B-8 Ch12 HOW to be SAVED the Bible WAY!
First of all, you do NOT have to believe that God is a Trinity Godhead in order to be saved. There are MANY Christians who are NOT Trinitarian Christians.
Are YOU absolutely SURE that you WILL without fail receive ETERNAL LIFE when Jesus Comes?
Muslims, Jews, and pagan who worship many gods, THINK that if their GOOD works outweigh their BAD works, then they will not be cast into the lake of fire on the final Day of Judgment.
And some believe that they will not REMAIN in the lake of fire and after the suffer for a while, then God will let them out of the lake of fire.
But they fail to understand that when a sinner is cast into the lake of fire they are DESTROYED both body and soul and turned to ASHES. So, there is NO getting out of the lake of fire.
God LOVES you WHILE you are yet a sinner. And God is begging you to CHOOSE LIFE so that you do NOT have to perish in the lake of fire.
So, if you want to know HOW to CHOOSE life to obtain ETERNAL life, then continue reading. For you see, there is only ONE WAY to receive eternal life and not be cast into the lake of fire.
Why Do I NEED Jesus to Save me?
WHY Will my Good Works NOT Save me?
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Chapter 12.
What are we Saved FROM?
In this chapter in Book 8 called “What is the TRUE FAITH?”, I will cover the simple basic questions that people have asked.
Questions like the titles above and below. Why do I need to be saved? Can anyone be saved? What are we saved from? And HOW to be Saved the Bible WAY?
Now, in chapter 12, my focus will be on the question, WHAT are we Saved FROM?
The short answer is we are saved from eternal DEATH called the SECOND DEATH in Revelation 2:11. Revelation 20:6,14, and Revelation 21:8.
We Are Saved FROM the WRATH of God and from the Lake of fire!
Let us begin this chapter by reading Revelation 2:11, the first occurrence of the words, “second death”.
Revelation 2:11.
“He that has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says unto the churches; He that OVERCOMES shall NOT be hurt of the second death.”
So then, just because a person belongs to a church denomination, and faithfully attends church services every week, does not automatically mean that they are saved from the second death. Jesus is speaking unto the CHURCHES, and he saves that he who OVERCOMES will not be hurt of the SECOND DEATH.
But what does Jesus mean by “he that OVERCOMES”. Overcome WHAT? In other words, what or who must we OVERCOME in order that the second death will not hurt us? And what exactly is the SECOND DEATH?
Let us read Revelation 20:6,14 to learn more details concerning what the Bible itself teaches us.
Revelation 20:6,14.
“Blessed and holy is he that has part in the FIRST resurrection: on such the second death has no power, but they shall be priests of God and of Christ, and shall reign with him a thousand years…
…14. And death and hell were cast into the lake of fire. THIS is the second death.”
So then, the second death is the LAKE of FIRE. But what does the Bible say about this FIRE that is called the SECOND DEATH? But before we read a few of those passages of Scripture, let us read Revelation 21:8, which is the fourth and last verse with the words “second death” in it. I will quote a little context with verse 8 so that you can see WHO will be cast into the lake of fire and who will NOT be cast into the lake of fire.
Revelation 21:6-8.
“And he said unto me, It is done. I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end. I will give unto him that is ATHIRST of the fountain of the water of life freely.
Revelation 21:7. He that OVERCOMES shall INHERIT all things; and I will be his God, and he shall be my son.
Revelation 21:8. BUT the fearful, and unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderers, and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars, shall have their part in the lake which burns with fire and brimstone: which is the second death.”
In this verse, we learn SOME of the things that we must OVERCOME in order to NOT be cast into the lake of fire to suffer the SECOND DEATH, which is also called ETERNAL damnation in Mark 3:29, and everlasting DESTRUCTION in 2 Thessalonians 1:9.
In other words, the world has two groups of people, those who ATHIRST for living water, who will OVERCOME, and those who do NOT OVERCOME. As Christians, we use the terms SAVED and UNSAVED.
In short, God gave us TWO choices in Deuteronomy 30:19, LIFE or DEATH. And God is begging all people to CHOOSE LIFE. According to Ezekiel 18:32 and Ezekiel 33:11, God takes no pleasure in the DEATH of a sinner.
Deuteronomy 30:19.
“I call heaven and earth to record this day against you, that I have set before you LIFE and DEATH, blessing and cursing: THEREFORE, choose life, that both you and your seed may live:”
Some may ask, WHY did God set DEATH as one of the choices? The short answer is so that God can DESTROY His ENEMIES that waged a WAR against Him and the angels who remained faithful to Him. Please read Book 6 called B-6 Ch1 WHY God Created us!
But for now, the short answer is that Lucifer blamed God for the reason that he and the angels who sided him him wage a WAR against Almighty God and the angels who remained faithful to God. For you see, according to Matthew 25:40 God PREPARED the everlasting fire for the Devil and his angels to DESTROY them all. And to try to save themselves from being destroyed in the lake of fire, Lucifer accused God of creating him flawed or not creating him PERFECT.
Ezekiel 28:15.
“You were PERFECT in your ways from the day that you were created, TILL iniquity was found in you.”
In other words, God is saying to the angel or the cherub whom He anointed and set on a throne over the earth during a previous age of the earth, you are a LIAR. I created you perfect in all of your ways. And from the day I created you until the day your corrupted yourself, you ways were perfect.
So then, do to the fact that one third of the angels were BLASPHEMING God NAME or God character, accusing Him of LYING, God SET down his DECREE. Let us have a TRIAL to see WHO is the one LYING and who is the one who is TRUTHFUL?
And the JUDGMENT for the LIARS will be ETERNAL DEATH by being consumed to ashes in a lake of fire.
So then, originally, the everlasting fire of DESTRUCTION was ONLY prepared for the Devil and his angels. The word or title “devil” means FALSE accuser. In other words, the god of this present world called Satan, the devil, is a LYING god. And, according to Jesus in John 17:1-3, Almighty God the Father is the ONLY TRUTHFUL God.
The King James Version says the only TRUE God, but the Greek word used in this verse actually means TRUTHFUL, as opposed to the interpretation true God verses FALSE god.
For you see, Satan is indeed a REAL god, but he is a LYING and rebellious god. And Almighty God the Creator is in the process of DETHRONING him and ANOINTING another to replace Satan as the God over the whole earth to JUDGE Satan and the fallen angels.
Matthew 25:41.
“Then shall he say also unto them on the left hand, Depart from me, ye cursed, into everlasting fire, PREPARED FOR the devil and his angels:”
Now, according to Isaiah 5:11-14. Let us go ahead and read that passage of Scripture, because some unsaved people do not see anything wrong with getting drunk.
Isaiah 5:11-14.
“Woe unto them that rise up early in the morning, that they may follow strong drink; that continue until night, till wine inflame them!
Isaiah 5:12. And the harp, and the viol, the tabret, and pipe, and wine, are in their feasts: but they regard NOT the work of the LORD, neither consider the operation of his hands.
Isaiah 5:13. Therefore, my people are gone into captivity, (Speaking of being taken captive by Satan, the god of this present world) because they have no knowledge: (Speaking about knowledge of the TRUTH to be saved and how to receive eternal life in the world to come so that the SECOND DEATH has no power over them) and their honorable men are famished, and their multitude dried up with thirst.
Isaiah 5:14. Therefore, hell has ENLARGED herself, and opened her mouth without measure: and their glory, and their multitude, and their pomp, and he that rejoices, shall descend into it.”
So then, I pray that you can see that God was placed on the spot, so to speak, to make PEACE in the universe without being seen by the faithful angels as a UNJUST God to destroy His ENEMIES that waged a WAR against Him and against them.
Now, the Christadelphian Christians, as well as, some other church denominations, such as the Roman Catholic Church, sincerely, but wrongly believe in the FALSE doctrine or original sin. And thus, they build their other man-made doctrines upon the false doctrine of every person being born with a so-called sinful NATURE.
Once Christians, Jews, Muslims, and even atheists understand the REASON that Yahweh CREATED the Son of MAN, Jesus, was to have DOMINION over the work of Yahweh’s hands.
And after you understand that the REASON that Yahweh did that is to STILL His ENEMIES, Satan and the fallen angels.
Then you can understand that God made His human Son to become a Lord, a King, and a God, to JUDGE Satan and the fallen angels.
For a deeper understanding of this WAR that Lucifer and one third of the angel waged against the throne of Almighty God, please read the studies under the subject category called >>> Q-0 Why Are We Here? Is God at WAR? <<<
This concludes Book 8 Which Faith is the TRUE Faith. To read any chapters that you may have missed, or you want to read them again, below is a Table of Contents with links to all of the chapters in Book 8.
More studies coming in this SHORTER Biblical Unitarian view of who Jesus is according to the WHOLE word of God. If you have a PARTICULAR verse of Scripture that you would like to know the sound Biblical Unitarian meaning, then please email me at MarkatAMatterOfTruth@Gmail.com and let me know.
For further and more in-depth studies on this subject of Jesus being created to STILL the enemies of Yahweh, please read the studies called D-25. A NEW LOOK at JOHN 1:1-In the BEGINNING, and D-28. The PRE-ADAMIC LUCIFERIAN FLOOD!
Thanks for reading, and may God bless you richly as you continue to seek the TRUTH of the WHOLE word of Almighty God. And to me, the truth concerning who Jesus TRULY is, according to the Bible ITSELF, is the Biblical Unitarian view of Jesus. So, for ALL of the studies on the Biblical Unitarian view of Jesus, please click on the subject heading >>> D-0. THE BIBLICAL UNITARIAN VIEW of JESUS! <<<
And for the SUBJECT on the true foundation of the church, please click on the subject heading >>> C-0. THE TRUE FOUNDATION OF THE CHURCH! <<< This way you can just send ONE link to those who you want to share the TRUE sound Biblical FOUNDATIONAL teachings of the church that Jesus and his Apostles taught in the first century church.
Your brother in our Lord Jesus Christ,
Brother Mark.
My heartfelt prayer is that all Christians RETURN to the TRUE FOUNDATION of the church that is taught by the very Apostles of Jesus in the first century. So let us all come into the UNITY of the faith and return to what Jesus and his Apostles taught us in SIMPLICITY in the New Testament.
To learn more TRUTH, then please return to
Here is the Table of Contents with links to all of the chapters in Book 8 called Which FAITH is the TRUE Faith?
It is best to read them in the order that they are listed. But please feel free to skip to chapter 12 if you feel that you are ready to become a true born-again Christian to be absolutely SURE you will receive eternal life in the world to come when Jesus returns.
B-8 Ch1 Is Islam the TRUE Faith?
B-8 Ch2 What is the Tree of LIFE Spoken of in the Bible?
B-8 Ch3 What Does Jesus Being the Son of God TRULY Mean?
B-8 Ch4 Deuteronomy 18:18 Is Islam the TRUE Faith?
B-8 Ch5 Deuteronomy 18:15-19 The Prophet LIKE Moses!
B-8 Ch6 Deuteronomy 18:19-22 The FALSE Prophet Prophesied to Come!
B-8 Ch7 Is ALMIGHTY God’s TRUE Name Allah?
B-8 Ch8 Is Allah The ALMIGHTY God in the Bible?
B-8 Ch9 Muslims Say The Jesus Will DESTROY the Jews When He Comes!
B-8 Ch10 Who EXACTLY is the Mahdi the Muslim Awaited Messiah?
B-8 Ch11 HOW Islam Can be the TRUE Faith!
B-8 Ch12 How to be Saved the Bible WAY!
B-8 Ch1 Is Islam the TRUE Faith?
B-8 Ch2 What is the Tree of LIFE Spoken of in the Bible?
B-8 Ch3 What Does Jesus Being the Son of God TRULY Mean?
B-8 Ch4 Deuteronomy 18:18 Is Islam the TRUE Faith?
B-8 Ch5 Deuteronomy 18:15-19 The Prophet LIKE Moses!
B-8 Ch6 Deuteronomy 18:19-22 The FALSE Prophet Prophesied to Come!
B-8 Ch7 Is ALMIGHTY God’s TRUE Name Allah?
B-8 Ch8 Is Allah The ALMIGHTY God in the Bible?
B-8 Ch9 Muslims Say The Jesus Will DESTROY the Jews When He Comes!
B-8 Ch10 Who EXACTLY is the Mahdi the Muslim Awaited Messiah?
B-8 Ch11 HOW Islam Can be the TRUE Faith!
B-8 Ch12 How to be Saved the Bible WAY!
To me, the best way to know the ONE true God in ONE person is to know who Jesus TRULY is according to the WHOLE word of Almighty God. So please read ALL of the studies under the heading >>> N-0. WHO is JESUS ACCORDING to the BIBLE? <<< and you will see that the Bible itself teaches us that Jesus was CREATED by his God and Father. And if you have any questions related to the correct meaning of certain verses of Scripture on this subject of who Jesus is please read all the studies under the two headings >>> U-0. VERSES used for THE TRINITY! <<< and >>> V-0. VERSES used to TEACH that Jesus PRE-EXISTED! <<< These two headings have ALL of the studies that I have on who Jesus truly is according to what the Bible itself teaches us in simplicity. I compiled these three headings to make it easy for my readers to send just one, two, or three links to those you desire to help understand what the Bible itself teaches concerning who Jesus is in the LIGHT of the WHOLE word of Almighty God. If you have any questions, please feel free to write to me.
My contact email is MarkatAMatterOfTruth@Gmail.com.
Thanks again for reading and may God bless you richly as you continue to seek the truth of the whole word of Almighty God.
Your Brother in our Lord Jesus Christ,
Brother Mark.
The end.
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Always be faithful to share, to preach, and to teach the whole gospel of Jesus Christ!
Again, once Christians understand the REASON that Yahweh CREATED the Son of MAN, Jesus, was to have DOMINION over the work of Yahweh’s hands.
And that you understand that the REASON that Yahweh did that is to STILL His ENEMIES, Satan and the fallen angels.
Then you can understand that God made His human Son to become a Lord, a King, and a God, to JUDGE Satan and the fallen angels.
For a deeper understanding of this WAR that Lucifer and one third of the angel waged against the throne of Almighty God, please read the studies under the subject category called >>> Q-0 Why Are We Here? Is God at WAR? <<<
More studies coming in this SHORTER Biblical Unitarian view of who Jesus is according to the WHOLE word of God. If you have a PARTICULAR verse of Scripture that you would like to know the sound Biblical Unitarian meaning, then please email me at MarkatAMatterOfTruth@Gmail.com and let me know.
For further and more in-depth studies on this subject of Jesus being created to STILL the enemies of Yahweh, please read the studies called D-25. A NEW LOOK at JOHN 1:1-In the BEGINNING, and D-28. The PRE-ADAMIC LUCIFERIAN FLOOD!
Thanks for reading, and may God bless you richly as you continue to seek the TRUTH of the WHOLE word of Almighty God. And to me, the truth concerning who Jesus TRULY is, according to the Bible ITSELF, is the Biblical Unitarian view of Jesus. So, for ALL of the studies on the Biblical Unitarian view of Jesus, please click on the subject heading >>> D-0. THE BIBLICAL UNITARIAN VIEW of JESUS! <<<
And for the SUBJECT on the true foundation of the church, please click on the subject heading >>> C-0. THE TRUE FOUNDATION OF THE CHURCH! <<< This way you can just send ONE link to those who you want to share the TRUE sound Biblical FOUNDATIONAL teachings of the church that Jesus and his Apostles taught in the first century church.
Your brother in our Lord Jesus Christ,
Brother Mark.
My heartfelt prayer is that all Christians RETURN to the TRUE FOUNDATION of the church that is taught by the very Apostles of Jesus in the first century. So let us all come into the UNITY of the faith and return to what Jesus and his Apostles taught us in SIMPLICITY in the New Testament.
To learn more TRUTH, then please return to
To me, the best way to know the ONE true God in ONE person is to know who Jesus TRULY is according to the WHOLE word of Almighty God. So please read ALL of the studies under the heading >>> N-0. WHO is JESUS ACCORDING to the BIBLE? <<< and you will see that the Bible itself teaches us that Jesus was CREATED by his God and Father. And if you have any questions related to the correct meaning of certain verses of Scripture on this subject of who Jesus is please read all the studies under the two headings >>> U-0. VERSES used for THE TRINITY! <<< and >>> V-0. VERSES used to TEACH that Jesus PRE-EXISTED! <<< These two headings have ALL of the studies that I have on who Jesus truly is according to what the Bible itself teaches us in simplicity. I compiled these three headings to make it easy for my readers to send just one, two, or three links to those you desire to help understand what the Bible itself teaches concerning who Jesus is in the LIGHT of the WHOLE word of Almighty God. If you have any questions, please feel free to write to me.
My contact email is MarkatAMatterOfTruth@Gmail.com.
Thanks again for reading and may God bless you richly as you continue to seek the truth of the whole word of Almighty God.
Your Brother in our Lord Jesus Christ,
Brother Mark.
The end.
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Always be faithful to share, to preach, and to teach the whole gospel of Jesus Christ!