birth.

Now, even Biblical Unitarian Christians are divided on OTHER church doctrines such as does the soul sleep in an unconscious state in the grave until the resurrection? Or does the soul of a Christian go to heaven immediately when a Christian dies? They also disagree on when the rapture of the church will occur.

So then, while I do agree with what BIBLICAL Unitarians teach on the subject of WHO Jesus is, I do NOT believe everything that Biblical Unitarians teach.

That was the SHORT answer to the question, “What is BIBLICAL Unitarianism? Let us now continue the LONG more detailed answer on the different types of Unitarianism in GENERAL. In this study in God’s word, I will quote a definition of “general” Unitarianism from a brother in the Lord, who is a Biblical Unitarian. He has corrected my errors so that I do not misrepresent what TRUE Unitarianism means to BIBLICAL Unitarian Christians. He says the following.


“First of all, unitarianism is NOT a church denomination any more than trinitarianism is a church denomination. It can be seen as a family of church denominations that grew out of a historical religious movement characterized by the belief that Almighty God is a single divine being as well as a single person who is identified in the Old Testament as Yahweh the creator, and in the New Testament as the Father”

The distinction is as such:

Trinitarianism teaches God is three persons, “Father, Son, and Holy Spirit” in one being. 

Unitarianism teaches God is one person, the Father, known as Yahweh who is a single being who goes by no other personal names, although he is given many other titles including “The Holy Spirit.”

Oneness believers, on the other hand, believe that God exists as ONE person playing two separate roles, which is modalism, not unitarianism. These two roles are presented at different times: in the Old Testament as Yahweh “the Father,” and then later in the New Testament as Jesus the God/man called “the Son,” which is the role they see Him in today. Modalism in no way resembles the ideology of unitarianism. It, in fact, contradicts the unitarian belief that God is identified exactly as He was in the Old Testament, as Yahweh the creator who “changes not.” Oneness believers actually see unitarianism as heresy and every bit as wrong as trinitarianism in their estimation. 

True unitarianism has historic roots in separate movements in different places at different times:

“Unitarianism, both as a theology and as a denominational family of churches, was defined and developed in Poland, Transylvania, England, Wales, and the United States. Although there were common beliefs among unitarians in each of these regions, they initially grew independently from each other. Only later did they influence one another and accumulate more similarities.”

Unitarianism is not simply synonymous with non-trinitarianism in all its forms as you have stated. Historically, unitarianism Has had essentially two streams: 

1. Arianism, where Jesus was pre-existent with God and present at creation, and 

2. Socinianism, where Jesus had His beginning in the womb of Mary as God’s human Son the Jewish Messiah. The term Arianism, because of its association with the Trinity controversy of the fourth century AD, has fallen out of general use and is used in a mostly pejorative sense as a historic heresy. Modern Unitarianism is Socinian and does not have roots in Arianism.

The bottom line is that you are failing to make the distinction between unitarian as a common noun, and unitarian(ism) as a religious/theological movement or ideology. 

-ism is a suffix in many English words, originally derived from the Ancient Greek suffix -ισμός (-ismós), reaching English through the Latin -ismus, and the French -isme.[1] It is often used in philosophy to define specific ideologies, and, as such, at times it is used as a noun when referring to a broad range of ideologies in a general sense.”[2]

Few people use the term unitarian in its sense as a common noun, so the fact that the word can have this sense is not pertinent to the question at hand which is what unitarianism means as a theological ideology. 

Oneness believers have no relationship to unitarianism theologically or as a religious movement, and you would be hard-pressed to find any knowledgeable person referring to Oneness believers as unitarians because Oneness believers are absolutely unique in believing Jesus is Almighty God outside of the context of the Trinity. 

No unitarians believe Jesus is Almighty God, including Universalists. Also, Unitarian Universalists do not generally refer to themselves as unitarians because they are not theologically unitarian, they are theologically universalists and follow universalism, not unitarianism. Their beliefs are post-Christian.”


So then, Unitarianism is NOT a church denomination as yet at the time I am writing this study. However, it is my heartfelt prayer that all Christians will unite together to become ONE church teaching BIBLICAL Unitarianism. So just like Trinitarianism is a theological TEACHING, so also is Unitarianism the theological teaching of the ONENESS of God in ONE SINGLE person who alone is the FATHER.

Unitarianism teaches that Trinitarianism is a man-made church DOCTRINE that teaches the false doctrine of the Trinity, which I will explain further on in this study in more detail. So again, the short definition of Unitarianism is that it is a TEACHING or a DOCTRINE that teaches a NON-Trinitarian doctrine or theological teaching and also REJECT the Pentecostal Oneness doctrine. 

And the short answer for BIBLICAL Unitarianism is that Biblical Unitarians do NOT believe what ALL OTHER Unitarian Christians teach. Biblical Unitarians teach that Jesus did not come into existence UNTIL the virgin birth. Biblical Unitarians teach that Jesus was 100% HUMAN during the days of his flesh. Biblical Unitarians AGREE with what I teach on the subject of WHO Jesus is. But again, I do NOT believe everything that some Biblical Unitarians teach on OTHER church doctrines.

However, the long answer to the question of “What is Unitarianism or what does a Christian who calls himself or herself a Unitarian believe in the theology of Unitarianism?” This is not an easy question to answer because the word “Unitarian” means different things to different people. But one of the basic meanings of Unitarianism is that it is NON-Trinitarian teaching. In other words, ALL Unitarians are NON-Trinitarian. But NOT ALL Unitarians teach the same things except that they are in agreement that the doctrine of the Trinity is a false teaching that does not agree with all of God’s word.

Many of my readers have told me that they were at one time Trinitarians, but now, after seeing that the doctrine of the Trinity is not sound Biblical teaching, some have asked me what church could I recommend to them that is NON-Trinitarian.

Before I share my own opinion as to which Unitarian church is the most Biblical, I would suggest that if you are seeking a non-Trinitarian church, then you should begin by carefully asking yourself why? Now if your only reason is that it seems like nearly every sermon preached in the church that you are presently attending is related to trying to prove the doctrine of the Trinity, then you should be made aware that in some non-Trinitarian churches you may find yourself in the same rut, so to speak, where it seems that all that particular non-Trinitarian church teaches is on exposing the errors of the doctrine of the Trinity. So you may have to try different non-Trinitarian church fellowships until you find one to your liking. Or simply try another Trinitarian church that is not so obsessed with trying to prove their doctrine of the Trinity, in almost every church service. Perhaps try some NON-denominational churches where the majority may seem to be Trinitarian BUT there are also many Biblical Unitarians as well.

Again, there are many non-Trinitarian churches that are listed on this Wikipedia website at this LINK. But before we get to that list I want to draw my reader’s attention to the fact that while non-Trinitarian church denominations have discerned the Bible correctly to teach that God is NOT a Trinity God, please be fully aware that many different Unitarian churches have some OTHER very important church doctrines that are NOT sound Biblical teaching. In other words, EVEN among Biblical Unitarians, there are FALSE teachings.

Let me share a little personal testimony. When I began to seek a church to attend that was NON-Trinitarian, I only knew of one church in my area that was a non-denominational AND ALSO a non-Trinitarian church that was NOT the Jehovah’s Witnesses. For the reasons of WHY I would NEVER suggest the Jehovah’s Witnesses to anyone please read the study called “R-14. Is JEHOVAH’S WITNESSES BIBLICAL CHRISTIANITY?” 

Now, I do not recall if that particular non-Trinitarian non-denominational church referred to themselves as being Unitarian, but they were definitely NON-Trinitarian. I only remember them saying that they believe the Holy Spirit was a power used by God and that the Holy Spirit was NOT a person. I myself personally believe that the Bible itself teaches us that the Holy Spirit IS the Father, as in, the Holy Spirit is one and the self-same divine being as Almighty God the Father. And to ME, it is borderline blasphemy to say that the Holy Spirit is NOT a person so I only attended one service at that church.

Again, I already knew that the Jehovah’s Witnesses were Unitarian and that they too believed that the Holy Spirit was an impersonal power that is used by God and that the Holy Spirit was NOT a person. So they were not an option even before I learned that they SHUNNED their member for even questioning what the Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society teaches them.

There was also a Christadelphian church near to me and I knew that they were non-Trinitarian in what they taught, so I searched as to what they believed concerning the Holy Spirit and I found that they also teach that the Holy Spirit is a power used by Almighty God and that he was not a person. 

These were the only churches that I knew that were non-Trinitarian, but they all taught that the Holy Spirit was NOT a PERSON, which to me is to say that Almighty God Himself is not a person and only an impersonal power.

I then did an Internet search and came across and I began reading what they taught. They teach what I teach about Jesus not being Almighty God, which lifted my spirit. And I have to say that I literally began to weep with joy when I found this website that was called, that at first, SEEMED to be teaching what God had shown me to teach. 

I immediately contacted them to find a Biblical Unitarian church in my area. However, there was no fellowship to be found that was close to where I live, so I began reading other teachings they had on their sister website, which teaches on different subjects. In other words, the majority of what is taught on is on the subject of who is Jesus. They cover a few other subjects on, but most of their teachings on OTHER subjects are found on their sister website 

Now, I must say that Biblical Unitarians are just like Trinitarians, in that, not ALL Biblical Unitarians teach the SAME things concerning OTHER church doctrines. For example, SOME Trinitarians believe in a PRE-Tribulation rapture of the church while OTHER Trinitarians believe in a POST-Tribulation rapture of the church. And the SAME is true among Biblical Unitarians. SOME Biblical Unitarians sincerely believe in the FALSE teaching of a PRE-Tribulation rapture of the church while OTHER Biblical Unitarians believe in the POST-Tribulation rapture of the church. I myself believe in the sound Biblical POST-Tribulation or PRE-WRATH rapture of the church.

Also, SOME Biblical Unitarians sincerely believe in the FALSE doctrine of soul sleep. So then, while I do like what Biblical Unitarians teach on WHO Jesus is, I want to make my readers aware that I do NOT believe everything that Biblical Unitarians teach. In other words, Biblical Unitarians have some teachings that I do not agree are sound Biblical teachings. But they do indeed teach that the Holy Spirit is NOT a SEPARATE THIRD person of a so-called Godhead Trinity God. 

HOWEVER, their main point in one of the studies I read seemed to be focused on the Holy Spirit NOT being a THIRD person of a so-called Trinity Godhead called God the Holy Spirit. And in focusing on showing that the Holy Spirit is NOT a THIRD person of a so-called Trinity God I myself FEEL that they focus too much on the verses that do not specifically point to the Holy Spirit being a “PERSON”, but rather, they focus on showing in THOSE PARTICULAR verses that the Holy Spirit is the power and ability of God. 

And this concerns me, especially when I myself did not find any specific statement in that particular Biblical Unitarian article saying that the Holy Spirit is one and the self-same being as the Father. But a brother in the Lord who is quite familiar with all their teachings, the same brother that gave me the quoted definition that I quoted at the beginning of this study, calmed my concerns a little. And he assured me that Biblical Unitarians teach that the Holy Spirit is Almighty God the Father Himself. And we all agree that Almighty God the Father is a person and not an impersonal power. BUT yet, at the same time, I still had concerns because I am still seeing that at least some Biblical Unitarians teaching focuses on “holy spirit” without the definite article “the” as being God’s power, while “THE” Holy Spirit WITH the definite article “the” is indeed Almighty God the Father Himself. And to me, that is confusing.

This Biblical Unitarian brother and I debated back and forth and never truly agreed with what the other was teaching on the subject of the Holy Spirit. Now, while he said he was a Biblical Unitarian, it must be made known to my readers that not ALL Unitarians believe and teach the exact same things. In fact, Biblical Unitarians do not have a SET tenants of faith, but ALL Unitarians including BIBLICAL Unitarians agree that Jesus is NOT Almighty God Himself. But that is just ONE church doctrine. What about all of the OTHER church doctrines that are taught by Unitarian Christians?

Again, all Unitarians agree that Jesus is not Almighty God Himself. That is to say, all Unitarians, EXCEPT for the ONENESS Unitarians, which are not TRUE Unitarians. So again, I stand corrected on Oneness Pentecostal believers being Unitarians by the definition given to me by a BIBLICAL Unitarian who has studied what Biblical Unitarians teach far more than me. And according to Biblical Unitarians, the Oneness believers are NOT Unitarian in what they believe and teach even though some Oneness Christians may say that they are Unitarian. My MAIN concern with all Unitarians is HOW they view the Holy Spirit as being a POWER that is used by God. And this INCLUDES Biblical Unitarians or at least SOME Biblical Unitarians. So I prayer that all Unitarian Christians come into agreement on ALL church doctrine to have a standard tenets of faith.

Please read all of the studies under the heading >>>M-0. WHO OR WHAT is the HOLY SPIRIT?<<< One of my favorite studies under that category is  “M-5. WHY THE HOLY SPIRIT is the FATHER!”  And in just that one study you will gain a deeper understanding that the Holy Spirit is Almighty God the Father himself and NOT a so-called THIRD person of a so-called Trinity God. Again, Biblical Unitarians also have other church doctrines that I myself do not find Biblical, but those teachings do not really hinder the spiritual growth of a believer. One such teaching they have is that when a person dies physically their soul dies as well and remains in the grave. In other words, from what I have read and have understood from the studies that they have posted on their website is that Biblical Unitarians believe and teach that the SOUL of a person goes to the GRAVE and it has NO consciousness UNTIL it is resurrected.

Now I myself do not agree with that conclusion, and thus to me, it is not sound Biblical teaching. But again, it is NOT some damning teaching that will cause a believer in our Lord Jesus Christ to lose their salvation. In other words, it is not a matter of salvation if one believes that the soul is not conscious once the physical body of a person dies. With that being said, let us take a look at what I myself see as the two main opposing teachings that many Christians are led to believe are the ONLY choices that they have from which to choose.

Typically, in my own opinion, there have been two basic belief systems among the mainstream churches and these two main OPPOSING teachings are the doctrine of the Trinity and the doctrine that has come to be called Oneness. Please understand that this is not to say that there are ONLY two opposing views or theological teachings. But rather at this point in this study, I will focus on just two opposing church denominations. 

In other words, SOME Christians have been led to wrongly believe that they either have to be a Trinitarian or they must be a Oneness believer in order to be saved. Yes, some Christians honestly believe that these are the ONLY two choices they have from which they must choose. And I myself believe that one of the reasons for this is because these two mainstream church denominations treat all other believers as being part of a CULT. To say this another way, according to some Trinitarian believers all other Christians who call themselves Unitarians are part of a cult because they teach that the Holy Spirit is an IMPERSONAL force or power that is USED by God. And that is why some Christians sincerely believe that they must choose to either believe in the doctrine of the Trinity or the doctrine of Oneness because they have been INCORRECTLY taught by their church denomination that ALL Unitarians are part of a cult and they use the Jehovah’s Witnesses as their example lumping them together with the Mormon’s as both being cults.

Some of you may have heard of Oneness Pentecostal. Now, Oneness believers are indeed Unitarians ONLY in that they reject the doctrine of the Trinity, which again is just a general overall meaning of the word “unitarian” with a lower case “u”. But again, not all Oneness believers call themselves Unitarians. And according to Biblical Unitarians, the Oneness believers are NOT Unitarians because they do not teach what ALL Unitarians teach, which is that Jesus is NOT Almighty God himself. Now, while by the general definition from ANOTHER source on Wikipedia, Oneness believers are Unitarians. And, according to Wikipedia, the Oneness Unitarians are NOT the ONLY Christians who are Unitarians. But more precisely, Oneness believers are not the only Christians who call themselves Unitarians or who FIT the general definition of being Unitarian in what they teach as being NON-Trinitarian. In other words, a Biblical Unitarian would most definitely NOT call a Oneness believer a Unitarian. Are you confused yet? Just be patient and it will all make sense to you by the end of this study.

This brings us back to the simple basic meaning of the word “unitarian”, which simply means that God is ONE and that ONE God is NOT three persons in ONE God. In other words, ALL Unitarians believe that there is just ONE God is ONE person. In other words, Unitarians are monotheistic Christians which means that they believe in ONE God. But this simple definition does not go deep enough either because even Trinitarians believe that there is only ONE God, which they define as being three distinct separate persons in the ONE true God.

So we are right back to the two main belief systems, which are Trinitarian and NON-Trinitarian where in a sense ALL Christians who are NOT Trinitarian are by default Unitarian. But NOT ALL Unitarians are BIBLICAL in what they teach concerning who Jesus is in relationship to the Father and the Holy Spirit. 

So for ME, I myself am neither Trinitarian nor Unitarian, because there are too many Christians and church denominations who CALL themselves Unitarian who do NOT have sound Biblical teaching. However, I will say that on the subject of Jesus not being Almighty God himself I agree with what Biblical Unitarians are teaching. Now THEY may say that I am indeed a Unitarian by default since I do NOT believe in the doctrine of the Trinity, but I myself choose to NOT call myself a Unitarian.

To say this another way, let me briefly state that there are three main groups of people that identify themselves as Unitarians or unitarians with a lower case “u” to indicate that they are not a denomination. I will just list them now and explain them one by one further on in this study. But first, here is what I myself believe. I believe that there is but ONE God who alone is the one TRUE God and creator of all things. And the one true God is Almighty God, the FATHER.

           #1. Unitarians, or unitarians, which is also called Biblical Unitarianism.

           #2. Universal Unitarianism, which branched off from Biblical Unitarians.

           #3. Oneness Unitarians, which are Unitarians by default simply by not being Trinitarian.



In this section of this study, we will mainly view the difference between Oneness Unitarians and Trinitarians. Most Christians know what the doctrine of the Trinity teaches. If not simply read one of my other studies showing why the doctrine of the Trinity is not sound Biblical teaching when the WHOLE word of God is truly considered. But for now, the simplest definition of the Trinity is THREE different and separate persons who make up the ONE God and these three persons are co-equal and co-eternal. 

Whereas the doctrine of Oneness teaches that Jesus is ONE and the self-same being as Almighty God the Father. And therefore, according to Oneness believers, Jesus is NOT a SEPARATE person from Almighty God the Father. Both beliefs teach that there is just ONE God, but they are opposite in what they teach as to HOW Jesus can be called God, and the Father be called God, but there still be just ONE God. Please read the studies “D-3. OUR GOD is the ONLY TRUE God in ONE PERSON!” and “U-1. THERE IS BUT ONE GOD!” for a sound Biblical understanding of HOW to reconcile what only SEEMS to be a contradiction or dilemma in the Bible of there being just ONE God when TWO different persons are BOTH called God.

Now, both of these two mainstream church denominations, to me, seem BIAS in what they have been taught to believe by their particular denomination and therefore neither group of Christians leaves any room for any change in what they believe. To say this another way, both of these opposing teachings dogmatically demand that if you do not believe what THEY teach, then you cannot be saved. By this, I mean that some groups from each side of this controversy will go as far to teach that the OTHER side is NOT Christian at all while other groups accept the other group as being Christian but still yet maintain that while they are indeed saved they are in error in their understanding of the ONE true God.

For example, I just did an Internet search for a DEFINITION of Unitarianism. I already knew what Unitarianism taught by researching their teachings several years back, but I was impressed to do another study on this subject to specifically answer the question of “What is Unitarianism?” in order to give my readers a more accurate definition of Unitarianism. In the process of this search on the Internet, the first result or the first website on the list in this search was a Trinitarian website. Here is that particular Trinitarian definition and I quote word for word what a particular Trinitarian believer writes:


“Unitarianism is the belief that God exists in ONE person and NOT three. It is a denial of the doctrine of the Trinity as well as the full divinity of Jesus. Therefore, it is NOT Christian.”


Now, I myself was raised in Trinitarian churches all my life and naturally, back then I believed what I was TAUGHT by the Trinitarian church I attended when I first became a true born-again Christian because it was all I knew to believe at the time and I trusted those who were teaching God’s word that they knew what God’s word clearly taught. But none of the Trinitarian churches that I myself attended ever referred to those who denied the doctrine of the Trinity as NOT being true Christians. Rather they were spoken of as false teachers and at times some Unitarian churches like the Jehovah’s Witnesses were called cults by the mainstream Trinitarian churches and we were warned not to listen to what they taught. So like most Christians, I blindly accepted what I was being taught as being true without ever questioning what I was being taught. 

This is not to say that I did not follow the example of Acts 17:11 to search the word daily to see if what I was being taught was the truth. But at that time in my life, I did NOT lay ASIDE the doctrine of the Trinity to see what the WHOLE word of God is teaching for myself. What I mean by this is that I only looked up the verses that were being used to teach the doctrine of the Trinity. 

You see my dear brothers and sisters in our Lord Jesus Christ, I thought at the time that I was searching the word to see if what I was being taught was the truth, but in reality, I was ONLY looking up the verses that THEY quoted and sure enough, they were indeed in the Bible. You see, dear child of God, simply looking up ONLY the verses quoted in teachings from the Bible is NOT searching the word of God to compare scripture with scripture letting the Bible interpret itself. Most every false teaching out there USES verses from the Bible to try and support any one of the many false teachings in the churches of today. So then, just because a church doctrine uses scripture to try and support that the Bible itself teaches that particular church doctrine does NOT mean that it is SOUND Biblical teaching. When a Christian only studies the verses used by their particular church denomination, then they are only viewing ONE side of the controversy.

So after learning the proper way to study the Bible and doing an IN-DEPTH study in God’s word for myself, I have come to believe that BOTH Trinitarian churches and Unitarian churches do NOT teach the WHOLE word of God. Both denominations simply teach what they have been taught by their particular denomination, by taking verses in the Bible OUT of their CONTEXT.

Yes, both of these Christian organizations use the Bible as their foundation for what they believe, but I myself have found that in many of the teachings in BOTH of these denominations have errors in their interpretations of the scriptures that CONTRADICT other parts of God’s word. Please do not misunderstand what I am saying. Just because a certain denomination has errors in some of their teachings is NOT to say that neither of these church denominations is Christian, but rather it is to say that not ALL of what either of these denominations teaches are SOUND Biblical teachings.

With that being said here is a definition of Unitarianism that is sincere in explaining the REASON of WHY many Christians, some of which were former Trinitarians, have sought answers to questions that were NOT being addressed in the Trinitarian churches in which many came to know Jesus as their personal savior. Again I quote word for word what this particular writer shares. Please keep in mind that this following definition of Unitarianism is NOT MY definition and that it is just ONE definition of the word Unitarianism. The emphasis is mine to point out the REASON of WHY many Christians leave their church denominations from which they came to know Jesus as their Savior;


“Unitarianism is an open-minded and individualistic approach to religion that gives scope for a very wide range of beliefs and doubts.

Religious freedom for each individual is at the heart of Unitarianism. Everyone is free to search for meaning in life in a responsible way and to reach their own conclusions.

In line with their approach to religious truth, Unitarians see diversity and pluralism as valuable rather than threatening. They want religion to be broad, inclusive, and tolerant. Unitarianism CAN, therefore, include people who are Christian, Jewish, Buddhist, Pagan, and Atheist.

Unitarianism has no standard set of beliefs.

Unitarians believe that religious truth is not necessarily or primarily laid down either in scriptures, by a holy person or by a religious institution no individual or group in Unitarianism makes an exclusive claim to the truth.

Within certain core values, each Unitarian can believe what they feel is right. Unitarians are so-called because they insist on the ONENESS of God and because they affirm the essential unity of humankind and of creation, Unitarians believe religion should make a difference to the world, so they are often active in social justice and community work.

Unitarianism grew OUT of the Protestant Reformation of the 16th century CE and started in Poland and Transylvania in the 1560’s.

Unitarians have adopted the Flaming Chalice as the symbol of their faith.

The Unitarians were the first church in Britain to accept women as ministers, in 1904.

Unitarians welcome gays and lesbians in their ministry and support equal rights for gay people within the Church and in society at large.

A heretical religion?

Early Unitarians felt that the language of the Bible spoke clearly of “ONE God” . Because of this, they felt that the traditional Christian idea of God being a Trinity was wrong.

From the viewpoint of mainstream Christianity, therefore, Unitarianism is a heretical belief, and for many centuries those who believed in the unity of God were persecuted by the churches.”


First of all, the above definition was taken from a Universal Unitarian church denomination, which to ME and most Christians, is NOT what we would call a “Christian” denomination. Yes, there may be Christians within the Universal Unitarian churches, but they wrongly teach that all people will be saved. Please read the study “Bb-1. Is UNIVERSALISM A SOUND BIBLICAL TEACHING?” for all the verses that clearly teach us that many people will NOT be saved.

The last paragraph under the heading “A heretical religion?” gives us the reason of why many Christians leave Trinitarian churches. They simply see directly from the word of Almighty God that the ONE God is NOT a Trinity God. And therefore they become persecuted by Trinitarian churches.

Now the first part of this definition of Unitarianism, to ME, is NOT Biblical and it is definitely one-sided. So then, now that you have heard this particular ONE-SIDED definition of Unitarianism, that to ME and a vast number of other Christians is NOT a BIBLICAL definition of what true Christian Biblical Unitarians teach, we can now focus on what IS Biblical Unitarianism.

It was necessary that I give my readers what others are teaching so you can see all sides of what others mean by the word “Unitarian”. This is why we must view ALL sides of any given subject that are on the table for discussion. Again, the above definition is that of Universal Unitarianism, which to ME, is NOT following the teachings of Jesus. So then, the ONLY part of the above definition that I would like to focus upon is the CORE issue of the REASON of WHY  Christians like myself  NO LONGER believe in the doctrine of the Trinity.

Please do NOT misunderstand what I am saying! First, I am NOT saying that I agree with the above definition, as in, being all INCLUSIVE of every belief there is in the world that it is alright to be a Buddhist or a homosexual, or an atheist to mislead people that all roads lead to heaven and all people will eventually be saved. AND I am NOT saying that the Bible teaches “ONENESS Unitarianism” either, but rather I am saying that the TRUTH of what the Bible does teach can only be found IN the BIBLE by comparing scripture with scripture throughout the WHOLE word of God. And I am saying that for now at this point in time that Biblical Unitarianism is the CLOSEST belief system that I myself have found that is Biblical on most of what they teach. But again there is no guarantee that every fellowship will be teaching the SAME things so as always search the word of truth for YOURSELVES no matter what church you attend, what website you visit, and what Bible sermon or teaching that you hear. ALWAYS go directly to the word of truth, the Holy Bible, and ask the Holy Spirit to lead and guide you into all truth.

Getting back to the definition I quoted on what is Unitarianism, I do, however, like the openness spoken of in the above definition on Unitarianism to HEAR the other side of what other Christians have come to understand what the Bible itself is teaching them and thus not be so dogmatically demanding against other Christians who have a different understanding of the word of God. The non-denominational churches started out this way of being open and accepting all Christians no matter what church denomination Christians came out of, but later many if not most non-denominational churches simply became another “denomination”. I also agree with reaching OUT to people in other religions, but NOT to conclude that they are saved by THEIR religion. 

True SOUND Biblical Christianity is faith in Jesus as being the ONLY WAY to obtain eternal life in the world to come. And TRUE sound Biblical Christianity teaches OBEDIENCE to the teaching of Jesus under the New Covenant written in the NEW Testament. So while true Christianity reaches OUT to the gay community it does NOT accept their SIN as being accepted. But rather true Christianity teaches how to overcome SIN.




So then, what has happened is that SOME Christians who see that the doctrine of the Trinity is NOT sound Biblical teaching began to seek and teach what the Bible itself teaches. But because Trinitarianism was so widespread there were not many other church denominations to attend so they could learn freely from the Bible with other believers without being dogmatically told that they were heretics. Therefore they formed their own church denomination. This led to the rise of many different church denominations of NON-Trinitarian Christians that called themselves Unitarians because they did not believe in THREE persons in one God. 

Now, this new-found freedom of thought and expression of these new thoughts led to some other false teachings within the many different Unitarian church denominations that deny the doctrine of the Trinity. Almost all Christians have at least heard of the Jehovah’s Witnesses. This is just one example of Christians seeing the truth in one area, but getting into error in another area. For example, the Jehovah’s Witnesses teach that the Holy Spirit is an IMPERSONAL FORCE that is used by God like mankind would use electricity. And they firmly believe that at no time is the Holy Spirit a PERSON. Here is a quote from a Jehovah’s Witness website. This particular excerpt begins by saying that the early church taught this and this is why Jehovah’s Witnesses today teach this. The emphasis is mine.


“Before examining these points, a sincere Bible student should be aware of the alternate view held throughout recorded history by the Hebrews and by the first Christians (for the first two hundred years, at least – see the HIST and CREEDS studies) and by Jehovah’s Witnesses today.

They believe that the Father alone is the Most High, only true God (John 17:1, 3) and he alone is named Jehovah (Ps. 83:18 KJV). The first Christians (and Jehovah’s Witnesses today) further said that Jesus was the very first creation by Jehovah (and the only one directly by God) and was, and is, the second most important individual in existence and the highest of all created things.

They further say that ALL things thereafter were created BY the Father (Who, alone, is Jehovah) through Jesus who, following Jehovah’s will and spoken commands, used Jehovah’s special active force (the impersonal invisible force called Holy Spirit) to bring all other things (angels included) into existence. This Holy Spirit can be used to create, to motivate, to observe, communicate, etc. Although far from a perfect analogy, we might compare the many things electricity and radiant energy can do.

Electricity is used to communicate, create, destroy, operate (as in remote control devices), and motivate (as used by man in heart pacemakers, artificial hands, and as found naturally in man’s and animal’s nervous systems, etc.). Lasers (which use a form of radiant energy) can also perform similarly varied tasks. Holy Spirit, of course, is infinitely greater than these two puny examples familiar to humans.”


Now, I myself am not aware of ANY mainstream church denomination anywhere in the world that teaches the WHOLE word of God, in that, every single doctrine they teach is a 100% sound Biblical teaching with absolutely no errors in their interpretation. Therefore many Christians like myself have turned to Almighty God for the answers we seek by reading the Bible for ourselves. Now in doing so the ENEMY of God has led SOME very sincere Christians into error on some other subjects. It is kind of like the old saying, “Jumping out of the frying pan only to jump into the fire”. This has given rise to the many different denominations that the two mainstream denominations call CULTS.

Basically, ACCORDING to the some of the Trinitarian denominations, any and all churches that DENY the doctrine of the Trinity is a CULT, with the exception of the Oneness churches, who they agree are Christians but they are in error in what they teach concerning Jesus NOT being a SEPARATE PERSON from the Father. To say this another way, some Trinitarian churches do acknowledge the Oneness believers are indeed Christians, but that they are DECEIVED by the enemy to NOT see that Jesus is NOT the Father. In other words, according to some Trinitarians, ALL non-Trinitarians or Unitarians are in a cult because they deny the doctrine of the Trinity.

Let me pause here to say that basically there are more than just the two mainstream church denominations of Trinitarians and Oneness Unitarians. I myself find that there are basically five different groups of those that call themselves Christian. This does not mean that each individual group within these five groups sees that the other four groups are Christian, but rather that each group itself identifies themselves as being Christian.


#1. There are Trinitarian Christians.


#2. There are Oneness Unitarian Christians where most all of which are Oneness Pentecostals.


#3. There are BIBLICAL Unitarian Christians, which DIFFER from general Unitarians like the Jehovah’s Witnesses and the Christadelphians.


#4. There is Unitarianism that accepts all Christian denominations, which is slightly different from Universal Unitarianism that accepts all religions. These general Unitarians came out from Biblical Unitarianism before Unitarians adopted the name BIBLICAL Unitarians to separate themselves from the general Unitarians that began to include ALL religions as being accepted in God’s eyes as being saved forming another group called Universal Unitarianism. And to also not be confused with Unitarian churches like the Jehovah’s Witnesses.


#5. There is what is called Universal Unitarianism. Universalism has the belief that ALL people will eventually be saved. But not all Universalists are Unitarians. There are some Trinitarians who believe in Universalism, which again is the belief that every single person will eventually be saved through coming to the knowledge of the truth that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the living God. Please read the study “Bb-1. Is UNIVERSALISM SOUND BIBLICAL TEACHING?” for all the verses that clearly teach us that Universalism in ANY form is NOT Biblical. Now Universal “Unitarianism” is more like the emerging church that is trying to unite all religions of the world into a one-world religion. So to ME, Universal Unitarianism is NOT Christian.

Now I myself truly believe that ANYONE who sincerely believes that Jesus is the SON OF God who died for their sins and that Jesus was raised from the dead is a TRUE BORN AGAIN Christian. 

You see, if ERROR in church doctrine that does NOT involve this BASIC FOUNDATION of being saved was to be a just cause to call a group of believers in Jesus as their Lord and Savior a CULT, then ALL churches, in my opinion, would have to be called CULTS according to this LOOSE definition of being a cult. We will get into this a little deeper further on in this study, but for now, I want to assure all my readers that ANYONE can question what they have been taught by their religion or church denomination and SEEK the TRUTH from God’s word, the Holy Bible, for themselves.

You see my dear brothers and sisters in our Lord Jesus Christ, the devil cannot keep anyone from SEEKING the truth, but he can and often does DECEIVE those seeking the truth to be misguided into believing things that are NOT sound BIBLICAL teachings. Many of you have no doubt heard it said that the devil uses a LITTLE truth mixed with his lies to DECEIVE people to believe false teachings, which they themselves truly and sincerely believe is the truth. In other words, the devil will indeed use verses of scripture from the Bible to twist and distort the truth

Let me begin this next section of this study in God’s word by explaining what I mean by this.




I have said many times that any verse when read out of context and apart from the rest of God’s word may SEEM or can be INTERPRETED to seem to say something that it is NOT TRULY saying. Therefore we must compare scripture with scripture considering the WHOLE word of God in order to see if the INTERPRETATION of any one verse AGREES with the rest of God’s word. For example, the Jews said that Jesus had a devil and that was how Jesus healed people. Now, this verse is indeed in the Bible, but it is NOT what the WHOLE word of God teaches. In other words, the Bible itself does NOT teach us that Jesus healed people by Satan just because one verse IN the Bible has the Jews saying that Jesus cast out devils by Beelzebub.

In a like manner, but not as obvious, BOTH Unitarianism and Trinitarianism teach their point of view by NOT considering the WHOLE word of God. Now they may have considered the other side of the controversy, but rather than truly LISTENING to each side, they simply RE DEFINED those verses to make them say what their church denomination teaches. 

Again, Unitarianism should NOT be confused with BIBLICAL Unitarianism. You see, simply saying that you are a Unitarian does not convey the meaning to others that you are a Biblical Unitarian because other Unitarians that are not Biblical Unitarians call themselves Unitarian. To say this another way not all Unitarians have sound Biblical teachings. Before we get into the proof of this statement I would like to say that I can sympathize or relate to the Unitarian churches in the area of them wanting to have fellowship with other believers in Jesus Christ and with people in other religions where there is an OPENNESS to QUESTION what they are being taught. I mean, after all, does not the Bible itself teach us to search the word daily to see if what we are being taught is indeed the truth and then SHARE what God is teaching us from his word? But again Universal Unitarians have gone too far to the extreme of being too accepting of NON-Biblical teaching.

Please read Acts 17:11, which clearly teaches Christians in the churches in Berea were called more noble than the Christians in Thessalonica because they QUESTIONED what they were being taught and they searched God’s word to see if what they were being taught was indeed the truth.


Acts 17:11.


“These were more noble than those in Thessalonica, in that they received the word with all readiness of mind, and searched the Scriptures daily, whether those things were so.”


So then, based upon this Biblical principle of searching out the truth for ourselves, I myself have come to the conclusion that the best way for preachers and teachers of God’s word in order to root and ground Christians in the word of TRUTH is to give them ALL sides of any given controversy as to what the many different church denominations teach. What I mean by this is that I have come to believe that the best way for Christians NOT to be DECEIVED by the enemy to get into false teachings is to provide an atmosphere where believers can ASK questions concerning what they are being taught without fear of being thrown out of the church or they are looked down on by their fellow brothers and sisters in the Lord.

Perhaps the term being thrown out of the church is a little strong, but to those of us who have been made to FEEL like they no longer belong in the church that they attend you might as well say that we have been “thrown out”. For you see, to that person, who is NOT allowed to express their opinions and ask questions it is like saying that they have no worth or value as to what they can share. That particular church denomination might as well have called us STUPID, ILLITERATE and having absolutely no knowledge of what the Bible teaches.

In other words, I myself have found that some Trinitarian churches have treated those of us who know that we are indeed Christians and followers of Jesus as our savior as if we are heretical sinners just because we NO LONGER believe in the doctrine of the Trinity. To put it quite bluntly some Trinitarian churches dogmatically teach that ANY person who rejects the doctrine of the Trinity is NOT a true Christian.

So I ask you, dear children of God, where does it say in the Bible, as in, where does it clearly and plainly teach that one MUST, WITHOUT FAIL, believe in the doctrine of the Trinity in order to be SAVED?

And on the other side of the coin so to speak.

 Where in the Bible does it clearly and plainly teach that one MUST, WITHOUT FAIL, believe that Jesus is ONE and the self-same being as Almighty God the Father as the Oneness believers dogmatically teach in order to be SAVED?

Look as hard as you can and you will NOT find ANY SOUND BIBLICAL evidence that AGREES with the WHOLE word of God that supports EITHER of these two teachings of the mainstream churches of Trinitarianism and Oneness. Now, this is NOT to say that SOME of what Oneness and Trinitarian believers teach is indeed the truth. In other words, what Trinitarians teach about Jesus being a SEPARATE PERSON from the FATHER is indeed sound Biblical teaching. And what Oneness believers teach about Yahweh ALONE as being the ONLY being that has always existed without having a beginning is indeed sound Biblical teaching. So why not take what is sound Biblical teaching from all sides of the controversy and throw out the rest that contradicts other parts of God’s word?

Oneness believers call themselves Unitarian, in that, they believe that there is ONE God. Now to ME, this again is too broad of a definition of what being a Unitarian means. I mean even Trinitarians believe in MONOTHEISM or the belief that there is only ONE God. I am using the word Unitarianism in the place of Oneness because the simple BASIC meaning of Unitarian means the belief in ONE God and Oneness believers believe in ONE God. And Oneness believers have the understanding that Trinitarians worship THREE Gods, God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit even though Trinitarians dogmatically teach that there is only ONE God.

But to ME, the doctrine of Oneness is NOT what Biblical Unitarians teach. Biblical Unitarianism teaches that the ONE TRUE God is Almighty God the Father alone. In other words, Biblical Unitarians teach that Jesus is NOT Almighty God, but rather that Jesus is the SON OF Almighty God. And to ME, this is what the WHOLE word of God clearly teaches. But please dear readers do not simply blindly accept this truth without going to the word of God to search out the matter for yourself. Do not simply take my word for it. Take time to read the studies that I myself have that expose the errors of both the doctrine of the Trinity and the doctrine of Oneness. Then go to and read their articles exposing the errors of the doctrine of the Trinity. Allow the Holy Spirit to lead and guide you into all truth using the Bible over church tradition and man’s interpretation of the Scriptures. Just quoting what the early church writers wrote as to what they believed means nothing UNLESS what they wrote AGREES with what the Bible itself teaches. There have been false teachers all through the history of the church.

So then, if BOTH Unitarianism, including Oneness believers, and Trinitarianism have ERROR mixed in their INTERPRETATIONS of the scripture where does one go to find the TRUTH?

Again, the answer to this question is that the truth can only be found in the BIBLE by the leading and guiding of the Holy Spirit. You the reader and seeker of the TRUTH must QUESTION what you are being taught and search the word of God for YOURSELF in order to see if what you are being taught is the truth of the WHOLE word of God. This is why I teach my readers to search out what I myself teach DIRECTLY from the word of God for THEMSELVES and allow the Holy Spirit HIMSELF to lead and guide you into all truth.

And this is why I myself am so concerned with teachings that claim that the Holy Spirit is NOT a PERSON and the Holy Spirit is an IMPERSONAL FORCE or power used by God. An impersonal force cannot PERSONALLY teach you, but the one true PERSONAL Almighty God who dwells IN you can teach us and does teach us. There is one verse that to ME, proves beyond any doubt that the Holy Spirit himself IS Almighty God the FATHER, the eternal Spirit.


Please read Matthew 12:30-33.


“He that is not with me is against me, and he that gathers not with me scatters abroad. 

31. Wherefore I say unto you, All manner of sin and blasphemy shall be forgiven unto men: but the blasphemy against the Holy Ghost shall not be forgiven unto men. 

32. And whosoever speaks a word against the Son of man, it shall be forgiven him: but whosoever speaks against the Holy Ghost, it shall not be forgiven him, neither in this world, neither in the world to come

33. Either make the tree good, and his fruit good; or else make the tree corrupt, and his fruit corrupt: for the tree is known by his fruit.


Jesus is WARNING us that speaking against the Holy Spirit is blasphemy and that those who do speak against the Holy Spirit are in DANGER of eternal damnation. My point is this, Jesus is speaking of TWO PERSONS in this passage of scripture. Jesus is speaking of himself and Jesus is speaking of the Holy Spirit. So WHERE is the FATHER? Can we say whatever we want about Almighty God the Father and it is forgiven? Are YOU willing to risk your very soul by speaking against the Holy Spirit saying that he is nothing more than an IMPERSONAL FORCE used by God and he is NOT a PERSON?

We know from Acts 10:38 that Jesus was anointed with the Holy Spirit going about doing good and healing those oppressed of the devil because GOD was WITH him. And we know that Jesus himself said he could do nothing of himself and that it was the FATHER IN him who did the works. And we know from the context of the above passage of scripture warning us NOT to BLASPHEME the Holy Spirit who DWELT IN Jesus and WHO was the ONE WHO was doing the WORKS of casting out devils.

You can choose to believe what you want, but I myself choose to believe that the Holy Spirit is a PERSON and that that person IS the FATHER the one true and only eternal SPIRIT.

Now with most of the studies that I write, I am able to give my readers a sound Biblical definition of what the BIBLE itself says, but the terms “Unitarianism” and “Trinitarianism” are NOT found in the BIBLE. So all I can do to define Unitarianism is to show you what they themselves TEACH and WHY they have concluded what they believe.

So then, back to the question:



The main core issue that pushed genuine sincere Christians, who now call themselves Unitarians and ONENESS believers, to seek what they truly feel is the truth, is the dogmatic teaching of the doctrine of the Trinity that DEMANDS that if a Christian does not believe that God is three persons in one God, then they are NOT TRUE Christians.

You see my dear brothers and sisters in our Lord Jesus Christ, the REASON WHY Christians leave off believing ANY of the teachings of the mainstream church is that they begin seeing things within some of the teachings of their church that simply do NOT agree with other parts of God’s word. It can be ANY teaching of the mainstream church that may come into question, but for now, we will try to stay focused on the CORE issue of the doctrine of the Trinity as being “dogmatically” taught in such a way where no Christian is able to QUESTION the validity or soundness of this teaching without being asked to leave their Trinitarian church. OR they are made to feel like they are an outcast or some stupid idiot that has no understanding of the Bible.

To me, if a doctrine is indeed the TRUTH of the WHOLE word of God, then it is impossible for it to be proven to be a false teaching. However, on the other hand, if a church doctrine is NOT SOUND BIBLICAL teaching agreeing with the WHOLE word of God, then most certainly errors in that particular doctrine can be found which CONTRADICT other parts of God’s word. I mean I myself would think that all churches would welcome the discussion of opposing viewpoints to solidly root and ground God’s people in the word of TRUTH so that they would not be tossed to and fro or tossed here and there by every wind of doctrine that came along.

This controversy or the QUESTIONING of these doctrines of the Trinity and the doctrine of Oneness is NOT a new controversy among Christians. The controversy of Christians opposing the doctrine of the Trinity can be traced back to the fourth century or around three hundred years after the founding of the church so it is no LITTLE matter among some Christians. Therefore, for SOME Christians, it has become a matter of SALVATION. And, therefore, each of these two mainstream church denominations BOTH dogmatically demands that Christians must believe all of what that particular denomination teaches in order to be SAVED!

In other words, Trinitarians dogmatically demand that if one denies the doctrine of the Trinity, then they are NOT a true Christian and therefore lost and without hope of receiving eternal life in the world to come UNLESS they recant their denial of the Trinity and embrace it as the truth. Only then can they be saved.

And on the other side of the coin, ONENESS Unitarians INSIST on Christians believing that God is ONE and therefore Jesus MUST WITHOUT FAIL be ONE and the SELFSAME being as Almighty God the FATHER. According to ONENESS Unitarianism for a Christian to say otherwise would be blasphemy on the grounds of worshiping THREE Gods. Some Oneness Unitarians believe that Trinitarians MIXED PAGAN teachings of having THREE main gods with Christianity to form the doctrine of the Trinity. So they conclude that any Christian rejecting the doctrine of “oneness” is lost and without hope because they worship a PAGAN triune god instead of the ONE true God.

So then, neither side truly sees the other side as being true Christians, because they do not believe what that particular denomination teaches. And yet on BOTH sides, there are believers in Jesus Christ who KNOW without fail that they themselves are indeed SAVED. Even sincere people seeking the TRUTH can clearly see that there are indeed true born-again faithful believers in Jesus Christ in EACH of these different church denominations

Therefore, for me, I myself do not believe that the Bible itself dogmatically demands that a person must without fail, believe EITHER of these man-made doctrines in order to be SAVED. In other words, if you are a Christian, who happens to be a “Oneness” believer or one who believes that Jesus is the FATHER and that Almighty God the Father is Jesus in that the Son is one and the self-same being as the Father, then you are indeed still a Christian because you believe that the SON of God died for your sins and has risen from the dead. A misguided Christian that believes in a false man-made doctrine taught by their church denomination is yet still a Christian nonetheless. And on the other side of the coin if you are a Christian, who happens to believe in the doctrine of the Trinity where God is three persons in one God where Jesus is taught to be fully God and fully man at the same time, then you are still yet a Christian. Again, a misguided Christian is nonetheless still a Christian.

Some of my readers may be wondering, “Well if BOTH ONENESS Unitarians AND Trinitarians are not teaching the SOUND BIBLICAL truth, then where does a person go to learn the truth seeing that for the most part, nearly all the mainstream church denominations either teach ONENESS Unitarianism OR the doctrine of the Trinity? I mean what is a Christian to do if ALL the mainstream churches do not teach the WHOLE word of God and both the doctrine of the Trinity and the doctrine of Oneness are not sound Biblical teachings?

Again, the answer is that any believer seeking the truth must seek the answers to their questions from Almighty God himself and search the word of God, the Holy Bible, for themselves being led by the Holy Spirit. There are Christians on the Internet and even small Christian churches that teach the whole word of God, but the only way that you are going to know if they are teaching the truth is for YOU to search the WHOLE word of God for yourself.

Here at, I will give you all the evidence from all sides of any given controversial teaching in God’s word and then it is up to YOU with the help of the Holy Spirit to choose for yourself as what teaching makes the most SOUND Biblical sense based on ALL the evidence from God’s word.

So then, a better question would be:


The short answer to this question is both yes and no! What I mean by this is that SOME of what the Biblical Unitarian churches teach is indeed sound Biblical teaching. For example, some Unitarian churches including Biblical Unitarians rightly teach that the doctrine of eternal torture in the flames of Hell is a FALSE teaching. Please see the study “Is Ee-23. Is THE DOCTRINE OF HELL BIBLICAL? and “Ee-22. DOES Revelation 20:10 Teach ETERNAL TORMENT? for a sound Biblical teaching exposing the errors of interpretation of those who teach that God punishes sinners by tormenting and torturing them for all eternity in flames of fire where there is never ever any relief from the flames of Hell. And most all, Unitarian churches expose the errors of the doctrine of the Trinity.

Now, obviously, ALL churches will tell you that what THEY teach is sound Biblical teaching so it is up to YOU to search the word of God for YOURSELF and allow the Holy Spirit to lead and guide you into all truth. As I have already said earlier that has SOME teachings that are sound Biblical teachings. I myself only wish that their studies on the Holy Spirit would plainly state that the Holy Spirit IS the Father and to never call Holy Spirit a NON-PERSON by saying that the Holy Spirit dwelling in believers is the NATURE of God. But at least they do not teach that the Holy Spirit is NOT a person at all like some Unitarians churches such as the Jehovah’s Witnesses and the Christadelphians do. Also, be aware of any churches that wrongly teach that the gifts of the Holy Spirit have ceased and are not for the church today. does indeed teach that the gifts of the Holy Spirit ARE for the church today. 

So then,  on the main fundamental Church doctrines, I agree with what teaches. But please understand that I have not read ALL their teachings on all their websites. And as I said before I do not agree with SOME of their teachings like the soul dies when the physical body dies and remains in the grave until the resurrection. Please read the study called “Aa-3. Is the DOCTRINE OF SOUL SLEEP BIBLICAL?”. And I do have concerns about how much emphasis they place on showing that in some verses the term or word translated as “spirit ” does not always refer to the “spirit ” as a person. I agree that there are many verses having the English word  “spirit” in it that definitely do not speak of spirit as being a person. And I agree that there are even some verses where the context is clearly speaking of the Spirit of God and that those verses can easily be seen or interpreted as the Spirit of God as the power of God. Please see the study “M-11. Is THE HOLY SPIRIT A GIFT OF GOD’S NATURE?” for a deeper understanding of those verses where it seems that the Holy Spirit is more of a power used by God as opposed to (holy spirit) without the definite article “the” as being a PART of Almighty God Himself who is a person.

But for now, let us get back on track to the CORE teaching of “ONENESS” that is the main point of contention or controversy. So then, on the CORE issue of the ONENESS doctrine that Oneness Unitarians INSIST that all Christians must believe in order to be saved, then Oneness Unitarianism is NOT teaching the truth of the WHOLE word of God. But not all Oneness Unitarians let you know that they are Oneness believers. Rather they simply call themselves  “Unitarians ”, which creates a problem for Biblical Unitarians who at times simply call themselves Unitarians leaving off the word “Biblical”.

So then, how are people to know or trust in the denominational name Unitarian which is NOT actually a church denomination? Do you really think that NON-Biblical Oneness Unitarians are going to stop calling themselves Unitarians? Do you think that Universal Unitarians are going to stop calling themselves Unitarians? Not likely. This is why I myself do not place ANY denominational name upon myself or upon what I teach. Again, does NOT consider themselves to be a “church” or a “denomination”. Now they do have a few “fellowships”, but I have been told by the brother that wrote to me who is very familiar with their teaching that I would be hard-pressed to find a Biblical Unitarian church. I did call them to see if there were any Biblical Unitarian churches or fellowships in my area and found that there were no congregations of Biblical Unitarians close to me. Now YOU may have a Biblical Unitarian Fellowship near you, but you will need to contact them directly to find out. 

Some of my readers have asked me if I had a church that they could attend. I am sorry to say that at this point in time God has not led me to start a church or a congregation. Right now I suppose that my readers and seekers of the truth of the whole word of God here on the Internet are my congregations of called-out ones.

Let me explain what I mean by this. If you read many of the Bible studies that I write you will find that I use the phrase “the WHOLE word of God” quite often. I do so to point out to my readers that even though SOME verses of scripture are used to try and support various teachings of various church denominations does NOT mean that their teachings are SOUND Biblical teachings. Again as I say many times in the studies that I write “Any verse that is viewed out of context and apart from the rest of God’s word may SEEM to say something that it is not truly saying!”

So what the Holy Spirit has taught me to do is to compare scripture with scripture and let the word of God interpret ITSELF. If you do not know what I mean by this already, then you will learn how to do this as you continue to read this study in God’s word.




Here is how BOTH of these church denominations came to teach what they teach. From the very early days of the church after the heavy persecution by the Romans subsided or eased up believers began to question WHO is Jesus? To some Christians, it was not good enough just to say that Jesus is the SON OF God. They wanted to know what this meant? So a lot of questions began to be asked like Is Jesus God? And if Jesus is God, then does this mean that Jesus is the one true divine being called YAHWEH in the Bible?

It became clear to some Christians that Jesus was indeed called God in Hebrews 1:8, so let us take a moment to read this verse OUT of context for now and then we will go back and read the CONTEXT so that you can clearly see WHY the teachings of BOTH Oneness and the Trinity are not sound Biblical teachings.


Hebrews 1:8.


“But unto the Son (Speaking of Jesus) He (Almighty God the Father) says, Your throne, O God, is forever and ever: a scepter of righteousness is the scepter of your kingdom.”


So then, some Christians jumped right to the conclusion that since Jesus is called God by the Father, AND the Old Testament seems to teach that God is ONE, then, according to their logic, this must mean that Jesus is Almighty God himself seeing that these verses in the Old Testament certainly SEEM to teach that there is only ONE God.

Now, one group of Christians concluded that since God is ONE God, then Jesus must be Almighty God himself, as in, Almighty God the Father IS the SON and the SON IS the Father, as in, Jesus is ONE and the self-same being as Almighty God the Father. Another term for Oneness is MODALISM. Remember that the general BASIC meaning of Unitarian means ONE God. Now you see WHY I myself say that this simple basic meaning is CONFUSING to Christians who are trying to understand what Unitarianism means. This is why some Christians call themselves Biblical Unitarians, which we will discuss further on in the study. For now, I want you to see the difference between Oneness Unitarianism and Trinitarianism.

But when some of these Christians saw in God’s word that Jesus could not possibly be one and the self-same being as the Father like Oneness Unitarians teach, then they began forming what is called today as the doctrine of the Trinity. The word “doctrine” means teaching. And this doctrine of the Trinity took centuries to become the teaching that it is today.

In other words, Christians began at first to teach that Jesus, the SON OF Almighty God, is NOT the Father and that Almighty God the Father is NOT his SON Jesus. One of these early teachings of the church called Monarchianism explained that Almighty God the Father gave power and authority to his Son to rule and reign at his right hand, but that Jesus was SUBORDINATE or under the rule of his God and Father the ONE TRUE and ONLY ALMIGHTY God. They further explained that BOTH the Father and his Son ruled, but there is only ONE Monarch or kingdom. You see, at first, the Holy Spirit was not on the table as a matter of discussion as to WHO is the Holy Spirit? Early on in the second century and into the third century, believers were only concerned with the question of WHO is Jesus? The Holy Spirit began to be discussed later on in the history of the church, the latter part of the third century on into the fourth and fifth centuries.

You see, it was not like it is today where we have multiple sources to read and study at the click of our finger. Back then not everyone had a copy of the Scriptures so it took a LONG time to debate these issues, so the question of who is the Holy Spirit did not come until years later. It took weeks and even months at a time for a letter to go from one church to another church to be read and then another extended period of time before a return letter was written, sent back and received in response to the discussion as to WHO Jesus is according to the word of God. 

So, therefore, it was mostly ONLY the leaders of the church, who decided what the Bible taught and did not teach. This later led to the leaders of the church lording over the congregation of believers even to the point that it was taught to the congregation that ONLY the leaders have the ability to interpret the Scriptures. This is found primarily in the Roman Catholic church, but this lording over the laity mentality did trickle down to the Protestant churches after the Reformation. With all this in mind, it is clear to see why the early church was not able to answer all the questions that believers were asking. Also, many early church writings were destroyed by those OPPOSING what was being taught in some of these teachings.

But there remains enough evidence in these early church writings to clearly show us today that not ALL Christians believed in the doctrine of the “Trinity” OR in the doctrine of “Oneness”. But rather, that some Christians believed something DIFFERENT so much that they gave their lives to defend it as the truth. And I myself believe that God is REVEALING this same TRUTH to Christians all over the world in this present time that early Christian would rather die to defend than to deny what they truly believe was revealed to them by Almighty God through His inward dwelling of the Holy Spirit leading and guiding them into all truth.

Now fast-forwarding to the church of today we have just the opposite, which is TOO much information that causes believers to become confused as to what they should believe and not believe. Some believers give up and simply accept whatever their particular denomination teaches. But other Christians like you, the reader and seeker of the truth who are reading this study in God’s word have a much stronger desire to know the truth and you will not rest until you see the truth for yourself directly from God’s word.

So then, an even more accurate question would be as follows.

What is the SOUND BIBLICAL teaching on WHO is Jesus?

Before we begin looking at the word of God, let me give you another quote from another website that gives a brief history of Monarchianism, which later developed into Modalism that is now called the doctrine of “Oneness” in the Unitarian churches of today to use as an EXAMPLE of how some websites can leave a WRONG impression.


“The Oneness doctrine can be traced back to the first and second century but was popularized again in the twentieth century. In 1913, Pentecostalism broke into two major divisions over the Oneness (Jesus only) doctrine. By 1983, 44% of all Evangelical churches believed the “Jesus only” doctrine.

Early History

Monarchianism dates back as far as the first century by some accounts but is not clearly seen in history until the second century. This doctrine teaches that God is ONE person, and opposes teaching relating to the Trinity.

There are two major types of Monarchism, dynamic and modal.

Dynamic Monarchism

Dynamic Monarchism is also called Adoptionism. This doctrine asserts that Jesus was born a man, and didn’t preexist as God. Only after Jesus proved Himself to be a sinless man, God adopted Him and filled Him with the Holy Spirit, thereafter making Him divine.

Dynamic Monarchism is similar to the Jehovah’s Witness doctrine that Jesus was created by God and is not divine.

Modal Monarchism

Modal Monarchism is also called Sabellianism, named for Sabellius who became the leader of those who believed this doctrine in the 2nd century.

This doctrine teaches that the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit are modes of the one God. It denies that the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit are three separate individuals.

Oneness Pentecostal groups and “Jesus only” Evangelicals are modalists, composing the largest numbers of believers of this doctrine.

Unfortunately, though, this doctrine is spreading to other churches today.

An outward sign of Oneness and “Jesus only” churches is that they baptized in the name of Jesus, rather than in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. And, they believe they’re praying to Jesus whenever they pray, no matter how they address their prayer.


Twisting The Scriptures


Believers in the Oneness doctrine often twist the Scriptures by taking attributes and analogies of God in the Old Testament, and misapplying them to New Testament Scriptures relating to Jesus.”


Now, when a seeker of the truth reads a website like this they can and often do come away believing that ALL of what these early church believers taught about Monarchianism is false teaching without ever going to the word of God for THEMSELVES to see if what they are being taught is true.

I did this myself for the first few years after I began a Christians in a Trinitarian church denomination. When the pastor said that churches like the Jehovah’s Witnesses are a CULT and that they teach false doctrines that deny the Christian teaching of the Trinity, then I blindly accepted that ALL of what the Jehovah’s Witness and other Unitarian churches like the Christadelphians taught as being false teachings. I had not yet heard about Biblical Unitarians back then. I actually became a Biblical Unitarian way BEFORE I ever heard of Biblical Unitarianism.

I started out my Christian walk as a Trinitarian Christian. And I remained a Trinitarian Christian UNTIL I began to see errors in the doctrine of the Trinity directly from the Bible. It was then that I started reading for myself the teachings of other NON-Trinitarian church denominations and I found that some of these Unitarian churches were teaching SOME of the very same things that the Holy Spirit was teaching me. However, it did not take long for me to see that some of their OTHER doctrines that these Unitarian churches were teaching were indeed false doctrines that contradicted other parts of God’s word. 

So I kept the parts that AGREED with God’s word and left the rest. This is what I believe we should do with all the teachings we read and hear. Keep that which agrees with the whole word of God and throw out the rest that contradicts other parts of God’s word. A Christian should never compromise what the Holy Spirit is teaching them to gain the favor of people or to avoid persecution from fellow believers in Jesus Christ. 

In other, words if you, as a true born again sincere faithful Christian, truly feel that the Holy Spirit is leading you to see in God’s word something that DIFFERS and even CONTRADICTS what you are being taught by the church denomination that you are attending, then you should obey the leading of the Holy Spirit and what the WHOLE word of God is teaching you OVER what any man-made church denomination is teaching you. To say this another way, no true Christians should choose the teachings of MAN over what Almighty God himself is showing you in HIS word by his Holy Spirit dwelling in you.


So then, let us now get into the WORD of God to see if the word of TRUTH teaches us that Jesus and the Father are ONE and the self-same being, in that, Jesus is simply another MODE of Almighty God appearing as the Son of Man and the Son of God? In other words, does the Bible teach us that Jesus IS YAHWEH, as in, Jesus is one and the self-same being as the Father, as in, Jesus is a MANIFESTATION or MODE of YAHWEH? 

Please allow me to ask these questions in other ways to avoid any confusion, does the Bible teach us that Jesus IS ALMIGHTY God himself? 

Does the Bible teach that Almighty God manifests himself as the FATHER and at other times manifests himself as the SON? That is to say, does the Bible teach that the Father and the Son are MODES that God changes back and forth from being the Father to be the Son and then back to being the Father and at times being both Father and the Son at the same time so that the Son can pray to his God and Father? Perhaps the term back and forth is not accurate in the eyes of Oneness believers so let me rephrase this question another way. Does the Bible itself teach us that Almighty God manifested Himself as the Father AND as the Son at the same time where both the Father and the Son are one and the self-same divine eternal one true God but only the Son can be seen while the Father remains invisible?

OR does that Bible ITSELF clearly and plainly teach us in SIMPLICITY that Jesus is NOT the Father and Almighty God the Father is NOT his SON Jesus? To all my readers who are Oneness believers I am NOT saying that God is a Trinity God, but rather I am simply saying that the Bible ITSELF clearly teaches us that Jesus is a SEPARATE person from Almighty God whom the Bible plainly identifies as being the SON OF the one true and only Almighty God who is ALWAYS identified as being the FATHER in the New Testament.

Let us begin this study in God’s word by reading several verses that clearly teach us that Almighty God the Father and his Son Jesus are DIFFERENT and DISTINCT persons or beings. Please read 2 John 1:7-9 which clearly and plainly teaches us that we must believe in BOTH Almighty God the Father AND in his SON Jesus.


2 John 1:7-9.


“For many DECEIVERS are entered into the world, who confess not that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh. This is a deceiver and an antichrist.

8. Look to yourselves, that we lose not those things which we have wrought, but that we receive a full reward.

9. Whosoever transgresses, and abides NOT in the doctrine of Christ, has NOT God. He that abides in the doctrine of Christ, he has BOTH the Father AND the Son.”


The doctrine of “Christ” means the doctrine or the teaching of Jesus being “ANOINTED” with the INDWELLING of the Holy Spirit of Almighty God the Father. You see dear child of God the Bible teaches us that Almighty God the Father DWELT IN His SON Jesus. And this passage of scripture we just read clearly teaches us that if we do not believe that Almighty God the Father DWELT IN His SON Jesus, then we do NOT have the Holy Spirit of Almighty God dwelling in us AND we do not have His Son either. The Bible warns us about DECEIVERS preaching ANOTHER Jesus!

Now to be sure that my readers know the whole matter, the word “CHRIST” also means “Messiah”. So then, if one does not believe that Jesus is the MESSIAH that was prophesied to come, then they are NOT believing what Almighty God himself DESIRES mankind to believe.

However, some Christians have MISSED God’s best for them by NOT seeing that Almighty God the Father DWELT IN His Son Jesus to EMPOWER His Son to overcome sin and to do the mighty works of healing to SHOW mankind that God was WITH them being in His SON Jesus, the MAN Jesus “CHRIST”, which is to say, the MAN Jesus ANOINTED of Almighty God the Father. 

So then, I want you to notice and pay close ATTENTION that this passage of Scripture clearly and plainly teaches us that we must believe in BOTH Almighty God the Father AND in His SON Jesus. This passage of Scripture proves beyond any shadow of a doubt that Jesus AND his God and Father are TWO different and distinct persons or beings.

Therefore, the doctrine of “oneness” CONTRADICTS the clear, plain and simple word of TRUTH, the Holy Bible and therefore must be rejected as FALSE teaching by those seeking the TRUTH of the WHOLE word of God.

Another passage of Scripture that clearly teaches us that Almighty God the Father is a SEPARATE person or being from His SON Jesus is found in John 5:23.


John 5:23.


“That all men should honor the Son, EVEN AS they honor the Father. He that honors NOT the Son honors NOT the Father which has SENT him.”


In other words, the word of TRUTH, the Holy Bible clearly and plainly teaches us that we must honor BOTH Almighty God the Father AND His SON, Jesus. And if we do NOT honor His SON Jesus, then we are NOT honoring Almighty God the Father who is the God and Father OF His SON Jesus and who SENT His Son out into the world to receive glory and honor, the praises of faithful believers to the glory of Almighty God the Father. Please notice that the Almighty God and His Son Jesus are TWO DIFFERENT persons or beings where we as Christians must honor BOTH the God and Father OF Jesus as well as Jesus as being the SON OF Almighty God the Father.

You see my dear brothers and sisters in our Lord Jesus Christ, Almighty God is ALWAYS identified in the Bible as being the FATHER and as being THE God OF or over His SON Jesus the “Christ”, the ANOINTED one.

Please read 1 Corinthians 8:6, which clearly and plainly identifies the FATHER as being our God AND His SON Jesus as being our LORD, again clearly showing us that they are TWO different and distinct persons or beings.


1 Corinthians 8:6.


“But to us (Referring to us as CHRISTIANS or but unto us who are CHRISTIANS) there is but ONE God, the FATHER, of whom are all things, and we in him; and one Lord Jesus Christ, by whom are all things, and we by him.”


Nowhere in the word of TRUTH, the Holy Bible, are we ever commanded or taught that we must believe that Jesus IS Almighty God the FATHER Himself. HOWEVER, we ARE clearly and plainly taught in Scripture that we must believe that Jesus is the SON OF Almighty God the Father. 


Please read 1 John 4:14,15.


“And we have seen and do TESTIFY that the Father SENT the SON to be the Savior of the world.

15. Whosoever shall CONFESS that Jesus is the SON OF God, God dwells in him, and he in God.”


Who would know better than the very EYEWITNESS of Jesus as to WHO Jesus is? The apostles of Jesus were EYEWITNESSES of Jesus, who himself taught his disciples as to WHO he is, and their testimony is that Jesus is the SON OF Almighty God the Father. Therefore, whosoever BELIEVES and CONFESSES that Jesus is the SON OF Almighty God the Father has Almighty God the Father DWELLING IN them.


1 John 5:5 says it this way.


“Who is he that overcomes the world, but he that believes that Jesus is the SON OF God?”


Then 1 John 5:12 clearly teaches us that we must have faith that Jesus is the SON OF God in order to have eternal life and if we do not believe that Jesus is the SON OF God, then we do NOT have eternal life.


1 John 5:12.


“He that has the SON has life, and he that has NOT the SON OF God has NOT life.


Ephesians 4:1-14.


“I, therefore, the prisoner of the Lord, BESEECH you that you walk worthy of the vocation wherewith you are called,

2. With all lowliness and meekness, with long-suffering, forbearing one another in love;

3. Endeavoring to keep the UNITY of the Spirit in the bond of peace.

4. There is one body, and one Spirit, even as you are called in one hope of your calling;

5. One Lord, one faith, one baptism,

6. One God and FATHER of all, who is above all, and through all, and in you all.

7. But unto every one of us is given grace according to the measure of the gift of Christ. (Keep in mind that the word “CHRIST” means the ANOINTING and does not always refer to Jesus. You see Christians are ANOINTED with the Holy Spirit as well. Remember the verse above that we just read says that GOD DWELLS IN us who believe that Jesus is the SON OF God)

8. Wherefore he says, When he ascended up on high, he led captivity captive and gave gifts unto men.

9. (Now that he ascended, what is it but that he also descended first into the lower parts of the earth?

10. He that descended is the same also that ascended up far above all heavens, that he might fill all things.)

11. And he gave some, apostles; and some, prophets; and some, evangelists; and some, pastors and teachers;

12. For the perfecting of the saints, for the work of the ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ:

13. Till we all come in the UNITY of the faith, and of the knowledge of the SON OF God, unto a perfect man, unto the measure of the stature of the fulness of Christ:

14. That we, henceforth, are to be no more children, tossed to and fro, and carried about with every wind of doctrine, by the sleight of men, and cunning craftiness, whereby they lie in wait to DECEIVE.”



The UNITY of FAITH that the word of TRUTH, the Holy Bible, clearly and plainly teaches us that we must believe is that Jesus is the SON OF Almighty God the Father, who died for our sins and who God raised from the dead.

The disciples of Jesus always clearly identified Almighty God as being the GOD OF His SON Jesus AND as being the FATHER OF his SON Jesus and never once do the apostles of Jesus ever identify Jesus as being ONE and the SELFSAME being as ALMIGHTY God the Father Himself. Nowhere in the Bible is Jesus clearly and plainly called God to MEAN that Jesus is the ONE true and ONLY ALMIGHTY God.

Please read the following list of Scriptures that prove beyond any shadow of a doubt the Almighty God the FATHER is the GOD OF His SON, Jesus.


Ephesians 1:1.


“That THE GOD OF our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory may give unto you the spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of him:”


2 Corinthians 11:31.


THE GOD and Father OF our Lord Jesus Christ, which is blessed for evermore, knows that I lie not.”


Ephesians 1:3.


“Blessed be THE GOD and Father OF our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us with all spiritual blessings in heavenly places in Christ:”


1 Peter 1:3.


“Blessed be THE GOD God and Father OF our Lord Jesus Christ, which according to his abundant mercy has begotten us again unto a lively hope by the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead,”


Jesus said to Mary Magdalene right after he was raised from the dead for Mary not to touch him because he had not yet ascended up to heaven to HIS God and Father.

Please read John 20:17 where Jesus himself calls the ONE true and only ALMIGHTY God his God and Father.


John 20:17.


“Jesus said unto her, Touch me not; for (Or because) I am not yet ascended to MY Father: but go to my brethren, and say unto them, I ascend unto MY Father, and YOUR Father; and to MY God, and YOUR God.”


The Bible teaches us that the ONE true and only ALMIGHTY God the FATHER is the God and Father of all Christians AND that the ONE true and only ALMIGHTY God is also the GOD OF and FATHER OF His SON Jesus.

Remember what we read in 1 Corinthians 8:6 that to us, as Christians, there is but ONE God who is the FATHER and one “Lord” who is Jesus the Christ the SON OF the living God. Ephesians chapter 4 teaches us the same thing in different wording.


Ephesians 4:6.


“ONE GOD and Father of all, who is ABOVE, and through all, and in you all.”


Almighty God the Father is above ALL and this includes the Father being, above or over his SON Jesus. More on this matter of the Bible clearly teaches us that Jesus is SUBORDINATE to HIS God and Father the ONE true and only ALMIGHTY God being the FATHER of all and above all later on in this study. You can also read the study “U-7. Is JESUS ALMIGHTY GOD? for a deeper understanding of the WHOLE word of God that clearly teaches us that Jesus is subordinate or under his God and Father who alone in THE ALMIGHTY. But for now, let us continue this study in God’s word where we read in 1 Timothy 2:5 that there is but ONE God who ALONE is the FATHER. This verse again teaches us that Jesus is NOT one and the self-same being as Almighty God the Father, because Jesus is a MEDIATOR BETWEEN God and mankind.


1 Timothy 2:5.


“For there is ONE God, and one MEDIATOR BETWEEN God and men, the MAN Christ Jesus;”


It makes absolutely no sense whatsoever to say that Jesus is one and the self-same being as Almighty God the Father, because how can the MAN Jesus Christ be a mediator BETWEEN God and mankind if so be, that Jesus is Almighty God Himself?

NOR does it make any sense to say that Jesus is a MANIFESTATION or a MODE of God being BOTH Almighty God the Father AND His SON Jesus at the same time, because the CLEAR, PLAIN, and SIMPLE language here speaks of a mediator who is mediating BETWEEN TWO parties, which are God and mankind where the MEDIATOR is the MAN Jesus Christ. The Bible teaches us that God is NOT a MAN and Jesus is clearly identified as being the Son of MAN. Jesus was born of a human woman and was clearly seen by all who saw him as being a HUMAN BEING where God was WITH him.

Clearly, those who teach the doctrine of the Trinity have interpreted the Scripture right is this ONE AREA to rightly teach that Jesus is NOT the FATHER and that Almighty God the Father is NOT his SON Jesus. However, this is NOT to say that the rest of the doctrine of the Trinity is SOUND BIBLICAL teaching. I have written many Bible studies that clearly and plainly show in simplicity the errors of the doctrine of the Trinity.

I even thought for a time of leaving Trinitarian churches altogether and start attending Unitarian churches, BUT after I did some research on my own I concluded that the ONENESS teaching was further from the truth than the doctrine of the Trinity. The Holy Spirit has taught me that BOTH Unitarians and Trinitarians are Christian churches where many sincere faithful Christians are being taught the LOVE of God. 

In other words, whether Christians believe the doctrine of the Trinity or they deny the doctrine of the Trinity they are still yet Christians. And whether Christians believe in the doctrine of oneness or they deny the doctrine of oneness they are still yet Christians. To say this another way NEITHER of these false doctrines determine whether or not a person is saved or not.

With that being said, let us continue this study in God’s word to see what the WHOLE word of God teaches us about Jesus being God.

In some of the early church letters and teachings, we learn that some Christians explained that Almighty God the Father and his Son Jesus were like a MONARCH where there is but ONE Kingdom being ruled by one SUPREME King who had another King under him. This was called Monarchianism and I myself thought that this was a pretty good analogy of Almighty God the Father as being the SUPREME King and Jesus his Son sitting at his own right hand being made a King of kings ruling over earthly kings but still yet under that authority of his God and Father the SUPREME SOVEREIGN King of kings. Please read the study  “U-28. REVELATION 14:17 WHO IS THE KING OF KINGS?, which gives all the Scriptures showing us that the whole word of God teaches us that Almighty God the Father is THE King of ALL kings including being King over his SON Jesus whom he made to become a King of kings.

In doing this research to answer the question “WHAT IS UNITARIANISM?” I have learned that there are many different branches of Unitarianism, which have many DIFFERENT beliefs. Therefore, it is not such a simple straight forward question to answer. So I decided to take a different approach and cover each teaching that I have been made aware of. Recently a dear brother in the Lord wrote thanking me for the studies I have written that helped him see that Unitarianism was not sound Biblical teaching. In his letter, he mentioned that he was finished with Unitarianism as being “Socinianism”, which I had to look up for I had never heard of Socinianism before his writing to me.

Here is what a Trinitarian website writes concerning “Socinianism” as being a branch or offshoot of Unitarianism. For the sake of teaching my readers how to discern truth from error, I will add emphasis and my own personal insights and comments regarding the verses of scripture used to try and disprove the teachings of “Socinianism”. Again, please do not misunderstand what I am endeavoring to teach. I am NOT teaching that ALL of what Socinianism teaches is the truth, but rather I am showing you my readers and seekers of the truth HOW to search the whole word of God for yourselves to see if what you are being taught is the truth of the whole word of God, and how to KEEP that which is the TRUTH and discard the rest. Please note that the Trinitarian viewpoint is in a different font style; 


Question: “What is Socinianism?”


Answer: Socinianism is an unorthodox form of non-trinitarianism that was developed around the same time as the Protestant Reformation (1517-1648) by Italian humanist Lelio Sozzini and later promulgated by his cousin, Fausto Sozzini. In modern times Socinianism has been referred to as psilanthropism, the view that Jesus was merely human (from the Greek psilo meaning “merely/only” and anthropos meaning “man/human being”), a view rejected by the First Council of Nicaea.


Now, when it is CONVENIENT to support certain doctrines of different denominations, then that particular denomination will use the decrees of the early church as put forth in the First Council of Nicaea. However, if a certain decree put forth by the Council of Nicaea opposes some certain teaching of that particular denomination, then that denomination will NOT bring that point to the reader’s attention. My point of view is always to place the word of TRUTH, the Holy Bible, ABOVE any church doctrine or decree of what is accepted by the LEADERS of the church as being the truth. Also, I would like to point out the “wording” of this Trinitarian writer saying that Socinians believed that Jesus was “MERELY” a human being leaving the reader to possibility of being misled that Socinians did not believe in the virgin birth of Jesus and that Almighty God HIMSELF LITERALLY became the Son of MAN by speaking forth his desire to have a SON. Please read the study called “U-6. WHAT DOES JESUS is GOD INCARNATE MEAN?” for the TRUE meaning of God incarnate as taught from the WHOLE word of God.


The Socinians held to a rationalistic approach to Scripture and to faith. This philosophical approach, especially in regard to biblical doctrine, declares that all religious matters must be fully reconcilable with human reason and that theological matters pertaining to the nature of God cannot be beyond the finite understanding of the human mind. This idea clearly contradicts the Bible, which affirms the supernatural essence of God and the impossibility of the finite mind fully comprehending the infinite (Job 9:10; Isaiah 55:8-11; Romans 11:33).


I myself happen to agree with Socinians on this particular point that all church doctrines should be RATIONAL and easy to explain. And if they cannot be found to be reconcilable with human REASONING, then they should not be dogmatically taught as a must, without fail, to be believed doctrine that just has to be accepted by faith because it is some kind of “MYSTERY” of God beyond the comprehension of human beings. 

Now, as to the verses that this Trinitarian writer cites as proof that not all church “doctrine” needs to be RATIONAL, are either taken out of context or they are mere interpretations that are being read into what these verses SEEM to be saying

Job 9:10 is speaking of the WORKS of God being so vast that the human mind could not possibly contain all the knowledge of God. This verse has nothing whatsoever to do with TEACHING the things of God which God has shown us in his word.

Isaiah 55:8-11 is speaking of God’s ways and thoughts being higher or ABOVE the ways and thoughts of his people Israel. The word “thoughts” here in this context is speaking of God’s PLAN of salvation and not God’s ability and supreme knowledge that is so vast no human could comprehend. The word “higher” in the context means ABOVE or supersedes the opinions, ways, and plans of human beings.

In truth, Isaiah 55:11 actually supports the rock-solid Biblical teaching that God SPEAKS forth his WORD and then the SPOKEN WORD of God BECOMES or comes into being what God has SPOKEN forth in his WORD. 


Here is the LITERAL translation of Isaiah 55:11.


So he is word of me which he is going forth from MOUTH of me not he is returning to me empty but rather he does which I desire and he prospers in which I sent him.”


Please read the study “V-22. John 1:1 THE WORD WAS GOD! for a deeper understanding that God is becoming what God says he will be.

Romans 11:33 is again speaking of the knowledge and ways of God are being past finding out and has nothing whatsoever to do with the TEACHING of God’s REVEALED word of truth.

You see my dear brothers and sisters in our Lord Jesus Christ, God’s word clearly teaches us that God has given us to KNOW the things that God has freely given us. 


Please read 1 Corinthians 2:12.


“Now we have received, not the spirit of the world, but the spirit which is of God; that (or so that) we might KNOW the things that are freely given to us of God.”


Let us continue with this quote from a Trinitarian website that tries to prove that Socinianism is false teaching just because it does not agree with “ORTHODOX”  Trinitarian Christianity.


The Socinians rejected the HISTORIC, Orthodox beliefs concerning the nature of God, especially His omniscience. They rejected the doctrine of the Trinity in favor of Unitarianism, a belief system they promoted in their “Catechism of Unitarians” (1574). They also rejected the orthodox (again referring to the ACCEPTED HISTORIC orthodox, but not always the VOLUNTARY accepted) belief of the divinity of Jesus Christ, as summarized in the Racovian Catechism of 1605, and held to the view that the Son of God did not exist until He was born a man. The Bible, however, makes it clear that Jesus is the pre-existing second Person of the Trinity (John 1:1, 17:5; Hebrews 1:8-12).


NO, the Bible does NOT make it CLEAR that Jesus preexisted as a separate person of divine eternal Spirit being who was with God at his side. And certainly, the Bible does NOT clearly teach that Jesus preexisted as the SECOND person of the Trinity called God the Son

John 1:1 clearly states that the WORD was with God in a beginning and NOT that JESUS was with God in a beginning. The word of God goes on to say in John 1:11 that the word BECAME flesh. This agrees with Isaiah 55:11 where the SPOKEN word of God will BECOME what God desires to BE. Again please read the study JOHN 1:1 THE WORD WAS GOD! for a deeper understanding of what this verse truly means in the LIGHT of the WHOLE word of God.

John 17:5 speaks of the glory that the Son of MAN, Jesus, came to understand from reading the scriptures where God chose from before the foundation of the whole to bring forth a SON into the world who would do all his will and then BECAUSE of his SON’S obedience God would GLORIFY his Son. Please read the study “O-4. DID JESUS PREEXIST as the SON OF GOD?

Hebrews 1:8-12 speaks of Jesus being highly exalted to become a God UNDER his God and Father to sit on his Father’s throne to rule and reign in his Father’s kingdom. Please read the study “U-32. DOES HEBREWS 1:10 PROVE THAT JESUS is YAHWEH?

You see dear child of God, the way Trinitarians KEEP Trinitarian believers to remain Trinitarians is to ONLY teach Trinitarianism. And the way to KEEP Oneness believers believing in the doctrine of “ONENESS” is to ONLY teach the doctrine of Oneness.

Now for me, I myself believe that the best way to root and ground a believer in the TRUTH of the WHOLE word of God is to present them with ALL the evidence from God’s word and let them LOGICALLY decide for themselves by the leading of the Holy Spirit to believe what teaching makes the most sense based upon the WHOLE word of God WITHOUT the fear of persecution by their fellow believers in our Lord Jesus the Christ.

Again, please notice that when it is CONVENIENT Christians will use church HISTORY to support teaching that they themselves believe and teach. However, if church HISTORY opposes what that particular denomination teaches, then they do not bring this to the reader’s attention. Now to me, church history should ONLY be used to CONFIRM what the clear, plain and simple word of God teaches. Therefore, if any church doctrine is not clear, plain, and simple teaching that can easily be seen in the word of God, then church history should NOT be used to try and support such a teaching in a dogmatic demanding way as a matter of salvation, because there were many FALSE teachings in the HISTORY of the church.

You see how “PEER PRESSURE” and “INTIMIDATION” can mislead a Christian to wrongly receive a church doctrine that has been widely accepted by the church as recorded in the HISTORY of the church. Again the fact that a church doctrine if widely accepted does NOT prove that widely accepted teaching is SOUND BIBLICAL teaching just because certain leaders of the church decreed it to be. There have been many FALSE doctrines that certain LEADERS of the church dogmatically demanded were the truth and because of the charisma of these leaders or because of fear and intimidation the followers of these leaders simply accepted what they were being taught to avoid persecution. So beware when teachers of God’s word use church HISTORY to try and prove things that are not clearly seen in the word of God. Again, church history should only be used to CONFIRM what the clear, plain, and simple word of God teaches through the leading of the Holy Spirit.


The Socinians also developed one of the earliest forms of the heterodox belief known today as open theism as they believed God only knew necessary truths (what will come to pass) but not contingent truths (what might possibly come to pass) in order to explain how man could retain his free will in light of God being all-knowing. Again, this is contrary to Scriptural passages such as Psalm 33:11, Isaiah 14:24, and Isaiah 46:10, which affirm God’s sovereignty over all events from before time began.


NO, it is NOT contrary to the WHOLE word of God. As I have said many times, When a verse is read out of context and apart from the rest of God’s word, then it may SEEM to be saying something that it is NOT TRULY saying.

Psalm 33:11 speaks of God’s SPECIFIC plans. Again the word “thoughts” in this context refers to God’s PLANS and not every thought and desire or will of God. It is God’s will or desire that all of mankind be saved, but we know from the whole word of God that not all of mankind will be saved.

Isaiah 14:24 speaks of ONLY the things that God has PROPHESIED to BE and has nothing whatsoever to do with every single thing that takes place. The whole word of God does NOT teach that God has ordained everything that happens as a PREDESTINED thing that must, without fail, happen and that there is nothing anyone can do to change their “so-called” predestined destiny. Please read “Cc-11. PREDESTINATION WHAT DOES THE BIBLE SAY?”

Isaiah 46:10, again, speaks of God declaring SPECIFIC things to come to pass BEFORE they come to pass. Therefore, God knows the END because he spoke the end into existence from the BEGINNING by PROPHESYING the end.

The word of God does NOT teach that God knows every single thing before it happens from all eternity past. Please read the study “Cc-25 THE SOVEREIGNTY OF GOD!, which will give those seeking the truth of the whole word of God a sound Biblical understanding of what the BIBLE teaches us about the Sovereignty of God as opposed to what the mainstream churches teach about the sovereignty of God.


Lastly, the Socinians rejected the propitiatory view of the atonement, the Orthodox Biblical doctrine stating that the sacrifice of Christ FULLY satisfied God’s wrath towards His people (Isaiah 53:10).

Socinians favor what is called the “example theory” of the atonement, the theory that Christ bore the sins of His people on the cross only in the sense that His sacrifice served to incite us to abandon our sins. The Racovian Catechism, under the heading of “Refutation of the Vulgar Doctrine about the Satisfaction of Christ for Our Sins,” states, “And I affirm that he did not make satisfaction for our sins to the divine justice . . . nor was there any need that he should make satisfaction” (De Servatore, ch. 1). In this unscriptural view, Christ only became sin (2 Corinthians 5:21) and a curse (Galatians 3:13) for His people in the sense that He sacrificed Himself merely to motivate people to repent and believe. The Scriptures teach that Christ’s sacrifice was a perfect guilt offering (Isaiah 53:10) for the sins of His people through which God justified the ungodly (Romans 3:26) and guaranteed the justification of the many who would believe (Isaiah 53:11; Romans 3:30). In other words, Socinians believe Christ came not to save His people from their sins, but to make them savable, and the rest is up to them. This is nothing more than another works-based salvation theory.


What many Trinitarian churches, as well as those who teach the doctrine of Oneness, have not yet come to understand is that Salvation, according to the WHOLE word of God, is in the PRESENT tense, as in, a believer is yet BEING saved. The literal translations of the phrase, “Believe and you shall be saved” should be understood as “BELIEVING and you shall BE BEING saved”. 

What this means is that when a person accepts Jesus as their “PROPITIATORY” atonement for their sin they are saved, in that, they are forgiven of all their past sins and placed back in the right relationship with Almighty God the Father. Then from that point on they must OBEY the leading of the Holy Spirit keeping the commandments of God under the New Covenant written in the New Testament in order to receive the promise of eternal life in the world to come, which is the receiving of the END of our salvation. The Bible itself clearly teaches us that ONLY those of us who ENDURE unto the END shall be saved.


Matthew 24:12,13.


“And because iniquity shall abound, the love of many shall wax cold.

13.  But he that shall endure unto the end, the same shall be saved.”


So then, if a Christian disobeys the leading of the Holy Spirit by NOT keeping the MORAL commandments of God they must repent of their sins in order to be forgiven and placed back in a right relationship with Almighty God the Father. And if a Christian should be deceived by the enemy to fall back into a lifestyle of sin and they should die while willfully living in a lifestyle of sin, then they shall NOT receive eternal life in the world to come. Now you can call this works-based salvation or any other thing that you like, but it does NOT change what the word of TRUTH, the Holy Bible, clearly and plainly teaches us. Please read the study “F-2. Is ONCE SAVED ALWAYS SAVED BIBLICAL?”

The WHOLE word of God does indeed teach that God cleanses us from all our past sins so that he can come and DWELL IN us to EMPOWER us to overcome the enemy and live free from any and all sin by BELIEVING the promises in his word. And the Bible does indeed teach us that Jesus is the EXAMPLE which we are to follow in his steps who did NOT SIN. Please read the study “F-12. HOW YOU CAN LIVE YOUR LIFE FREE FROM SIN!. So in the light of the WHOLE word of God the Socinians had it right on this point as well. If you do not read any other study that I have written I implore you to read the above two studies for your very reward of eternal life depends on you understanding that any one of us can be deceived by the teachings of man that will cause us to lose our crown of life in the world to come. 


Socinianism, as well as all heterodox Unitarian theological beliefs, is irreconcilable with what God has personally revealed to us in His Word. Socinianism rejects the clear, revealed teaching of the triune nature (Matthew 28:19, John 1:1, 14:26) of the one, true God (Deuteronomy 6:4; Isaiah 43:10, 44:6). It rejects the clear, revealed teaching that the Son of God has existed since the foundation of the world (John 17:4; Hebrews 1:8-12; Revelation 13:8). It rejects the clear, revealed teaching that God is truly omniscient (all-knowing), that He is an omnipresent being that knows every event that will ever occur (Job 37:16; Psalm 33:11. 147:5; Isaiah 14:5, 46:10; Acts 15:18). Most erroneously, it rejects the clear, revealed teaching that the sacrifice of Christ fully satisfied the wrath of God and that Christ drank every last bit from the cup of God’s wrath against the sins of His people (Isaiah 53; Matthew 1:21). As such, the teachings of Socinianism should be rejected, and those who hold to this theological viewpoint should be prayed for in the hope that God if He is willing, will open their hearts and minds to understand the truth He has revealed to us in His Word and through the Holy Spirit.


Yes, Socinianism does indeed reject the THEOLOGICAL teaching of Almighty God being a “TRIUNE God”, because Socinians base their THEOLOGICAL teaching upon the WHOLE word of God that clearly does NOT AGREE with this man-made THEOLOGICAL doctrine of the Trinity. Now again, this is NOT to say that ALL of the teachings of Socinianism are sound Biblical teachings, but rather that their REJECTING the theological teaching of a triune God is certainly sound Biblical teaching. Also, rejecting the Calvinistic theology of IF IT BE GOD’S WILL to save you, then you will be saved as being a false church doctrine is to base your belief on sound Biblical teaching.

Now, I myself have done many in-depth studies in God’s word on exposing the errors of interpretation by those who teach the doctrine of the Trinity, Calvinism, and many other false doctrines. Many of these studies deal specifically with some of the verses that this Trinitarian writer uses as reasons why he personally believes that the man-made doctrine of the Trinity is based on scripture. You see my dear brothers and sisters in our Lord Jesus Christ, ANY teaching that is not a CLEAR, PLAIN, and SIMPLE teaching that is taken directly from God’s word as a QUOTE, then it is an INTERPRETATION of what that particular person has come to conclude that a verse or a combination of verses mean to THEM. In other words, any interpretation of what God’s word means is a THEORY or a THEOLOGY and, therefore. it is THEOLOGICAL teaching.

I myself do my best to teach only things that AGREE with direct QUOTES from the Bible that need absolutely NO interpretation. For example, we can find many direct QUOTES from the Bible that CLEARLY and PLAINLY STATE that Jesus IS the SON OF God. No one needs to INTERPRET that the Bible clearly teaches that Jesus is the SON OF God, because it is clearly and plainly STATED word for word in the Bible. So, therefore, any person who DENIES that Jesus IS the SON OF God, then that person does not truly BELIEVE the word of TRUTH, the Holy Bible.

With that being said there are absolutely NO verses that clearly STATES word for word that Jesus IS the FATHER.

There is not one single verse in the entire Bible that clearly STATES word for word that Jesus IS YAHWEH.

You will not find anywhere in the Bible that clearly STATES word for word that Jesus is ALMIGHTY God. Please read the study “U-7. Is JESUS ALMIGHTY GOD?” But you will find many verses that clearly state that the Father is the God OF Jesus. And it is impossible for an Almighty God to have another God OVER Him. So since Jesus does, indeed, have Almighty God the Father OVER him, then that proves that Jesus is NOT Yahweh, the ONE TRUE and ONLY ALMIGHTY God.

So, therefore, any teaching that dogmatically demands that Jesus is the Father, Yahweh, or Almighty God, is nothing more than some man-made THEORETICAL teaching that is based upon someone’s INTERPRETATION of what certain verses that they have CONCLUDED to mean by a particular person who then TAUGHT their OWN PERSONAL interpretation to others. This is how so many DIFFERENT theoretical church doctrines came to be that consequently divided the church into many different church denominations.

Please do NOT misunderstand what I am saying. I am NOT saying that Jesus did not come from Almighty God and that Jesus was not divinely conceived in the womb of Mary. There is absolutely NO DOUBT that the whole word of God teaches us that Jesus came OUT FROM God. And in the light of all the Scriptures, Yahweh, the Father, is the SOURCE of all creation. So we have two choices, either Almighty God the Father created everything out of nothing or God created everything out from HIMSELF. Now, I personally believe that Yahweh, the Father, created everything from HIMSELF. But that does NOT mean that what God created from himself remains divine in nature. So then, when Almighty God HIMSELF BECAME FLESH, the Son of MAN who was given the name Jesus, then that means that Jesus was 100% HUMAN having NO divine nature during the DAYS of his FLESH. That is what the WHOLE word of God teaches. Please read the studies “U-6. WHAT DOES JESUS is GOD INCARNATE TRULY MEAN?”, “O-18. Is JESUS THE CREATOR OR A CREATION?”,  and “M-8. DID GOD CREATE ALL THINGS OUT OF NOTHING?”

Now, a person can make the claim that what I myself teach is just a THEORY as well and to a certain degree they would be correct. However, what I teach I do my utmost best to make absolutely sure that I base my conclusion upon the WHOLE word of God of what the not so clear verses mean and then I present my conclusion as a THEORY or OPINION. In other words, I make it known to my readers upfront that it is my own theory or opinion. To say this another way, I do not intimidate others to believe that they MUST believe that Jesus had his beginning at the virgin birth or they cannot be saved. But rather I simply point to all the sound Biblical evidence and then I leave it between my readers and God for them to make their own choice as to what they choose to believe.

For example, when I first began to see that the doctrine of the Trinity is NOT based upon the WHOLE word of God when my eyes of understanding were OPENED to see that certain clear, plain STATEMENTS in the Bible as being directly QUOTED word for word CONTRADICTED the theological doctrine of the Trinity and the doctrine of the Deity of Jesus. And then I simply asked my readers to CONSIDER what the Holy Spirit was showing me so that they could read those same verses for themselves and decide between them and God which teaching agrees with the WHOLE word of God and which teaching CONTRADICTS other parts of God’s word.

You see, dear children of God, some Christians have THEORIZED that Jesus is FULLY God and fully man at the same time with their emphasis on Jesus as being FULLY ALMIGHTY God Himself being INCARNATED in the flesh. In other words, to THEM this means that Almighty God himself became a MAN but yet REMAINED fully Almighty God at the same time having TWO natures one divine and one human according to the INTERPRETATIONS of what certain verses mean. But yet nowhere in SCRIPTURE is it taught that Jesus had two natures during the days of his flesh.

Here are 19 clear, plain, and simple statements of FACT that anyone with eyes to SEE and ears to hear can be read directly from God’s word for themselves to clearly see that all these verses from the Bible itself CONTRADICT these two Trinitarian THEOLOGICAL teachings of Jesus being the second person of a Triune God and Jesus being fully Almighty God himself and fully a man at the same time having TWO nature, one divine and one human and TWO wills, one divine and one human. To ME, this is saying that Jesus IS the FATHER because the Bible itself always identifies Almighty God as being the FATHER ONLY.

For the full study in God’s word on these 19 statements of FACT found in clear, plain, and simple verses in the Bible that do not need any interpretation whatsoever to understand what they mean please read the study called N-1. 37 Facts to Ponder about Jesus being GOD! All the scripture references are given at the end of this list of 19 FACTS which have now become 37 FACTS found in the Bible that clearly teach us that Jesus cannot possibly be ALMIGHTY God himself in the flesh. 

The truth of the matter is that Almighty God the Father DWELT IN his SON Jesus and that is how God was WITH us. The Holy Spirit has since added to the list of 19 FACTS now having revealed to me 37 things every Christian should ponder concerning Jesus being ALMIGHTY God.


FACT #1.


Jesus had a WILL of his OWN that was different from the WILL of Almighty God, the Father and therefore Jesus needed to become OBEDIENT to do his Father’s WILL saying NOT MY will but YOUR will, heavenly Father, be done. So then, how can Jesus be one and the same being as Almighty God the Father and have a DIFFERENT or SEPARATE WILL of his OWN that needed to be brought UNDER the will of his God and Father the one true and ONLY ALMIGHTY God?

Therefore, TWO different WILLS simply and plainly speaks of TWO different persons or BEINGS and NOT ONE and the SELF-SAME being as the doctrine of oneness, and the doctrine of the Trinity combined with the doctrine of the deity of Jesus being fully God and fully man at the same time having TWO nature and TWO wills in the ONE and SELF-SAME BEING as some falsely teach. The WHOLE word of God clearly and plainly STATES that Jesus is the SON OF Almighty God and therefore it can be clearly concluded that Jesus is NOT the one and the self-same being as Almighty God the FATHER.

The Bible clearly states that to us, as Christians, there is but ONE GOD and then clearly identifies this ONE GOD as being the FATHER. Jesus is NOT the FATHER, so how can I accept any teaching that dogmatically demands that we believe that Jesus IS THE ONE true and ONLY ALMIGHTY God, which the word of TRUTH, the Holy Bible, plainly and in simplicity teaches us is the FATHER?

All I am saying, dear children of God, is for you to THINK things through for yourself and PONDER these questions that I and many, many other Christians have pondered over without fear of being persecuted by our brothers and sisters in Jesus Christ for DISAGREEING with the man-made doctrine of the Trinity, the man-made doctrine of oneness, and the man-made doctrine of the deity of Jesus being fully Almighty God and fully a man at the same time.

So then, once again, to us whose eyes have been opened to see the truth of the WHOLE word of God the FACT of two different WILLS means that there must, without fail, be TWO distinctly different persons or beings, who are definitely NOT ONE and the SELF-SAME being as in Jesus being the ONE true and ONLY Almighty God HIMSELF and fully a man at the same time.


FACT #2.


Jesus was TEMPTED with evil to sin against his God and Father and the word of God plainly teaches us that Almighty God the Father HIMSELF CANNOT be TEMPTED with evil. So then, since ALMIGHTY God himself CANNOT be tempted, then HOW can Jesus be the ONE true and ONLY Almighty God in the FLESH being fully God and fully a man at the same time seeing that the word of TRUTH, the Holy Bible clearly states that Jesus himself was indeed tempted in all points like as we are tempted.

Either we believe that God’s word is true or we believe that only SOME of God’s word is true. We cannot have it both ways. Therefore when our eyes are opened to the TRUTH of the WHOLE word of God to clearly and plainly SEE that Almighty God himself CANNOT be tempted just as his word clearly states, being compared to the clear, plain and simple word of God stating word for word that JESUS the SON OF Almighty God was indeed TEMPTED?

If you deny the TRUTH that Jesus was tempted in all points like we are tempted, then you do not believe the WHOLE word of God. If you deny the TRUTH that Almighty God cannot be tempted, then you do not believe the WHOLE word of God. Therefore the doctrine of the Trinity, the doctrine of oneness and the doctrine of the deity of Jesus that dogmatically demand that Jesus is fully Almighty God and fully a man at the same time is NOT based upon the WHOLE word of God, because they CONTRADICT many CLEAR, PLAIN and simple verses that do NOT need any interpretation whatsoever to clearly see what they mean. They are simple statements of FACT.

Can you not see my dear brothers and sisters in our Lord Jesus Christ, that the THEOLOGICAL teaching that Jesus IS Almighty God himself would mean that Jesus could NOT have been TEMPTED with evil, because the word of TRUTH clearly STATES with no interpretation needed that Almighty God cannot be TEMPTED.

So again, for ME and many other Christians like myself whose eyes have been opened to the truth of the WHOLE word of God, the only obvious answer is that the Bible speaks of TWO distinctly different beings. And over and over, the Bible itself clearly identifies these TWO distinctly different persons or beings as being Almighty God the FATHER and his SON Jesus where the MAN Jesus Christ CAN and was TEMPTED. And where Almighty God the Father CANNOT be TEMPTED. 

So then, how can I accept a man-made THEOLOGICAL teaching that dogmatically demands that I must, without fail, believe that Jesus is ONE and the SELF-SAME BEING as the ONE true and ONLY ALMIGHTY God in order to be saved when the Bible states that the ONE God to us as Christians is the FATHER and the one Lord to us as Christians is his SON Jesus the Christ. I myself cannot accept such a theoretical doctrine that contradicts other parts of God’s word and neither can many, many other Christians whose eyes have been opened to the WHOLE word of God concerning that particular theoretical teaching.


FACT #3.


Jesus did NOT KNOW the day nor the hour of his return, but yet Almighty God the Father does know that day and hour of his Son’s return. HOW can this be IF what we have been TAUGHT is the truth that Jesus IS FULLY God, who is ALL KNOWING, and fully flesh at the SAME time? I mean THINK this through for yourself! How can Almighty God KNOW and NOT KNOW the very SAME thing at the very SAME time? You see IF Jesus is truly the one true and ONLY ALMIGHTY God, then Jesus would BE the FATHER at the SAME time that Jesus is the SON and Jesus would, therefore, KNOW that day and the hour of his return, because Jesus would BE the ONE TRUE and ONLY ALMIGHTY and ALL KNOWING God.

However, the WORD of TRUTH plainly states that Jesus himself did NOT KNOW the day nor the hour of his return when at the SAME time his God and Father DID KNOW the day and the hour of his Son’s return. Therefore the DOCTRINE of the Trinity is simply not SOUND BIBLICAL teaching because for Jesus to be EQUAL with his God and Father, then Jesus WOULD KNOW everything that his Father knows, yet the BIBLE clearly teaches us that Jesus did NOT KNOW what ONLY the ONE true and ONLY ALMIGHTY God the FATHER knows.

This is just one of the many reasons why so many Christians cannot accept the false theoretical teaching of the man-made doctrines of the Trinity, the deity of Jesus, and the oneness teaching that insists that Jesus is the FATHER. Now, both Trinitarians and Oneness Christians will try to explain away these many verses by CLAIMING that Jesus had TWO NATURES at the same time, one divine nature, and the other his human nature. And then they will argue that it was the HUMAN NATURE of Jesus that was not equal with the Father. But yet, they have NO SCRIPTURES that teach us that Jesus had TWO natures during the days of his flesh at the SAME time.

The Bible itself does NOT teach us that Jesus is EQUAL in every way with the Father. It is a doctrine of men who INTERPRET certain verses to mean that Jesus is equal with God. For example, the Jews accused Jesus of making himself equal with God by calling his God his Father and some INTERPRET to mean that Jesus IS equal with Almighty God the Father. Well, the Jews also accused Jesus of having a devil, so then are we to INTERPRET this to mean that Jesus has a devil?

Another thing that does not make any sense whatsoever to me is that if so be that Jesus is ALMIGHTY God himself, then WHY try and prove that Jesus is EQUAL with Almighty God because to me Jesus would already BE Almighty God himself. I mean who would say I am EQUAL to MYSELF? The truth of the matter is that the word of TRUTH does not teach us that Jesus claimed equality with his God and Father THE ALMIGHTY.


FACT #4.


Jesus COULD NOT do any mighty work of healing in his own hometown when the Bible says that NOTHING is impossible with Almighty God. Keep in mind that the word of God does not say that Jesus WOULD not heal these people, but rather that Jesus COULD NOT, in that, Jesus was NOT ABLE to do any mighty works of healing in his own hometown.

I truly believe that it is ALWAYS God’s WILL to heal everyone who comes to God for healing and that NOTHING is impossible with Almighty God who created us to those who BELIEVE. The main point of this verse is that the people who personally knew Jesus would not BELIEVE that Almighty God was WITH or DWELLING IN Jesus to heal them. They simply did not believe that Jesus was the MESSIAH the one whom the scriptures prophesied to come.

Therefore, Jesus was not able to heal them save only a few with minor sicknesses. I truly believe that God desires us to believe that Jesus is the SON OF Almighty God IN WHOM Almighty God the FATHER DWELT to empower his Son to do the works that he sent his Son Jesus out into the world to do. This brings us to FACT #5.


FACT # 5.


Jesus could do nothing OF HIMSELF, but rather Almighty God, the Father, by his Holy Spirit DWELLING IN his SON Jesus was the one who actually did the works. So then, HOW can the DOCTRINE of the trinity be true when this man-made THEORETICAL doctrine teaches us that Jesus is EQUAL to the Father in every way where neither is less than nor greater than the other? The truth of the matter is that the DOCTRINE of the trinity is NOT SOUND BIBLICAL teaching! It needs to be rejected as false teaching because it dogmatically demands that Jesus the SON OF Almighty God the Father is EQUAL in every way with Almighty God the Father.

And then the doctrine of the deity, which came out of the teaching of the Trinity dogmatically demands that Jesus IS FULLY THE ONE true and ONLY ALMIGHTY God as being ONE and the SELF-SAME being or the SELF- SAME GOD, but yet being fully man at the same time. But yet nowhere in the word of TRUTH, the Holy Bible, does it state that Jesus IS THE ONE true and ONLY ALMIGHTY God, which the Bible clearly identifies as being the FATHER and then immediately identifies Jesus as being the SON OF Almighty God and our ONE LORD. Jesus is NOT the FATHER so, therefore, Jesus cannot be THE ONE true and ONLY ALMIGHTY God HIMSELF that the Bible always identifies as being the FATHER.


FACT # 6.


Jesus was ANOINTED by Almighty God, the Father, to preach the gospel and to heal the sick, which raises the question, “Why would Jesus, the SON of Almighty God need to be anointed with the Holy Spirit OF Almighty God, IF so be that Jesus was truly THE ONE TRUE and ONLY ALMIGHTY God in the flesh, being FULLY Almighty God and fully a man who was EQUAL with ALMIGHTY God in every way where neither is greater than or less than the other as the DOCTRINES of the Trinity and the deity of Jesus teaches?”

The truth of the matter is that Jesus is NOT the one true and ONLY Almighty God, who alone is the FATHER according to the word of TRUTH found in 1 Corinthians 8:6. Clearly, Jesus is NOT the FATHER, but rather Jesus is the SON OF Almighty God the Father. The Bible clearly teaches us that Jesus is a separate and completely distinct and different being from his God and Father, the ONE true and ONLY ALMIGHTY God.

The word “CHRIST” means the ANOINTED one. When we consider the WHOLE word of God it is made clear to us that Almighty God the Father DWELT IN his Son Jesus to empower his Son to do the works that his God and Father sent his Son Jesus to do. So to me, it makes absolutely no sense to say that Almighty God dwells in HIMSELF. In truth, this is what Christians are saying when they say that Jesus IS Almighty God. THINK this through for yourself. IF so be that Jesus is Almighty God and Jesus said that the Father IN him did the works, then this would be the same as saying that Almighty God could do nothing of himself, but it was Almighty God the Father IN him that was doing the works.


FACT #7.

Jesus said there is NONE good but the Father ONLY when Jesus himself was addressed as a good master being interpreted as a good teacher. All through the Bible we clearly see that Jesus and Almighty God the Father are DIFFERENT and SEPARATE persons, so then why do some blindly accept the false teaching that Jesus IS FULLY God in the flesh and to be EQUAL with God in every way where neither is greater than nor less than the other.

It should be clear to even the casual reader of God’s word that Jesus plainly stated with no interpretation needed that his Father is GREATER than himself. So then, WHY do some Christians cling to the man-made theoretical doctrine that falsely teaches that Jesus is EQUAL to Almighty God? 

I mean WHY do Trinitarians even add to their doctrine of the Trinity that Jesus is EQUAL WITH the Father when their doctrine of the deity of Jesus dogmatically demands that Jesus IS FULLY THE ALMIGHTY, as in, Jesus as being ONE and the SELF-SAME ALMIGHTY God as the FATHER and yet fully man at the same time.

The truth of the matter of the WHOLE word of God is that Jesus was GIVEN all power BY his God and Father the ALMIGHTY. Jesus gave all the glory to his God and Father and never once claimed to be EQUAL WITH his God and Father, whom Jesus came to show us to be the ONE TRUE and ONLY ALMIGHTY God who is GREATER than all.


FACT #8.


Jesus said the Father is GREATER than ALL in the SAME context where he says that he and the Father are ONE, which literally means that they AGREE as one and NOT that they are one and the SAME being. Can you not see my dear brothers and sisters in our Lord Jesus Christ, that IF this verse where Jesus says, “I and my Father are ONE” TRULY means that Jesus and the Father are ONE and the SELF-SAME being, then the DOCTRINE of the trinity is still in error by CONTRADICTING itself because the doctrine of the Trinity plainly states that Jesus is NOT the FATHER.

The man-made doctrine of the Trinity is full of ERRORS and it CONTRADICTS not only itself but the word of TRUTH, the Holy Bible. Also, I want you to ponder on IF the phrase in John 1:1 “…the Word WAS God.” truly means that Jesus is GOD, in that, Jesus is THE ONE TRUE and ONLY ALMIGHTY God, then this would ALSO make Jesus to BE the FATHER, and therefore would contradict the teaching of the doctrine of the Trinity that states that Jesus is NOT the Father.

You see my dear brothers and sisters in our Lord Jesus Christ, ever time a Christian tries to make Jesus to BE Almighty God himself, then they are in truth saying that Jesus IS the FATHER. However, the WHOLE word of TRUTH clearly and plainly teaches us that Jesus is NOT the FATHER and that only the FATHER is the ONE true and ONLY ALMIGHTY God.


FACT # 9.


Jesus was, is and always will be UNDER or SUBJECT unto THE one true and ONLY Almighty God, who the Bible clearly identifies as being the FATHER. Often Christians TRY and explain away these CONTRADICTIONS between the man-made theoretical teachings of the doctrine of the Trinity and the clear plain and simple word of God by reasoning that Jesus was only under his God and Father while he was in the FLESH.

However, IF this were true, then they would be CONTRADICTING their own belief in their doctrine of the Trinity because they would be in fact saying that Jesus was NOT FULLY God in the FLESH and that Jesus was not fully EQUAL with Almighty God the Father while Jesus was on the earth.

The truth of the matter is that no matter how you slice or dice it, so to speak, the clear plain and simple word of truth cannot be reasoned away. Please be absolutely sure that you carefully and prayerfully read all the verses below that clearly teach us that Jesus is UNDER and SUBJECT to his God and Father even now while Jesus is seated on his Father’s throne in heaven and even after the 1000 year reign of Jesus will still be UNDER and SUBJECT to his God and Father, the ONE TRUE and ONLY ALMIGHTY God.

Therefore, any logical thinking Christian must conclude that Jesus is NOT the ONE TRUE and ONLY ALMIGHTY God because being the ALL MIGHTY God means that there is NO God that is OVER you! And clearly the word of TRUTH, the Holy Bible, teaches us that Jesus is UNDER and SUBJECT to his God and Father, the ALMIGHTY.


FACT # 10.


Jesus plainly calls Almighty God, the Father, HIS GOD, and HIS FATHER and God the Father HIMSELF says to his SON Jesus that he is the GOD OF or THE God over his Son Jesus saying EVEN YOUR God has anointed YOU in Hebrews 1:9.

Again, the very word “ALMIGHTY” means that there is NO God over or above the ONE TRUE and ONLY ALMIGHTY God the Father of ALL including being the Father and God OF his only begotten SON Jesus. There can be only ONE God, who is THE ALMIGHTY and the ONE true and ONLY Almighty God is the FATHER, who is THE GOD over his SON Jesus.


FACT # 11.


Jesus NEVER once claims that he himself is the one true and only Almighty God. In fact, neither Jesus nor the rest of God’s word teaches us that Jesus is equal to Almighty God. The word of God clearly and plainly teaches that Jesus is the Son OF Almighty God the Father. The word teaches us that Almighty God the Father is GREATER than Jesus. So why then do some still dogmatically cling and teach the doctrines of men that clearly CONTRADICT the clear plain and simple word of TRUTH, the Holy Bible?

To me the answer is simple, Satan does not want Christians to know that the very SAME Almighty God the Father DWELLS IN them in the very SAME way that Almighty God the Father DWELT IN his SON Jesus to EMPOWER us to do the SAME works that his Son Jesus did THROUGH the eternal Holy Spirit who DWELT IN Jesus.

Satan does NOT want Christians to believe in the DOCTRINE of “CHRIST” the ANOINTING that DWELLS IN us in the SAME way that the “ANOINTING of the Holy Spirit” DWELT IN Jesus the SON OF Almighty God the Father. The Bible says, for or because IN HIM DWELT the fullness of the Godhead, speaking of Almighty God the Father himself DWELLING IN his SON Jesus to EMPOWER him and us to do mighty works of healing and even raising the dead. Satan does NOT want us to BELIEVE in this doctrine “CHRIST” teaching that Jesus was ANOINTED BY his God and Father, but rather Satan wants Christians to believe that Jesus IS Almighty God HIMSELF so that they will not fully understand the ANOINTING that DWELLS IN them.

I truly believe that this false doctrine of the Trinity has blinded Christians to the TRUTH that the SAME ANOINTING DWELLS IN them as the fullness of the Godhead to do the same works that Almighty God did through his SON Jesus. That is why these doctrines of devils that falsely teach that Jesus claimed over and over to BE THE ONE TRUE and ONLY ALMIGHTY God and that Jesus claimed to be EQUAL WITH Almighty God fill the mainstream church to keep believers blind to the truth that they have Almighty God the Father DWELLING IN them to EMPOWER them to do the SAME works of healing and raising the dead that God did through his SON Jesus. The truth of the matter is that Jesus NEVER claimed to BE God or to be EQUAL WITH his God and Father. Satan wants Christians to be DIVIDED so that he can devour as many Christians as he can.


FACT #12.


Jesus rather plainly states 80 times that he is the Son of MAN. Even when Jesus is addressed as being the Son of God, Jesus immediately turns it around and calls himself the Son of MAN. Please read the study called “N-4. JESUS THE SON OF MAN” where you will learn why the Bible speaks of Jesus being the Son of MAN twice as much as it refers to Jesus being the Son of God.

In fact, there is only one time where the Bible clearly and plainly comes straight out and states that God’s SON, Jesus, is God. But please UNDERSTAND the TRUE meaning of this ONE verse for you see the very context of this one time where Almighty God the Father calls his Son Jesus “God” it is clearly understood BY the CONTEXT that Almighty God the Father is God OVER his Son Jesus being EXALTED to become a God to rule and reign at the Father’s right hand to sit upon his Father’s throne. It is only those who teach the doctrine of the Trinity who take this verse OUT of context and dogmatically demand that this verse means that Jesus IS THE ONE true and ONLY ALMIGHTY God. 

But the truth of the matter is that IF this verse is LEFT in the CONTEXT and still demanded to mean that what the doctrine of the Trinity CLAIMS that it means, then this verse would be identifying Jesus the SON OF Almighty God to BE the FATHER, which again contradicts their own doctrine that plainly states that the SON is NOT the FATHER and that the Father is NOT the SON.

So yes, Jesus is a god, a “THEOS” whom Almighty God has HIGHLY EXALTED to BECOME a god to be seated at the right hand of his God and Father, but in no way does this verse mean that Jesus IS THE ALMIGHTY God HIMSELF, which again would mean that this verse would be saying that Jesus IS the FATHER. Once again the BIBLE, the word of TRUTH clearly and plainly identifies the one true and only ALMIGHTY God as being the FATHER. The Bible clearly distinguishes the difference between the MAN Jesus Christ and the God and Father OF Jesus Christ. 


FACT # 13.


Whatever the “Word” was in the beginning before the Word BECAME or the word was MADE FLESH is not what is in question. But rather, what is in question is what the word BECAME when the word of God was SPOKEN by the angel Gabriel to the Virgin Mary, who then BELIEVED and received God’s SPOKEN WORD to be DONE in her as God desired to be.

The Bible teaches us that the Word BECAME FLESH and dwelt among us. The clearly plain and simple word of God does NOT say that the word became a God/man who is fully God and fully man at the same time, but rather plainly states that the word BECAME FLESH.

So then, this HUMAN MAN that was CREATED or MADE or brought into existence BY the spoken “Word” of Almighty God the Father was GIVEN the name Jesus who dwelt among mankind some 2000 years ago. The Bible goes on to tell us that he, the Word that was with God stripped himself of ALL his FORM and took upon himself the FORM of man and became FLESH and blood just like you and me.

Again, I want to point out that if one dogmatically demands that since A=B, and B=C, then A=C to automatically mean that since the Word = Almighty God, and the Word=Jesus, then, therefore, Jesus = Almighty God, then you are also dogmatically saying that Jesus IS the FATHER, and therefore, you are contradicting your own teaching of the Trinity.

You see the Bible, the word of TRUTH teaches us that “A”= Almighty God or “A”= “B”, and “B”=The FATHER, or “B”= “C”, and, therefore, since “A”= “B” and “B” = “C”, then “A”= “C” this also means that ALMIGHTY God IS the FATHER.

Therefore, to dogmatically CLAIM that Jesus IS THE ALMIGHTY God is to dogmatically demand that Jesus IS THE FATHER. The Bible always clearly identified the one true God as being the FATHER. So every time Trinitarian Christians try to prove that Jesus is the one true God then they are actually saying that Jesus is the FATHER. One cannot try and use this mathematical formula to prove only what they WANT to prove and then deny that this SAME mathematical formula does not make Jesus be the FATHER is to deny the very mathematical formula itself. You cannot have it both ways. In other words, Almighty God = The FATHER and Jesus = God, therefore, Jesus = or IS the FATHER.

Therefore, if one dogmatically demands that the phrase “the Word WAS God” to mean the Jesus HIMSELF IS THE ONE TRUE and ONLY ALMIGHTY God, then one must ALSO dogmatically demand that Jesus HIMSELF IS THE FATHER because the Bible itself always identifies the one God as being the FATHER.

Please understand that I am NOT saying that I believe that Jesus is the Father. The word of TRUTH is very clear that Jesus is NOT the FATHER just as it is very clear that Jesus is NOT THE ALMIGHTY God HIMSELF. Please read the study “V-22. John 1:1 THE WORD WAS GOD!” and “U-7. Is JESUS ALMIGHTY GOD?” and the studies listed in the heading >>>N-0. WHO is JESUS ACCORDING TO THE BIBLE?<<< for an in-depth study on who Jesus is in the light of the WHOLE word of God.


FACT # 14.


Jesus PRAYED TO his God and Father both for himself and others showing that he depended upon Almighty God, his God and Father. Now IF Jesus were truly FULLY Almighty God in the flesh, then he would have no need to pray TO anyone, because Jesus himself would already be THE ONE TRUE and ONLY ALMIGHTY God in the flesh and therefore Jesus would BE the FATHER in the flesh. This is the doctrine called ONENESS of Modalism that teaches that Jesus IS the FATHER and Almighty God the Father IS the SON at the same time as being different manifestations of the same one true God. Please read the study “U-6. WHAT DOES JESUS is GOD INCARNATE MEAN?”, which teaches us HOW Almighty God HIMSELF BECAME a MAN in the way that the Bible ITSELF teaches us based upon the WHOLE word of God.


FACT #15.


Jesus and Almighty God, the Father, are clearly shown in multiple verses of the Bible that they are TWO separate and distinct beings and that we as believers must believe and HONOR them BOTH in order to obtain eternal life in the world to come. So then, clearly the doctrine of oneness or Modalism is also FALSE teaching as well.

Also, if Jesus was fully ALMIGHTY God and fully man at the same time as the teaching of the deity of Jesus states, then this would make Jesus to BE Almighty God himself and, therefore, would also make Jesus be the FATHER because the Bible ITSELF always clearly identifies the ONE, God, as being the FATHER.


FACT #16.


Jesus increased in the knowledge of God and in the grace of God. Jesus also increased in the Spirit and he learned obedience by the things he suffered. In other words, IF Jesus were truly and FULLY God, then would not this be THE one true and ONLY Almighty God OBEYING HIMSELF? WHY would an ALMIGHTY God, who is an ALL KNOWING God need to LEARN anything. If Jesus was truly Almighty God himself, then he would have already been ALL KNOWING and have no need to increase in knowledge of HIMSELF.

Can you not see my dear brothers and sisters in our Lord Jesus Christ, that these man-made THEORETICAL doctrines do NOT make any sense when they are examined in the LIGHT of the WHOLE word of Almighty God? Therefore, they must be rejected as FALSE teachings.


FACT # 17.


Jesus was HIGHLY EXALTED by Almighty God the Father to the highest place there is without being OVER Almighty God the Father HIMSELF. And please keep in mind that Jesus was EXALTED to become a God under his God and Father only AFTER Jesus his SON learned obedience to his God and Father by conforming his OWN will to the will of his Father to die on the cross.

Once again, there can only be ONE true and ALMIGHTY God who has NO other God over him and the Bible calls this ONE TRUE and ONLY ALMIGHTY God the FATHER. The Bible also clearly teaches us that Jesus is NOT the FATHER. Therefore Jesus can NOT be the one true and ONLY ALMIGHTY God who ALONE is the FATHER. Almighty God the Father was, is and ever shall be over and greater than his SON Jesus.


FACT # 18.


Jesus was given LIFE in himself EVEN AS the Almighty God, the Father has life in himself. Or in the exact same way that Almighty God the Father has life in himself is the SAME eternal life that Almighty God the Father GAVE unto his SON Jesus when God resurrected his Son from the dead. Now please think about this for a moment, IF Jesus was truly ALMIGHTY God IN the FLESH, being FULLY God and fully a man at the SAME time as many of us have been TAUGHT, then WHY would THE one true and ONLY Almighty God NEED to be GIVEN ETERNAL LIFE seeing and knowing that Almighty God is already an eternal and SELF-EXISTING being who cannot die.

The Bible clearly teaches us that God is NOT a MAN neither the son of man. And the Bible also clearly teaches that Jesus IS a MAN where Jesus calls himself the Son of MAN. Can you not see my dear brothers and sisters in our Lord Jesus Christ, that even if you TRY to REASON this truth away by saying that Jesus stripped himself of his eternal life so that he could die for the sins of man, then you are CONTRADICTING your own doctrine of the Trinity which clearly states that Jesus is EQUAL with the Father in every way and that Jesus is FULLY God IN the flesh.

The TRUTH of the matter is that Jesus and his God and Father are NOT equal. The Bible plainly teaches us that everything that Jesus is and has was GIVEN to him BY HIS God and Father, the ONE TRUE and ONLY ALMIGHTY God.


FACT # 19.


Jesus was COMMANDED by Almighty God the Father. Again, why would Almighty God COMMAND HIMSELF to do something, if so be that Jesus was truly Almighty God IN the flesh? And if they were separate distinct persons or beings but EQUAL in every way as the DOCTRINE of the trinity states, then you also have to ask yourself the following question. Do two beings who are EQUAL in every way where neither is greater than or less than the other COMMAND each other to do things? Absolutely NOT, no person being EQUAL with another would ever COMMAND them to do anything. But rather they would ASK them. Jesus ASKED his Father many times in prayer. But in comparison with Jesus ASKING his God and Father in prayer we also see that Almighty God, the Father, gave his Son COMMANDMENTS that Jesus obeyed and kept in order to please his God and Father THE ONE TRUE and ONLY ALMIGHTY God. The WHOLE word of God does NOT teach us that Jesus and his God and Father are EQUAL, but rather that the Father is GREATER than his SON Jesus, which is just the opposite of what the theoretical doctrine of the Trinity teaches.

Here is the list of scripture references for the 19 clearly and plainly stated FACT in the Bible which teach us that Jesus cannot possibly be ALMIGHTY God. The Holy Spirit has since revealed 18 more FACTS showing that Jesus is NOT Almighty God bringing the list of facts to 37 things that every Christian should ponder.


1. Jesus had his OWN will. (Matthew 26:39; John 5:30, 6:38-39; 7:17)

2. Jesus was tempted whereas God CANNOT be tempted. (Hebrews 2:18; 4:15, Luke 4:2; James 1:13)

3. Jesus did NOT know but God the Father did know. (Mark 13:32

4. Jesus COULD NOT do any mighty work in his own hometown, but NOTHING is impossible with God. (Mark 6:15; Luke 1:37)

5. Jesus could do NOTHING of HIMSELF, but God can do all things. (John 5:19,30; 8:28)

6. Jesus was ANOINTED BY his God and Father with the Holy Spirit of God. Whereas God is a Spirit and would not need to be anointed with his own self-same Spirit. Please refer to the study “N-5. JESUS THE CHRIST” (Isaiah 61:1; Luke 4:18; Acts 10:38)

7. Jesus said there is NONE good BUT the Father. (Matthew 19:16,17; Mark 10:18; Luke 18:18,19

8. Jesus said that the Father was GREATER than ALL. (John 14:28, Exodus 18:11; John 10:18; 13:16)

9. Jesus is UNDER and SUBJECT to his God and Father. (1 Corinthians 15:23-28) Please refer to the page titled “U-13. THE DEITY OF JESUS AND THE TRINITY”

10. Jesus calls God the Father HIS GOD. (Matthew 27:46; Mark 15:34; John 20:17; Revelation 3:12)

11. Jesus never once refers to himself as Almighty God the Father or even equal with the Father, but rather refers to himself as the Son of MAN 80 times. (Matthew 8:20; 9:6; 10:23; 11:19; 12:8,32,40; 13:37,41; 16:13,27,28; 17:12,22; 18:11; 19:28; 20:18,20; 24:27,30,30,37,39,44; 26:24,24: 26:45,64; Mark 2:10,28; 8:31; 9:9,31; 10:33,45; 13:26,34; 14:21,21,41,62; Luke 5:24; 6:5; 7:34; 9:22,26,44,56,58; 11:30; 12:8,10,40; 17:22,24,26,30; 18:8,31; 19:10; 21:27,36; 22: 22,48,69; 24:7; John 1:51; 3:13,14; 5:27; 6:27,53,62; 8:28; 12:23,34,34; 13:31; Acts 7:56, Hebrews 2:6, Rev 1:13; 14:14) Please refer to the study  “N-4. JESUS THE SON OF MAN”

12. The WORD stripped himself or more precisely changed FORM of all his glory and became a man, to take on the FORM of a human being. (Philippians 2:6) Please read the study  “V-47. PHILIPPIANS 2:6 A TRINITARIAN DILEMMA!”

13. Jesus prayed to God the Father. (Matthew 11:2; 26:39; Luke 22:42; 23:34; John 17:11-25)

14. Jesus was EXALTED by Almighty God the Father only AFTER he became obedient unto death on the cross and thus fulfilling ALL the Father gave him to do. (Philippians 2:9; Acts 2:33; 5:21)

15. Jesus was GIVEN LIFE within himself even as the Father has life within himself. (John 5:26)

16. Jesus and the Father are always shown to be two different individuals in the Bible and are shown to be one in that they both are in AGREEMENT as one. Please refer to the study “U-1. THERE IS BUT ONE GOD”

17. Jesus learned and increased not only in knowledge but also in grace and favor of GOD. (Isaiah 50:4-6)

18. Jesus NEVER once claimed to be Almighty God but called himself the Son of God only a few times. Jesus referred to Almighty God as HIS FATHER and as HIS GOD. (there are no scriptures where Jesus says he is Almighty God)

19. Jesus had a beginning. (Revelation 4:14; Colossians 1:15; Psalm 89:26-28 and many more) Please refer to the study “O-1. DID JESUS HAVE A BEGINNING?”

20. How can the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit be equal in every way if one would be forgiven for saying ought against the Son, but never forgiven for blaspheming the Holy Spirit?

21. The Bible says that God is the HEAD of Christ just as Christ is the head of the church.

22. Jesus is on the right hand of the Father, so he cannot be one and the same with the Father.

23. It was GRANTED of the Father for Jesus to sit on his FATHER’S throne, just as we will be granted to sit and reign in Jesus’ throne that was GIVEN him of his Father.

24. Hebrews 5:7 says that Jesus was SAVED from death to not see corruption.

25. Jesus was raised from the dead by God the Father through his Spirit.

26. There is one mediator BETWEEN God and men, the MAN Jesus Christ. (1 Timothy 2:5)

27. Jesus himself calls his Father the ONLY TRUE GOD in John 17:3.

28. God the Father REVEALS to Peter that Jesus as the SON of God which is the Christ, that is to say, the ANOINTED ONE.

29. Acts 2:36 says that Almighty God the Father has MADE this same Jesus BOTH Lord and Christ.

30. God does not sleep, but Jesus slept. (Mark 4:38, Psalm 121:4)

31. It is not possible for God to die because God is the ETERNAL Spirit and yet Jesus died and was only GIVEN eternal life AFTER he became obedient to do all his God and Father’s will. Please read the study “M-5. WHY THE HOLY SPIRIT is the FATHER!” and “M-7. WHY THE HOLY SPIRIT is NOT THE THIRD person of the TRINITY!”

32. The Bible says that Jesus was the Son of MAN, and also says that God is NOT a man, neither the Son of man. (Numbers 2:13)

33. Jesus was GIVEN power and authority by his God and Father BECAUSE he was the Son of MAN. (John 5:27)

34. It was needful for a MAN to die for the sins of mankind because sin came into the world by a MAN. (Romans 5:12-19)

35.  It is not possible for God to die and yet Jesus died.

36. The Bible says that Jesus was the Son of MAN, and also says that God is NOT a man.

37. Almighty God the Father has appointed his SON to be the HEIR of all things. To be an HEIR there must be one who already owns what is being passed on to another to INHERIT. And if Jesus were truly Almighty God himself, then he would have already owned all things. (Hebrews 1:2 when properly translated teaches us that the worlds, as in, the FUTURE worlds yet to come, were made or created FOR Jesus and not by Jesus as some translations mislead some Christians to wrongly believe. For ALL of the reasons of WHY the Bible does NOT teach the doctrine of the Trinity OR the doctrine of Oneness please read the study “P-4. Ephesians 3:9-11—DID JESUS CREATE ALL THINGS?” and all the studies under the following headings >>>P-0. Is JESUS THE CREATOR?<<< , >>>>O-0. WAS JESUS CREATED?<<<,  >>>U-0. VERSES used for the TRINITY?<<<, and >>>W-0. Is THE DOCTRINE OF ONENESS BIBLICAL?<<<

Here is a LINK to a list of ALL TYPES of Unitarian churches, but to ME, ONLY BIBLICAL Unitarians teach the TRUE Jesus. After you click on the link you see the word “content”. Simply click on the country in which you live to find this list of all types of Unitarian churches in your country. Just remember that there are many Unitarian churches like the Jehovah’s Witnesses that are NOT teaching sound Biblical teachings. And know that I WARN my readers to stay away from joining those kinds of church denominations or organizations.

Now, you may recall that I did mention in this study that I agree with much of what teaches, but there are SOME teachings on their sister website that I myself do not find as being sound Biblical teachings.

For example, SOME Biblical Unitarians teach the false doctrine of a PRE-Tribulation rapture of the church while some other Biblical Unitarians teach the SOUND Biblical POST-Tribulation rapture of the church. Also, some if not MOST Biblical Unitarians teach the false doctrine of soul sleep. And most Biblical Unitarians teach that the Holy Spirit is, indeed the Father, BUT holy spirit dwelling in the believers is NOT a person. But rather, the Holy Spirit dwelling in Christians is just the NATURE of God and NOT a person. And, to ME, that is borderline BLASPHEMING the Holy Spirit in my OWN opinion. SO, before you decide to join any Biblical Unitarian fellowship I strongly implore you to read all the studies that I have under the headings >>>M-0. WHO OR WHAT IS THE HOLY SPIRIT?<<<, >>>Aa-0. Is THE DOCTRINE OF SOUL SLEEP BIBLICAL?<<<, and >>>J-0. PROPHECY—THE COMING OF JESUS<<< for all the studies that I have on WHEN the rapture of the church will occur.

And for more information on choosing a Biblical Unitarian fellowship, you may also try Worldwide Scattered Brethren Network to find a BIBLICAL Unitarian fellowship near you. Click on Regions to find a list of congregations in your area.

Or you can simply disciple others to form your own fellowship beginning with a home Bible study. Please feel free to use any Bible studies that I have here at and on my YouTube channel AMATTEROFTRUTH.

Thanks for reading, and may God bless you richly as you continue to seek the TRUTH of the WHOLE word of Almighty God. And to me, the truth concerning who Jesus TRULY is, according to the Bible ITSELF, is the Biblical Unitarian view of Jesus. So, for ALL of the studies on the Biblical Unitarian view of Jesus, please click on the subject heading >>>D-0. THE BIBLICAL UNITARIAN VIEW of JESUS!<<<

And for the SUBJECT on the true foundation of the church, please click on the subject heading >>>C-0. THE TRUE FOUNDATION OF THE CHURCH!<<< This way you can just send ONE link to those who you want to share the TRUE sound Biblical FOUNDATIONAL teachings of the church that Jesus and his Apostles taught in the first century church.


Your brother in our Lord Jesus Christ,

Brother Mark.


My heartfelt prayer is that all Christians RETURN to the TRUE FOUNDATION of the church that is taught by the very Apostles of Jesus in the first century. So let us all come into the UNITY of the faith and return to what Jesus and his Apostles taught us in SIMPLICITY in the New Testament. 


To learn more TRUTH, then please return to




To me, the best way to know the ONE true God in ONE person is to know who Jesus TRULY is according to the WHOLE word of Almighty God. So please read ALL of the studies under the heading >>>N-0. WHO is JESUS ACCORDING to the BIBLE?<<< and you will see that the Bible itself teaches us that Jesus was CREATED by his God and Father. And if you have any questions related to the correct meaning of certain verses of Scripture on this subject of who Jesus is please read all the studies under the two headings >>>U-0. VERSES used for THE TRINITY!<<< and >>>V-0. VERSES used to TEACH that Jesus PRE-EXISTED!<<< These two headings have ALL of the studies that I have on who Jesus truly is according to what the Bible itself teaches us in simplicity. I compiled these three headings to make it easy for my readers to send just one, two, or three links to those you desire to help understand what the Bible itself teaches concerning who Jesus is in the LIGHT of the WHOLE word of Almighty God. If you have any questions, please feel free to write to me. 

My contact email is MarkatAMatterOfTruth@Gmail .com.

Thanks again for reading and may God bless you richly as you continue to seek the truth of the whole word of Almighty God.


Your Brother in our Lord Jesus Christ,

Brother Mark.




The end.

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Always be faithful to share, to preach, and to teach the whole gospel of Jesus Christ!

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