Job 38:7

***What Does Job 38:7 TRULY mean?

Here is Job 38:7 from the KJV. “When the morning stars sang together, and all the sons of God shouted for joy?”  

Has Job 38:7 been “correctly” TRANSLATED? To me, it can be MORE CORRECTLY translated to better fit the CONTEXT! 

For you see, the Hebrew words “translated” as sang together ALSO means in the light of the CONTEXT that the good angels UNITED together to get VICTORY over the FALLEN the sons of God that waged a WAR against them individually.

Who are the morning stars? Are they the angels? And are the angels also the sons of God as well? These questions and more will be answered in this and other Verse Studies.

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Is Job 38:7 About the WAR in Heaven?


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What does Job 38:7 TRULY Mean in the LIGHT of the WHOLE Word of Almighty God?


Let us begin this Verse Study on Job 38:7 by establishing the TRUTH that the word STARS in this context is referring to the angelic beings or the race of people called the angels. 

And the “morning” stars are the Elohim or the gods that Yahweh SET to be rulers and watchers or attendants, as in, caretakers over different parts of His creations in the universe.

Jesus clearly teaches us in Revelation 1:20 that the word “STARS” symbolically refers to the ANGELS.

Revelation 1:20.  

“The mystery of the seven stars which thou sawest in my right hand, and the seven golden candlesticks. The seven STARS ARE the ANGELS of the seven churches: and the seven candlesticks which you saw are the seven churches.” 

And, just as a side note to study later, the TWO witnesses are called the two CANDLESTICKS in Revelation 11:4. In other words, the two witness are two groups of people, the natural olive tree, and the wild olive tree grafter into the ROOT of the natural olive tree AFTER ALL of its BRANCHES were cut off.

But for now, back to that STARS being at WAR fighting against each other. For you see, in Deuteronomy 4:32. God wants us to ASK Him about this WAR that began during the PREVIOUS AGE of the earth. So ask God yourself about one side of heaven being against the other side of heaven. Have you heard of such an INSOLENT thing as this?

God hides a little here and a little there throughout the Scriptures about this WAR in heaven.

Judges 5:20.  

“They fought from heaven; the STARS in their courses FOUGHT AGAINST Sisera.”

We all know that literal stars in outer space do not FIGHT against people. So then, what is this verse actually saying?

There are two people in the Bible names Sisera. One was a temple servant who sever God in the temple. That is a FIGURE of Lucifer BEFORE he rebelled to become a commander of an army to oppress people. The other Sisera was an evil commander of a Canaanite army that severely oppressed the Israelite people. And he is a FIGURE of the fallen angel. Lucifer, who is not called Satan, the Adversary of all that is GOOD.

So then, God uses real events and real historic people as FIGURES of other real people and other real events. We all agree that many people in the Bible are PROPHETIC FIGURES of Jesus. But what some Christians have failed to see is that some figures in the Bible refer to PAST events. And thus, Sisera is a FIGURE of Lucifer who corrupted himself to oppress the people.

In the book of Job, we find a lot of prophecy and ALSO a lot about the previous age before God created the humans. In other words, a huge portion of the Bible is teaching us about the JUDGMENT of Lucifer and the fallen angels and WHY God even created man and the Son of man. Let us take a closer look at some more of these passages of Scripture referring to the STARS as being the angels. The words highlighted in orange refer to Almighty God Yahweh, the Father of ALL of the sons of God, the angels.

Job 25:1-6.

“Then answered Bildad the Shuhite, and said, 

Job 25:2. Dominion and fear (Or the alarm of war between the angels, who He SET to be having dominion over the works of His hands) are with Him, He makes PEACE in His HIGH places. (Or Yahweh is in the process of make PEACE among the gods that he SET in high places of rulership that REBELLED against His throne of authority over them)

Job 25:3. Is there any number of His armies? And upon whom does NOT His light arise? (In other words, WHO does not receive Yahweh’s understanding of PEACE? Satan and the fallen angels who are PEOPLE, but they are not HUMAN beings. They are called MAN but they are not HUMAN men)

Job 25:4. How then can man be justified with God? (Or how then can the fallen angles be justified seeing that the refuse of accept PEACE and stop waging wars and oppressing God creation?) Or how can he be clean that is born of a woman? (Speaking of human beings that are contrasted against the fallen angels not being able to be justified with God. Elihu is NOT speaking that which is right concerning Job being a RIGHTEOUS and upright HUMAN. Job is a FIGURE of the suffering Messiah)

Job 25:5. Behold even to the moon, and it shines not; yea, the STARS are NOT PURE in His sight. (Again, we see the STARS as referring to the angels. And since the angels are NOT PURE in Yahweh’s eyes, the how can humans born of women be PURE in the eyes of God, according to Elihu who does not speak right about everything he says to Job,

So then, Elihu can be seen as a figure of most preaches who have SOME correct doctrines, but not ALL that they preach is correct sound Biblical teaching)

Job 25:6. How much less man, that is a worm? And the son of man, which is a worm?” 

The word “man” that is highlighted in green is a DIFFERENT Hebrew word that means EXTANT. And extant means existing, as in, these people existed before God created “man” and the Son of MAN, because of MAN, the sons of God who became the ENEMIES of God, according to Psalm 8:1-6.

Psalm 8:1-6.  

To the chief Musician upon Gittith, (The chief Musician refers to or symbolizes Lucifer, the morning star who rebelled and wages a WAR against Yahweh and the angels who remain faithful to Him. The Hebrew word translated as “upon” also means “CONCERNING for”. And the root meaning of Gittah means “the treading of the grapes in the winepress, which is the WRATH of Yahweh) A Psalm of David. O LORD our Lord, how excellent is Your name in all the earth! Who has set Your GLORY above the heavens. (The LITERAL translation reads, Yahweh Lords of us. And, according to the prophecies and the fulfillments of the Scripture, Yahweh GAVE the Son of MAN, Jesus, a NEW NAME after the cross and resurrection to be MADE a Lord to JOIN Yahweh the Creator on His throne to rule as God FOR Yahweh in the NAME OF Yahweh for 1000 years during the world to come.

So then, the NAME of Yahweh that brings GLORY to Yahweh, is the now glorified Son of MAN, Jesus. And to us, as Christians, there is but ONE God, who is the Father and ONE Lord who is Jesus ANOINTED by his God and Father to be MADE the Lord of lords, and the King of kings. 

And Yahweh did this to STILL the enemy, the Adversary, who we know is Satan, the Devil, the fallen angel Lucifer)

Psalm 8:2. Out of the mouth of babes and suckling have You ordained strength because of Your enemies, that You might STILL (Or that Yahweh might SILENCE and make to CEASE) the enemy and the Avenger

Psalm 8:3. When I consider Your heavens, the work of Your fingers, the moon and the STARS, which You have ordained; (Or which You SET UP and are now FIXING to make PEACE)

Psalm 8:4. What is man, that You are mindful of him? (The Hebrew word translated as “mindful” also means to RECOUNT or to give and account, as in, a record of the angels. In other words, why do You TELL us about the angels to give us an account about them and what happen in the PAST before You created Adam) And the Son of man, that You visit him

Psalm 8:5. For You have MADE him a little LOWER than the angels, (The people or the sons of God who existed BEFORE God MADE or created Adam and Eve) and have CROWNED him (The Son of MAN, Jesus) with glory and honor. (To RECEIVE POWER, according to Revelation 5:12 to the GLORY of Almighty God the Father, according to Philippians 2:8-11)

Psalm 8:6. You MADE him to have dominion over the works of YOUR hands; (Or You created him for the purpose of being given the dominion over the world of Your hands) You have put all things under his feet.”

So then, now that you have the understanding that a WAR has been waged against Yahweh’s throne, let us read Job 38:7 in the LIGHT of that understanding.

Here is Job as it reads in the KJV, and then I will give you a more correct translation that AGREES with the entire CONTEXT of Job chapter 38.

Job 38:7 from the KJV.

“When the morning stars sang together, and all the sons of God shouted for joy?”

And here is my paraphrased correctly “translated” in the LIGHT of the WHOLE word of Almighty God.

Job 38:7 more correctly TRANSLATED.

“When the Elohim of the angelic being UNITED together, that got the VICTORY of the FALLEN angelic beings, and as many as TRIUMPHED of the faithful Elohim shouted for joy?” 

It is not so much that Job 38:7 is a perverted translation in the KJV, but rather, I want my readers to see that there are MORE CORRECT translations of many verses in the Bible that agree more FULLY with the WHOLE word of Almighty God.

So, I implore my readers to read the other Verse Studies that I have written concerning this WAR in heaven having one side of heaven against the other side of heaven, according to Deuteronomy 4:32.

To continue reading the TRUE sound Biblical meaning of the CONTEXT of Job 38:7, please read the Verse Study called Job 38:1, in which I cover the first four verses, John 38:1-4.

And that is the TRUE sound Biblical God intended meaning of Job 38:7 when it is correctly translated and correctly interpreted in the LIGHT of the WHOLE word of Almighty God. The faithful angels are shouting for joy when they TRIUMPHED over the fallen angels to imprison them to the boundary of the atmosphere of the earth.

Now, Christadelphian Christians do NOT believe that Satan, the Devil, is a REAL literal BEING. And the Christadelphian Christians ALSO wrongly believe, as well as, some other church denominations, that God created EVIL and that Yahweh is the CAUSE of all of the EVIL in the world. 

Plus, Christadelphian Christians, as well as other church denominations such as the Roman Catholic Church, sincerely, but wrongly believe in the FALSE doctrine or original sin. And thus, they build their other man-made doctrines upon the false doctrine of every person being born with a so-called sinful NATURE.

Again, once Christians understand the REASON that Yahweh CREATED the Son of MAN, Jesus, was to have DOMINION over the work of Yahweh’s hands. 

And that you understand that the REASON that Yahweh did that is to STILL His ENEMIES, Satan and the fallen angels. 

Then you can understand that God made His human Son to become a Lord, a King, and a God, to JUDGE Satan and the fallen angels. 

For a deeper understanding of this WAR that Lucifer and one third of the angel waged against the throne of Almighty God, please read the studies under the subject category called >>> Q-0 Why Are We Here? Is God at WAR? <<<

More studies coming in this SHORTER Biblical Unitarian view of who Jesus is according to the WHOLE word of God. If you have a PARTICULAR verse of Scripture that you would like to know the sound Biblical Unitarian meaning, then please email me at and let me know.

For further and more in-depth studies on this subject of Jesus being created to STILL the enemies of Yahweh, please read the studies called D-25. A NEW LOOK at JOHN 1:1-In the BEGINNING, and D-28. The PRE-ADAMIC LUCIFERIAN FLOOD! 

Thanks for reading, and may God bless you richly as you continue to seek the TRUTH of the WHOLE word of Almighty God. And to me, the truth concerning who Jesus TRULY is, according to the Bible ITSELF, is the Biblical Unitarian view of Jesus. So, for ALL of the studies on the Biblical Unitarian view of Jesus, please click on the subject heading >>> D-0. THE BIBLICAL UNITARIAN VIEW of JESUS! <<<

And for the SUBJECT on the true foundation of the church, please click on the subject heading >>> C-0. THE TRUE FOUNDATION OF THE CHURCH! <<< This way you can just send ONE link to those who you want to share the TRUE sound Biblical FOUNDATIONAL teachings of the church that Jesus and his Apostles taught in the first century church.


Your brother in our Lord Jesus Christ,

Brother Mark.


My heartfelt prayer is that all Christians RETURN to the TRUE FOUNDATION of the church that is taught by the very Apostles of Jesus in the first century. So let us all come into the UNITY of the faith and return to what Jesus and his Apostles taught us in SIMPLICITY in the New Testament. 


To learn more TRUTH, then please return to




To me, the best way to know the ONE true God in ONE person is to know who Jesus TRULY is according to the WHOLE word of Almighty God. So please read ALL of the studies under the heading >>> N-0. WHO is JESUS ACCORDING to the BIBLE? <<< and you will see that the Bible itself teaches us that Jesus was CREATED by his God and Father. And if you have any questions related to the correct meaning of certain verses of Scripture on this subject of who Jesus is please read all the studies under the two headings >>> U-0. VERSES used for THE TRINITY! <<< and >>> V-0. VERSES used to TEACH that Jesus PRE-EXISTED! <<< These two headings have ALL of the studies that I have on who Jesus truly is according to what the Bible itself teaches us in simplicity. I compiled these three headings to make it easy for my readers to send just one, two, or three links to those you desire to help understand what the Bible itself teaches concerning who Jesus is in the LIGHT of the WHOLE word of Almighty God. If you have any questions, please feel free to write to me. 

My contact email is

Thanks again for reading and may God bless you richly as you continue to seek the truth of the whole word of Almighty God.


Your Brother in our Lord Jesus Christ,

Brother Mark.




The end.

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Always be faithful to share, to preach, and to teach the whole gospel of Jesus Christ!

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