Job 38:1
***What Does Job 38:1 TRULY mean?
Here is Job 38:1 from the KJV. “Then the LORD answered Job out of the whirlwind, and said,”
What did Yahweh BEGIN to speak to Aleph Tav Messiah Jesus Job concerning the TEMPEST?
Job is a FIGURE of Jesus! And thus, Yahweh is speaking to His Messiah through the Scriptures that testify or PROPHESY of Jesus, according to John 5:39.
In other words, God is asking Jesus if he was there when Yahweh laid the cornerstone. There answer in no! Jesus was not LITERALLY there. But Jesus was there as the WISDOM in Yahweh’s mind and plan to make PEACE and destroy EVIL!
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What Does Job 38:1-4 TRULY Mean?
Job is a FIGURE of Jesus!
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In Job 38:1 There is a Hidden Prophecy of Jesus!
Let us begin this Verse Study on Job 38:1 by reading the first four verses. And in parenthesis, I will show you the Strong’s number of the untranslated ALEPH TAV, which to me, is a hidden prophecy of the Messiah.
Job 38:1-4.
“Then the LORD answered (H538) Job out of the whirlwind, and said, (Or more correctly translated, then Yahweh began to speak to the Aleph Tav Messiah Jesus Job concerning the TEMPEST, speaking of the WAR in heaven.
For you see, the Hebrew word translated as “whirlwind” also means TEMPEST. And the CONTEXT of this chapter in Job is speaking about the WAR in heaven)
Job 38:2. Who is this that darkens counsel by words without knowledge? (Or who is on THAT SIDE that darkens counsel to resolve this tempest. The Hebrew word translated as “is this” also means this SIDE and THAT side. And thus, Yahweh is asking His future Messiah Jesus, WHO is the one that darkens counsel, Me or Lucifer?)
Job 38:3. GIRD up now your loins like a MAN; for I will demand of you, and answer you Me. (Or Gird up your loins I pray or I beseech you. I gird you as a WARRIOR. I am ASKING you to understand and perceive instruction of Me)
Job 38:4. Where were you when I laid the foundations of the earth? (You were my WISDOM that I prophesied to come into being as my foster son whom I would exalt and glorify to glorify me) Declare, if you have understanding.”
Or more correctly, HOW were you there when I set counsel regarding the earth? If you understand what I am saying, declare to me what I have said. Or rehearse to me your understanding of the Scriptures that testify of you.
In other words, there are TWO Hebrew words in to original text, but only one of them is translated in the KJV. So then, what Yahweh is actually asking His Messiah, the Son of MAN, Jesus, is for Jesus to tell Him if he understands that he is the WISDOM written in the Scripture.
Yahweh is saying, You were THERE in my MIND and PLAN as I decreed the founding rules for the new present age of the earth. This is what Proverbs 8:22-31 ACTUALLY teaches us when it is correctly interpreted in the light of the whole word of Almighty God.
The TRUTH of the matter is that the Son of MAN, Jesus, was God’s FOSTER child, according to the ROOT meaning of the Hebrew word in Proverbs 8:30 translated as “ONE” brought up with Him. The Hebrew word “amon” means to go up to be at the right hand. And the root Hebrew word “aman” means to FOSTER, to train. So, I implore you to read the in-depth Bible Study called V-21 What Does Proverbs 8:22-31 TRULY Mean?
With that in mind, let us now take a closer look at verse 3 where Yahweh is asking His Messiah to become a WARRIOR to be GIRDED with the belt or GIRDLE that Yahweh girded Lucifer with before he rebelled.
Isaiah 45:6,7.
“That they (Speaking of Satan, the Devil, and the fallen angels or the fallen Elohim who became Yahweh’s ENEMIES, according to Psalm 8:1-6) may know from the rising of the sun, and from the west, that there is none beside Me. I am the LORD, and there is none else. (Or more correctly “translated” there is NONE or no other Elohim WITHOUT Me, and there is NONE FALLEN Elohim henceforth never again)
Isaiah 45:7. I form the light, and create darkness: (Or correctly translated, I, form the LIGHT, and I CUT DOWN darkness) I make PEACE, and create evil: (Or correctly translated, I make PEACE to END the WAR in heaven, and I CUT DOWN EVIL) I the LORD do all these things.”
So then, the prophecy in the last half of Isaiah 45:5 is a prophecy of Yahweh’s Messiah, whom He GIRDED with the strength of TWO ARMIES, the armies of the glorified immortal saints in Jesus Christ, and Yahweh’s army of faithful angels, which alone is TWICE the number of the fallen angels. Plus, Yahweh is coming WITH His mighty Warrior Jesus and the two armies to CUT DOWN the high ones who waged a war against Him during the previous age of the earth. And that war in heaven is brought under control, and will be brought to and end on the final Day of Judgment.
Now that you understand the TRUE sound Biblical CONTEXT of Isaiah 45:5, let is dig even deeper to see its full true sound Biblical meaning in the LIGHT of the WHOLE word of Almighty God.
The Hebrew word “zûlâh” translated as “besides” Me in verse 5 in the KJV means SCATTERING and REMOVING. God STRETCHED out the heavens means that God spread out His army of angels to OVERTHROW and round up or gather together His enemies into one place to be imprisoned to the earth.
Also, this word means that the enemy is trying to scatter and remove Yahweh from His throne, as in, to be like Yahweh and no longer UNDER Yahweh. The enemy wants to either remove Yahweh off the throne or remove themselves from being under Yahweh’s throne of authority.
Satan’s strategy WAS to DIVIDE and conquer by ambushing one part of heaven at a time to scatter and remove. But that strategy failed. And now Satan is trying to scatter and divide the church. And thus, Satan has slowly removed the knowledge of the power and the authority in the NAME of Jesus, the NEW NAME that Yahweh GAVE to His Messiah after the cross and resurrection.
Here is how the concordance in E-Sword defines the Hebrew word “zulah”.
From H2107; properly scattering, that is, removal; used adverbially except: – beside, but, only, save.
And the Hebrew word translated as NONE in verse 5 in the KJV literally means there is TO BE NOTHING. Also, the Hebrew word translated as “else” means any more, to continue. In other words, Yahweh prophesied that concerning the scattering and removal there shall be no more of it to continue AGAINST Me anymore. For I will destroy those gods whom I have set to be gods, and they shall be NONTING ANYMORE.
To me, that is the true sound Biblical meaning of Isaiah 45:5 and other verses like Isaiah 44:6-8.
Now, I say “AGAINST” Yahweh because that is what the CONTEXT itself is conveying. For you see, there are Elohim, as in, the rebellious fallen Elohim that are trying to REMOVE Yahweh’s throne of authority from being over them.
And Yahweh is saying to THEM, you would not even be one of the Elohim WITHOUT me. And I will have no more of this rebellion against my throne of authority.
Now let us read a paraphrased version of Isaiah 45:5 with this understand that Yahweh is in the process of CUTTING DOWN darkness and all EVIL to make PEACE by ENDING all darkness and evil by forming the LIGHT, His NEW creation of new creatures of righteousness.
Paraphrase Version of Isaiah 45:5.
“I am Yahweh, and there will be NO MORE dividing among the Elohim to remove yourselves from under Me. I girded you, though you have NOT KNOW Me.”
In other words, Yahweh is teaching His Messiah about the fallen Elohim as being the REASON for why Yahweh girded His NEW Elohim, Jesus, who was NOT an Elohim in the previous age of the earth when this war started. For you see, it says, I girded you, though you have NOT KNOWN Me. And I have girded you to CUT DOWN the fallen Elohim for Me.
And Yahweh is doing all of this to PROVE to ALL of the Elohim that WITHOUT Him there would not be any of the Elohim. For you see, Yahweh SET them to become RULERS under and subject to Him. God did not give them power do whatever they choose to do.
When the disciples ask Jesus, shall we call fire down from heaven to devour them, Jesus did not laugh at them and say, whatever gave you the idea that you have the power to call down lighting from heaven? NO! But rather, Jesus said that is having a WRONG spirit. In other words, never ABUSE the power you have been given in my name.
The word “God” is simply a TERM or title for all of the rulers. And THE Elohim, who ALONE is the Creator, is the HIGHEST Elohim, because He CREATED all of the other Elohim. And God prophesied in Psalm 75:6,7 that He word cutdown or remove one and replace or promote another. And here is another prophecy saying the same thing.
Isaiah 22:21.
“And I will clothe him with your robe, and strengthen him with your girdle, and I will commit your government (As being the god of this present world) into his hand: and he shall be a father to the inhabitants of Jerusalem, and to the house of Judah.”
And here is the CONTEXT of the prophecy in Psalm 45:3 of Jesus being GIRDED with the GOVERNMENT of the world to come.
Psalm 45:1-7.
“To the chief Musician upon Shoshannim, for the sons of Korah, Maschil, A Song of loves. (Again, the chief Musician is a figure of Lucifer before he rebelled. And now he is against the LILY of the valley a figure of Jesus being pure and white to still the sons of the ICE AGE or the cold in heart) My heart is inditing a good matter: I speak of the things which I have made touching the king: my tongue is the pen of a ready writer. (In other words, Yahweh is contriving His plan of salvation through His NEW King over the earth that He is prophesying to come into being)
Psalm 45:2. You are fairer than the children of men: grace is poured into your lips. Therefore, God has blessed you for ever.
Psalm 45:3. GIRD your sword upon your thigh, O most mighty, with your glory and your majesty.
Psalm 45:4. And in your majesty ride prosperously because of truth and meekness and righteousness; and your right hand shall teach you terrible things. (God HOLDS the right hand of Jesus. And thus, the right hand symbolizes the ANOINTING of Yahweh that teaches and shows Jesus and us things to come)
Psalm 45:5. Your arrows are sharp in the heart of the King’s enemies; whereby the people fall under you. (Yahweh is the Eternal Kind who SET Jesus to become His King of kings. And we who overcome are the kings under Jesus who is under the Eternal King)
Psalm 45:6. Your throne, O God, is for ever and ever: the scepter of your kingdom is a right scepter.
Psalm 45:7. You loved righteousness, and hated wickedness: THEREFORE, God, your God, has ANOINTED you with the oil of gladness above your fellows.”
I cover the FULFILLMENT of Psalm 45:7 regarding the END of wickedness in the Verse Study on Hebrews 1:7. But for now, notice that the REASON that Yahweh anointed His human Son to become an Elohim or a God to rule as God over the earth is BECAUSE he LOVED righteousness and hates iniquity or EVIL. And I also cover the meaning of the oil of GLADNESS in the Verse Study on Hebrew 12:2, the joy that Yahweh SET before Jesus as his reward for ENDURING the cross.
Be sure to continue reading the true sound Biblical meaning of the following verses of Job chapter 38 in Job 38:5,6. The next Verse Study is on Job 38:6 where is cover both verses 5 and 6.
For you see, once you understand that the “foundation” of the earth speaks of God FIXING the earth to EXTEND another AGE of the earth. Or more precisely, God extending the earth for TWO AGES, this present world, and the world to come before the Day of Judgment to judge Lucifer and the fallen angels. Then all of the verses fit perfectly together without having any contradictions.
And that is the TRUE sound Biblical God intended meaning of Job 38:1-4. when it is correctly translated and correctly interpreted in the LIGHT of the WHOLE word of Almighty God.
Job is a FIGURE of Jesus and Yahweh is prophetically speaking to His Messiah through the Scriptures, teaching him that the Scriptures prophesy of him as being the one that He will GIRD with the GIRDLE that was worn by Lucifer to rule over the earth before he rebelled and waged a WAR against Yahwelh’s throne of authority.
God GAVE Adam the dominion over the earth, but he fell because of sin. And the last Adam redeemed that dominion back for those who BELIEVE in Jesus.
Also, for more concerning the WAR in heaven that began during a PREVIOUS AGE of the earth, please read the Verse Study on Deuteronomy 4:32.
But some Christians do not believe that Jesus was created by Yahweh to REPLACE the fallen god Lucifer, now known as Satan, the Devil.
And the Christadelphian Christians do NOT even believe that Satan, the Devil, is a REAL literal BEING. Also, the Christadelphian Christians ALSO wrongly believe, as well as some other church denominations like Calvinism and Reformed Theology, that God created EVIL and that Yahweh is the CAUSE of all of the EVIL in the world.
Plus, Christadelphian Christians, as well as other church denominations such as the Roman Catholic Church, sincerely, but wrongly believe in the FALSE doctrine or original sin. And thus, they build their other man-made doctrines upon the false doctrine of every person being born with a so-called sinful NATURE.
Again, once Christians understand the REASON that Yahweh CREATED the Son of MAN, Jesus, was to have DOMINION over the work of Yahweh’s hands.
And that you understand that the REASON that Yahweh did that is to STILL His ENEMIES, Satan and the fallen angels.
Then you can understand that God made His human Son to become a Lord, a King, and a God, to JUDGE Satan and the fallen angels.
For a deeper understanding of this WAR that Lucifer and one third of the angel waged against the throne of Almighty God, please read the studies under the subject category called >>> Q-0 Why Are We Here? Is God at WAR? <<<
More studies coming in this SHORTER Biblical Unitarian view of who Jesus is according to the WHOLE word of God. If you have a PARTICULAR verse of Scripture that you would like to know the sound Biblical Unitarian meaning, then please email me at and let me know.
For further and more in-depth studies on this subject of Jesus being created to STILL the enemies of Yahweh, please read the studies called D-25. A NEW LOOK at JOHN 1:1-In the BEGINNING, and D-28. The PRE-ADAMIC LUCIFERIAN FLOOD!
Thanks for reading, and may God bless you richly as you continue to seek the TRUTH of the WHOLE word of Almighty God. And to me, the truth concerning who Jesus TRULY is, according to the Bible ITSELF, is the Biblical Unitarian view of Jesus. So, for ALL of the studies on the Biblical Unitarian view of Jesus, please click on the subject heading >>> D-0. THE BIBLICAL UNITARIAN VIEW of JESUS! <<<
And for the SUBJECT on the true foundation of the church, please click on the subject heading >>> C-0. THE TRUE FOUNDATION OF THE CHURCH! <<< This way you can just send ONE link to those who you want to share the TRUE sound Biblical FOUNDATIONAL teachings of the church that Jesus and his Apostles taught in the first century church.
Your brother in our Lord Jesus Christ,
Brother Mark.
My heartfelt prayer is that all Christians RETURN to the TRUE FOUNDATION of the church that is taught by the very Apostles of Jesus in the first century. So let us all come into the UNITY of the faith and return to what Jesus and his Apostles taught us in SIMPLICITY in the New Testament.
To learn more TRUTH, then please return to
To me, the best way to know the ONE true God in ONE person is to know who Jesus TRULY is according to the WHOLE word of Almighty God. So please read ALL of the studies under the heading >>> N-0. WHO is JESUS ACCORDING to the BIBLE? <<< and you will see that the Bible itself teaches us that Jesus was CREATED by his God and Father. And if you have any questions related to the correct meaning of certain verses of Scripture on this subject of who Jesus is please read all the studies under the two headings >>> U-0. VERSES used for THE TRINITY! <<< and >>> V-0. VERSES used to TEACH that Jesus PRE-EXISTED! <<< These two headings have ALL of the studies that I have on who Jesus truly is according to what the Bible itself teaches us in simplicity. I compiled these three headings to make it easy for my readers to send just one, two, or three links to those you desire to help understand what the Bible itself teaches concerning who Jesus is in the LIGHT of the WHOLE word of Almighty God. If you have any questions, please feel free to write to me.
My contact email is
Thanks again for reading and may God bless you richly as you continue to seek the truth of the whole word of Almighty God.
Your Brother in our Lord Jesus Christ,
Brother Mark.
The end.
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