Romans 3:10
***What Does Romans 3:10 TRULY mean?
Here is Romans 3:10 from the KJV. “As it is written, There is none righteous, no, not one:”
Paul is quoting three PROPHECIES from the Old Testament.
These prophecies speak of the time during the 3 1/2 years of the GREAT tribulation.
When the time of the Gentiles comes to FULL, then it will be as it is WRITTEN. And the time of the Gentiles is not yet come to full.
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What Does Psalm 14:1-3 Truly Mean?
Romans 3:10-18 is an END TIME Prophecy!
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When Will the Gentiles Come to FULL?
Before we take a closer look at Romans 3:9-18, my readers need to understand God’s WAY of being saved is to be His workmanship and NOT our OWN workmanship.
And thus, on the day the God raised Jesus from the dead, God CONCLUDED ALL people, both Jews and Gentile to be UNDER SIN, according to Romans 11:32 and Galatians 3:22. In Romans 11:32, God cuts OFF ALL of the branches of the good olive tree, Israel.
And thus, among the Jewish chosen people, as it is written, there is NONE RIGHTEOUS, no NOT ONE.
Romans 11:32.
“FOR (Or BECAUSE) God has CONCLUDED them all in unbelief, THAT He might have MERCY upon ALL.”
And God did the SAME will all of the Gentiles as well.
Galatians 3:22.
“But the Scripture has CONCLUDED ALL under sin, THAT the promise by FAITH of Jesus Christ might be given to them that BELIEVE.”
What Scripture is Paul talking about? Paul is talking about the PROPHECIES in Psalm 14:1-3, which is repeated almost word for word in Psalm 53:1-3.
However, in Romans 3:10-18, Paul does NOT quote the whole context, and Paul also quotes other prophecy from other Scriptures. And thus, there are TWO God “intended” meanings for the passage of Scripture in Romans 3:9-23.
The first meaning is that God CONCLUDED ALL of mankind to be DEAD in their sins even if the only sin a person has is PRIDE to boast and see themselves to be BETTER than other people.
And the second God intended meaning is that those Scriptures are PROPHECIES concerning the FULLNESS of the Gentiles.
In other words, Romans 3:10-18 have NOTHING whatsoever to do with every single human being in a state of TOTAL DEPRAVITY where not one person has the ABILITY to seek after God of his or her OWN FREE WILL. The doctrine of Total Depravity, the doctrine of Original Sin, and the doctrine of Sinful Nature are all doctrines of devils.
And those who teach those doctrines take verses OUT of their CONTEXT and read their own preconceive belief into those verses of Scripture.
So let us now take a closer look at the CONTEXT of Romans 3:10-18 by including verse 9 so that you can see Paul’s INTENDED meaning.
Romans 3:9-18.
“What then? Are we BETTER than they? (Keep in mind that God is ELIMINATING PRIDE and BOASTING by giving us HIS GRACE. For you see, the Jews considered themselves better than the SINNERS of the Gentiles, according to Galatians 2:15 and Acts 19:28) No, in no wise: for we have before proved both Jews and Gentiles, that they are ALL UNDER SIN; (And being under sin means being Spiritually DEAD in our sins and under the PUNISHMENT of DEATH. For you see, according to Acts 4:12, God gave only one NAME whereby we ALL MUST be saved. And thus, Jesus is the ONLY WAY to the Father, according to John 14:6.
Then Paul goes on to FURTHER prove this truth as to why the Jews are NOT BETTER than the Gentiles)
10. As it is WRITTEN, There is NONE righteous, NO, NOT ONE: (WHY? Why are none righteous? You just read why in verse 9, we are ALL UNDER SIN. Why? What are we all under sin? Because God CHOSE to CONCLUDE all humans to be under sin and no longer accept our OWN works to be righteous.
But there is also other meaning found in the PROPHECIES. So then, WHERE is it WRITTEN that there is NONE righteous, NO, NOT ONE? Let us read through the entire list of Scriptures that Paul QUOTES from different places in the Old Testament before we go to the Old Testament and read them in their CONTEXT)
11. There is NONE that understands, there is NONE that SEEKS after God.
12. They are ALL gone out of the way, they are together BECOME unprofitable; there is NONE that does good, NO, NOT ONE. (Paul is quoting Psalm 14:3. But we need to read the WHOLE Psalm to understand that the prophecy is concerning the END of days when the FULLNESS of the Gentiles has come to full.
And we must also understand that there will be a GREAT DECEPTION just before the return of Jesus, according to 2 Thessalonians 2:3. And thus, Paul is talking about a SPECIFIC group of people and NOT every single human being. For you see, Paul is quoting DIFFERENT prophecies concerning the END of days)
13. Their throat is an open sepulcher; with their tongues, they have used deceit; (Paul is quoting Psalm 5:9) the poison of asps is under their lips: (Paul is quoting Psalm 140:3)
14. Whose mouth is full of cursing and bitterness: (And the star, Wormwood, in Revelation 8:11 shall make the WATERS BITTER. The waters are “many” people and NOT ALL people, according to Revelation 17:15.
Just some 30 years ago the news would say 5 people were murdered this year in the city of whatever city. And now, the news channels no longer even try to keep count, let alone tell the public the vast number of murders each year in pretty much ever major city in the world)
15. Their feet are swift to shed blood:
16. Destruction and misery are in their ways:
17. And the way of peace have they not known:
18. There is no fear of God before their eyes.”
Now, in verses 10, 11, and 12 Paul is quoting from Psalm 14, which clearly is NOT speaking about ALL of mankind. But RATHER, according to the context, those verses of Scripture are speaking of or prophesying of the FOOL that says there is NO God is the LAST days.
Please read Psalm 14:1-5.
“The FOOL has said in HIS heart, There is NO God. THEY (Speaking of those who FOOLISHLY say in THEIR heart that there is NO God. THEY) are corrupt, THEY have done abominable works, there is NONE (Clearly, speaking of NONE of THEM, who say there is NO God. For you see, the understood subject of who is being talked about is the FOOL that says there is NO God. There is NONE of THEM) that do good.
2. The LORD looked down from heaven upon the children of men, to see if there were any that did understand, and seek God. (This is a PROPHECY of the last days of WHEN the Lord will look down and see that the wickedness of the WICKED is come to FULL once more in the earth as it became in the days of Noah)
3. THEY (Again, speaking of the FOOL who says there is NO God in the last days, THEY) are all gone aside, THEY are all together BECOME filthy: there is NONE (Not BORN filthy as some Christians CLAIM. But rather, the FOOL that says there is no God have all together BECOME filthy.
So again, Paul is speaking of NONE of THEM, still the understood subject referring to the FOOLS in the last days that says there is NO God. There is NONE of THEM) that does good, NO, NOT ONE (Of THEM, speaking again of the FOOL in the last days when wickedness has come to completion which is the understood subject throughout this entire Psalm 14)
4. Have all the WORKERS of INIQUITY no knowledge? Who eat up MY PEOPLE (Again PROVING that there are indeed GODLY and RIGHTEOUS people of God on the earth that are being killed by these WICKED people who say in THEIR heart that there is NO God.
It is THESE workers of INIQUITY who eat up God’s people) as THEY (Speaking of ONLY the WICKED and NOT of ALL of mankind as some FALSELY teach, THEY, the WICKED) eat bread, and call NOT upon the LORD.
5. There were THEY (Still speaking of the FOOL in the last days that says in his heart that there is NO God and who work iniquity including the killing of the RIGHTEOUS people of God. It is THEY, the FOOL that shall be) in great fear: (WHY? Why shall these FOOLS who say that there is NO God that persecutes the people of God start to FEAR in the last days? Because they will see Jesus when he comes to execute the WRATH of Almighty God.
So then, these verses LEFT in their CONTEXT clearly teach us that the pronoun THEY, is speaking of ONLY the WICKED who will one day FEAR God) FOR (Or because) God is in the generation of the RIGHTEOUS.”
The TRUTH of the matter none of these verses Paul quoted from the Old Testament in Romans 3:12-18 are speaking of ALL of mankind, as Calvinist and Reformed Theology Christians FALSELY teach.
But RATHER, they are prophecies of the last days that are all speaking of the WICKED at the END of the age when God shall judge the wicked because NONE of the WICKED, as in, no MORE of the WICKED will seek after God, and NONE of the WICKED will TURN from THEIR wicked way to be saved IN this present world.
And at that point in time of Paul’s ministry, Paul truly believed that Jesus would return in his lifetime. And pretty much every generation has wrongly believed the Jesus would come in their lifetime.
But the truth of the matter is that the FULNESS of the Gentiles IN this PRESENT world will have come in and be completed, UNTIL God looks upon the children of men and see for Himself that NONE of the WICKED will NO LONGER SEEK after God no matter how much the gospel is preached.
It will be when, NO NOT ONE of the WICKED is going to turn to God. And that time of WHEN the wickedness has come to FULL is nigh at the door.
When Jesus comes, he will say let the righteous remain righteous and let the unrighteous remain unrighteous knowing that the TIME has come when NONE of the wicked IN this PRESENT world shall turn to God.
Please read Psalm 14:7, the last verse in this short chapter from the Wycliffe translation that prophesies of the last days WHEN the DELIVERER shall come out of Zion to set Israel free from the nations that are warring against her at the battle of Armageddon.
Psalm 14:7 from the Wycliffe Translation.
“Who shall give from Zion health to Israel? WHEN the Lord has turned away the captivity of his people; Jacob shall fully be joyful, Jacob shall (Come to be in) full out joy, and Israel shall be glad. [Who shall give victory; Who shall give salvation, or deliverance, to Israel out of Zion? WHEN the Lord has RETURNED the prosperity of his people, then Jacob shall rejoice; yea, Israel shall be glad.]”
And to me, that is the TRUE sound Biblical meaning of Romans 3:10 when it is kept in its CONTEXT and interpreted correctly in the LIGHT of the WHOLE word of Almighty God.
For you see, Paul truly believed at that TIME that he was living during the last 3 1/2 years of this present world. Christians were being killed daily in the days of Paul.
And the WICKED will be killing the Christians and the Jews AGAIN in our day. So, the pronouns “THEIR” and “THEY” are referring ONLY to the WICKED because THEY are killing the RIGHTEOUS and NOT every single human being as some FALSELY teach.
Again, this passage of Scripture ALSO means that God CONCLUDED ALL to be dead in their sin so that WHOSOEVER BELIEVES can become HIS WORKMANSHIP to be saved in His Son, Jesus Christ.
For a deeper understanding of HOW things will be like in the last days when Jesus comes again for his church and to rescue Israel from total destruction, please read the study entitled “THE SECOND COMING OF JESUS”
Also, be sure to read the next Verse Study on 1 John 1:8 to learn its TRUE sound Biblical meaning of that passage of Scripture when it is correctly understood in the LIGHT of the WHOLE word of Almighty God.
So again, NO! Romans 3:10-18 does NOT prove that ANY human is BORN with a sinful NATURE. But rather, every human being LEARNS to walk in righteousness. And sadly, some people LEARN to corrupt their own minds and harden their own hearts to SIN against their conscience.
And the TRUTH of the matters is that every man has sinned at some point in the life, we all have FALLEN short of the glory of God BECAUSE we all have SINNED at one time or another in our life.
And it was Satan, the DEVIL who entices us to SIN.
Now sadly, Christadelphian Christians do NOT believe that Satan, the Devil, is a REAL literal BEING. And the Christadelphian Christians ALSO wrongly believe, as well as, some other church denominations, that God created EVIL and that Yahweh is the CAUSE of all of the EVIL in the world.
Plus, Christadelphian Christians, as well as other church denominations such as the Roman Catholic Church, sincerely, but wrongly believe in the FALSE doctrine or original sin. And thus, they build their other man-made doctrines upon the false doctrine of every person being born with a so-called sinful NATURE.
Again, once Christians understand the REASON that Yahweh CREATED the Son of MAN, Jesus, was to have DOMINION over the work of Yahweh’s hands.
And that you understand that the REASON that Yahweh did that is to STILL His ENEMIES, Satan and the fallen angels.
Then you can understand that God made His human Son to become a Lord, a King, and a God, to JUDGE Satan and the fallen angels.
For a deeper understanding of this WAR that Lucifer and one third of the angel waged against the throne of Almighty God, please read the studies under the subject category called >>> Q-0 Why Are We Here? Is God at WAR? <<<
More studies coming in this SHORTER Biblical Unitarian view of who Jesus is according to the WHOLE word of God. If you have a PARTICULAR verse of Scripture that you would like to know the sound Biblical Unitarian meaning, then please email me at and let me know.
For further and more in-depth studies on this subject of Jesus being created to STILL the enemies of Yahweh, please read the studies called D-25. A NEW LOOK at JOHN 1:1-In the BEGINNING, and D-28. The PRE-ADAMIC LUCIFERIAN FLOOD!
Thanks for reading, and may God bless you richly as you continue to seek the TRUTH of the WHOLE word of Almighty God. And to me, the truth concerning who Jesus TRULY is, according to the Bible ITSELF, is the Biblical Unitarian view of Jesus. So, for ALL of the studies on the Biblical Unitarian view of Jesus, please click on the subject heading >>> D-0. THE BIBLICAL UNITARIAN VIEW of JESUS! <<<
And for the SUBJECT on the true foundation of the church, please click on the subject heading >>> C-0. THE TRUE FOUNDATION OF THE CHURCH! <<< This way you can just send ONE link to those who you want to share the TRUE sound Biblical FOUNDATIONAL teachings of the church that Jesus and his Apostles taught in the first century church.
Your brother in our Lord Jesus Christ,
Brother Mark.
My heartfelt prayer is that all Christians RETURN to the TRUE FOUNDATION of the church that is taught by the very Apostles of Jesus in the first century. So let us all come into the UNITY of the faith and return to what Jesus and his Apostles taught us in SIMPLICITY in the New Testament.
To learn more TRUTH, then please return to
To me, the best way to know the ONE true God in ONE person is to know who Jesus TRULY is according to the WHOLE word of Almighty God. So please read ALL of the studies under the heading >>> N-0. WHO is JESUS ACCORDING to the BIBLE? <<< and you will see that the Bible itself teaches us that Jesus was CREATED by his God and Father. And if you have any questions related to the correct meaning of certain verses of Scripture on this subject of who Jesus is please read all the studies under the two headings >>> U-0. VERSES used for THE TRINITY! <<< and >>> V-0. VERSES used to TEACH that Jesus PRE-EXISTED! <<< These two headings have ALL of the studies that I have on who Jesus truly is according to what the Bible itself teaches us in simplicity. I compiled these three headings to make it easy for my readers to send just one, two, or three links to those you desire to help understand what the Bible itself teaches concerning who Jesus is in the LIGHT of the WHOLE word of Almighty God. If you have any questions, please feel free to write to me.
My contact email is
Thanks again for reading and may God bless you richly as you continue to seek the truth of the whole word of Almighty God.
Your Brother in our Lord Jesus Christ,
Brother Mark.
The end.
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