Opening prayer

alwayS Pray and ask God to open your eyes of understanding!


Hi, my name is Mark.

Welcome to A Matter Of Truth here at, my new website. I admonish everyone who visits my website here at or at my first website at to begin their search for the TRUTH by praying the following prayer.


Opening Prayer


Heavenly Father, you know the desire and the intent of my heart; teach me your ways that I may walk in them in all pleasing to you. Search my heart O’ God, and if there is any iniquity in me, I ask you to cleanse me now and make me whole. Reveal to me my secret faults and help me to understand the error of my ways. May the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart always be acceptable in your sight O’ Lord for you are my strength and my redeemer.

From your word O’ Lord I know that there are many evil seducers and deceivers in the world on every side, not only on the outside of the church but within the church as well. And as the day of the return of your Son Jesus draws closer these deceptions and deceivers will increase and grow even worse. Therefore, I ask you now Father to give to me wisdom to discern and to know the difference between these deceiving doctrines of devils and these false teachings compared to your word of truth. May this distinction between truth and error be to me as distinguishable as the bright light of the day is to the darkness of the night.

I pray that your Holy Spirit will immediately bear witness with my spirit whether the things I hear or the things I read as being either truth or error. Help to always know the difference between truth and error. Father, I thank you right now that from this day forward that this witness from the Holy Spirit will bear witness with my spirit to everything that I read or hear that I will know in an instant as to whether it is truth or error. And I also pray that all that which I have already been taught will be made known to me whether it is truth or error. My heart cries out to you to know the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth. I desire only to know and teach your pure undefiled word of truth, for your words are pure words O’ Lord.

Heavenly Father I pray that everything that I have learned from the time that I was born, and everything that I will learn from this day forward, until the time of your return that is not the truth, that you will make known to me plainly and help me to purge all that is in error from my life. Help me to be that vessel of silver or gold that may be used of you to bring glory and honor unto your Holy name. Help me to renew my mind with your pure and undefiled word of truth so that I may not be conformed to the patterns of this world, but rather that I may prove your word and know what your perfect will for my life is.

Father, you have given your Holy Spirit to lead and guide me into all truth. Your word is the truth. So I lift up this Bible, your Holy word, before you right now and ask you to teach me your word. Help me to discern truth from error. You said in your word that if I continue in your word that I would know the truth and that the truth would make me free. So, I ask you, Father, to help me always to continue in your word and seek your kingdom every day.

I thank you, Lord, for hearing and answering my prayer this day for I know that you are faithful to confirm your word with signs following. Therefore, I know, and I am assured that the evidence of this prayer will begin to take place from this moment on. Thank you, Father, for revealing your word of truth to me in all areas of my life so that I may live in all pleasing to you and help others to come to the knowledge of the truth as well. May all, who hear the teaching of your word of truth, whether your truth comes forth from my lips, or shines forth from the words in which I write, or whether the word of truth comes from any other person, may ALL who hear or read your undefiled word of truth also continue in your word of truth and be found faithful unto the coming day of your Son, Jesus Christ.

I now commit my spiritual growth into your hands from this day forward to keep me in your ways for all of my days. And Father I know, and I am assured from your word that you are able to keep all that I commit unto you until the day of the coming, the return of your Son, my Lord, and Savior, Jesus the Christ.

Your word assures me that your Son, Jesus, is the author and finisher of my faith. So I thank you, Father, for writing your word upon my heart and upon my mind. Holy Spirit I yield my spirit, my mind and my body to you that you may lead and guide me into all truth. Help me to crucify the flesh and put under my body and to renew my mind with the pure and undefiled word of truth. Holy Spirit, I ask you to help me to keep both my mind and my body pure from any and all fleshly desires, in order that I may walk in obedience to your guidance every day of my life from this day forward.

I thank you for helping me to take heed to all that I hear whether this hearing is through the ear, or through the eye, or through feeling and touch. Help me heavenly Father by the leading of your Holy Spirit to guard my hearing in all these areas, so that I may discern your word of truth from any deceitful words of error that would bring harm and hinder my spiritual growth. I also thank you for teaching me how to hear and to keep my heart open to learn continually of your ways. I thank you for the hunger you have placed in my heart for your word. Help me to hide your word in my heart that I may not sin against you.

Father as I learn of you and grow in the revelation of your word and faith help me shine as a light to others so that they may also come to the knowledge of the truth. May my words always be seasoned with salt and grace so that they will minister to those that hear them and bring glory and honor to your name always.

Father your word says that your people are destroyed for lack of knowledge and that if I reject knowledge, then you will also reject me. So, I ask you now Lord for the wisdom to discern your knowledge of truth to distinguish your truth from the commandments of men and the doctrines of devils, and that I discern your word of truth from any misguided truth and error. Father, help me to never reject you or your words, so that I will be found to be your good and faithful servant at the coming of your Son, Jesus. Help me not to judge a matter before hearing the WHOLE matter and getting all sides of the matter and then help me to judge all matters correctly in your eyes. Help me, Lord, to judge rightly concerning all things. I thank you, Lord, for hearing all my petitions and granting all my requests in the name of your Son Jesus, according to 1 John 5:14,15, which ASSURES me that if I ask ANYTHING that is according to your will that you WILL hear me. Your word of truth also assures me that if I know that you hear me that I WILL HAVE the petitions which I have asked of you. This is your written guarantee to me and to ALL who stand upon your word of truth.

1 John 5:14,15 assures us that you O’ God always ANSWER our prayers, which are prayed according to your will, and which are being prayed in FAITH without wavering.


1 John 5:14,15.


“And this is the CONFIDENCE that we have in him (Or in you O’ God), that, if we ask ANYTHING according to his (Or according to your) will, he HEARS us (Or then you O’ God hear us):

1 John 15. And if we KNOW that he HEARS (Or if we know that you O’ God hear) us, WHATSOEVER we ASK, we KNOW that we HAVE the petitions that we desired of him.” (Or ALL of the petitions that we desire of you O’ God)


I encourage you, the reader, to take the word of God and PERSONALIZE it as a prayer to Almighty God our Father. The above prayer is based solely on the word of God, therefore according to 1 John 5:14,15 we are ASSURED that God will HEAR and ANSWER this prayer. You have HIS WORD on it!


Dear Reader.


After praying this prayer, then please sign and date it. I urge you to read and reread this prayer often and give Almighty God, the Father thanks for answering your requests.

I also urge you to read the study entitled “THE WHOLE MATTER, because all of us have been TAUGHT how we believe. And it is not always the case, that, which we have come to believe through the teaching of others is, in fact, the pure undefiled TRUTH of the WHOLE of God’s word. It may be that which we have come to believe through the teachings of others is NOT the truth of the whole word of God.

Now we may sincerely believe that which we have been taught is the truth. However, in reality, it MAY be that what you have been taught is NOT the pure and undefiled word of TRUTH of God’s whole word or TRUTH, but rather you may have been misguided by teaching that is in error. Now those who have taught you what you have come to believe then you no doubt sincerely believe that those teaching you were and are teaching you the truth. However, they themselves, the ones teaching you, may have been deceived by others and have not searched the word of God thoroughly to find out whether or not what they were taught is, in fact, the WHOLE TRUTH of God’s word, but rather they may have merely repeated or parroted what they have themselves been taught not knowing or realizing what they themselves have come to believe is in fact in error and contradicts the WHOLE word of God.

So, I ask you now, are you yourself absolutely sure and know without a doubt that that which you have been taught is the pure undefiled word of TRUTH of the WHOLE word of God? Are you confident enough to base your eternal salvation on what you have been taught by others? All I am asking from you is to take the time to prayerfully hear the WHOLE matter before you judge for yourself that which you have been taught by others as to whether it is, in fact, the truth, or whether it is in error.

If you TRULY desire to know the WHOLE TRUTH of God’s word and be saved, then it may be necessary for you to purge from your learning some things that you have been taught, which you now presently hold and truly believe to be the truth, but some of which are in fact the deceitful lies of the enemy coated with a little truth of God’s word. Be NOT DECEIVED! Open your heart and mind to the truth or reality that just maybe you have been taught wrong in what you now sincerely believe with all your heart to be the truth.

Do not be deceived into believing that you are ABOVE being able to ever be deceived. May God bless you richly in your search for the WHOLE TRUTH as you read the studies that I have written on this website here at and at

Search the WHOLE word of God daily for yourself in order to prove what you have been taught is, in fact, the pure undefiled TRUTH of the WHOLE word of God.

Also please be sure to view my teaching videos on YouTube at my channel name AMATTEROFTRUTH and on my first website at under the video section.


Your Brother in our Lord Jesus Christ,

Brother Mark.

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