What does the phrase “The words of the LORD are PURE words” truly mean in the LIGHT of the WHOLE word of Almighty God?
Does Psalm 12:6,7 mean that God promised to PURIFY the SCRIPTURES seven times in the furnace of the earth?
Does that “interpretation” by the KJV ONLY Christians prove that the KJV translation is the ONLY translation of the Bible that can be trusted?
What does the Bible ITSELF teach us?
B-4 Ch1 The King James ONLY Controversy!
The King James ONLY Controversy!
Chapter 1.
Psalm 12:6,7 The words of Yahweh are PURE Words?
In Book 4 called “B4 Ch1 The King James ONLY Controversy”, we will cover both sides of that controversy. The KJV ONLY side argues that the KJV is the ONLY pure translation of the Bible.
And they interpret Psalm 12:6,7 to mean that the King James Version is God’s ONLY PURE “translation” of the Bible. But, consequently, their “interpretation” would then mean that the KJV cannot have even ONE SINGLE error in translation.
Otherwise, if even one single error is found in the KJV, then the KJV only “interpretation” of Psalm 12:6,7 is NOT God’s intended meaning of that passage of Scripture.
In other words, their definition of the KJV being INSPIRED by God to become the ONLY correct translation of God’s word dogmatically demands ZERO errors. And that would have to include typographical errors, printing errors, accidental errors, and deliberate errors.
Now, the other side of this controversy argues that EVERY “translation” of the Bible has SOME errors in “translation”, INCLUDING the KJV translation of the Bible.
And some of those errors of translations are due to certain biased interpretations concerning different church doctrine that are read into the many “different” translations.
Before we get into the errors of “translation” that are indeed found in the KJV, let us take a closer look at the true sound Biblical God intended meaning of Psalm 12:16,7.
The KJV only argument is the interpretation that God promised to preserve His word to be PURE. And thus, to them, the KJV is the only “INSPIRED” translation. They interpret Psalm 12:6,7 to mean that God PURIFIED His word “7 times”, as in, seven different times in the earth.
Here is a quote from a KJV only website. The emphasis and my comment in parentheses are mine.
“You may ask why we believe (As in the King James only Christians believe) the 1611 KJV Authorize Version is the (ONLY PURE) Word of God, and there are several reasons.
The Bible says,
Psalms 12:6-7
The words of the LORD are pure words: as silver tried in a furnace of earth, purified seven times. Thou shalt keep them, O LORD, thou shalt preserve them from this generation for ever.
From this passage we understand (As in, the King James only Christians believe) that the PURE WORDS of God (And again, THEY believe that the KJV is the ONLY translation of the Bible that is PURE and without any errors in translation) have been PURIFIED SEVEN TIMES in this earth. The purification process means that God’s PURE WORD has been refined seven times. Each stage of the process resulted in a perfect translation until we came to the KJV in which this passage says that God “SHALT PRESERVE THEM…FOREVER.”
When you consider the original languages, the KJV has gone through a seven-fold process:
A received HEBREW text – 1800 BC to 39 BC
A received ARAMAIC text – 1800 BC to 39 BC (Genesis, Daniel, ect.)
A received GREEK text – AD 40 to AD 90
A received SYRIAN text – AD 150 to AD 200
A received LATIN text – AD 150 to AD 1500
A received GERMAN text – AD 1500 to AD 2006
A received ENGLISH text – AD 1611 to AD 2019+
(Now, keep in mind that many OTHER translations of the Bible into many different languages ALSO translate the Bible using these SAME “received” texts. And thus, this argument does not make the KJV any more special than many other translations of the Bible)
The purification of the English Scriptures are seven-fold also:
The Gothic
The Anglo-Saxon
The Pre-Wycliffe
The Wycliffe
The Tyndale/Coverdale/Great/Geneva
The Bishops
The King James Bible
(Please notice that this KJV only Christain has GROUPED FOUR DIFFERENT translations together and has label FOUR to be one process.
And, obviously, this was done so that he could end up with SEVEN translations, where the KJV is the seventh. Otherwise, the KJV would be the TENTH translation or even the fifteen. For you see, there are other translation before the KJV that are not listed above. For example, the Coptic translation, which is one of the earliest translations that I talk about in chapter 6 of Book 2, is not listed)
As you can see, there is something completely unique about the King James Bible. Some may say however, only the originals are inspired. Why would God just inspire “originals” and then later lose them? What? Did God suddenly decide not to preserve His Word like He said He would? (God did not lose the original manuscripts. But rather, some wore out and were copied to be preserved. Some manuscripts were destroyed those against Christianity, and before they were destroyed by the enemies of God, Christians made copies or them. And thus, God’s word has been preserved in copies or the originals. Otherwise, there would be NO Scriptures around today if God did not protect His word through the copies of the Scriptures) Others say all the Bible versions are inspired, (I have not heard any Christian say that all “translations” of the Bible are “inspired” by God. But rather, we say that the “original” text of the Old Testament that was written in Hebrew was definitely inspired by God. And many Christians, but not all Christians, say that the “original” Greek text of the New Testament is also inspired by God. For me personally, I do not believe that ALL of the New Testament was “inspired” by God. So then, is it possible that SOME Christians have said that ALL Bible versions are inspired? Perhaps some have said that in ignorance) if that is true, why do they all say different things? (Other translations differ in some areas due to the different beliefs of the translators. The translators of one version may have been Roman Catholic in their belief. And the belief of the translators EFFECTS how they translate certain verses of Scripture. INCLUDING the KJV) Did God suddenly change His mind about how a verse should read? To fully comprehend and appreciate the fact that God is willing to choose one Bible should not be a surprise. God is not the author of confusion:
Please notice that this KJV only Christian makes the claim that it is a FACT that God chose only ONE English translation Bible that can be trusted.
NO! That is his own personal OPINION. It is NOT a FACT. People are saved by ANY translation of the Bible. In my own opinion, I consider the paraphrase Message Bible to be the worst translation of all, but yet many people have been save by reading the Message Bible.
Some King James ONLY Christians make it sound as if ALL other translations of the Bible were deliberately CORRUPTED to deceive Christians.
They argue that the “modern” translations ADD words to the Bible in places and that they REMOVE words from the Bible in other places. And therefore, the THEM, ALL modern translations are deliberate corruptions intended to deceive Christians, and ONLY the KJV can be trusted COMPLETELY.
So then, are the argument made by the KJV only Christians VALID arguments? The short answer is NO! No, they are not valid arguments. In fact, their MAIN argument is bases solely on their own INTERPRETATION of Psalm 12:6,7.
Now, the first thing that I want you to notice is what Psalm 12:6,7 ACTUALLY says in the LIGHT of the WHOLE word of Almighty God. The psalmist David is saying that God will preserve “them” FROM THIS GENERATION. In the CONTEXT of this passage of Scripture, David is referring to a specific generation that will be mocking Christians in the last days.
Take a closer look at the pronoun “THEM”. This Scripture actually says that God will preserve THEM FROM this generation. In other words, “something” will be preserved FROM a specific generation. And that something will be preserved forever.
And the second thing that I want you to see is that the pronoun “them” is actually speaking of the righteous that are being oppressed, as WHO God will PRESERVE. In other words, the something that God promised to preserve FOREVER are the good and faithful servants in Jesus Christ who are oppressed for teaching the truth of God’s prophetic word.
Let us read the context in verse 5 so that you can see what I am teaching you is the truth or the whole word of God.
Psalm 12:5.
“For (Or because of) the oppression of the poor, for (Or because of) the sighing of the needy, now will I arise, says the LORD; I will set him in safety from him that puffs (Or that SCOFFS) at him.”
So then, it is the Christians who are SCOFFED at for preaching the TRUTH that are the THEM which God will preserve FROM that generation.
And that generation will be when not one more unsaved person will seek the Lord, according to the prophecy in Psalm 41:1-5 and Psalm 53:1-6, that Paul quoted in Romans 3:10-18.
In other words, when Christians speak God’s word, saying that Jesus is coming, then we can argue that we are SPEAKING God’s word. We, as Christians know and understand that God word is PURE and that His word is not our own words.
But those who scoff at the coming of Jesus are simply speaking their OWN words. They boast that they have NO Lord over them. The wicked boast in verse 5 saying, who of Lord over us? And they mean that they alone are their own boss, and they cannot do whatever they please with no fear of God’s judgment and wrath. Or so they THINK!
Now, there is ALSO a deeper meaning of Psalm 12:6, of the phrase, “the WORDS of Yahweh are PURE WORDS”, which I will explain in a moment. But first, I want you to understand that something that is completely PURE cannot be PURIFIED to become any more pure.
So then, the third thing that I want to draw your attention to is that God’s word, as in, the Scriptures have ALWAYS been completely PURE. For you see, according to Numbers 23:19, God is not a man that he should LIE, neither the Son of Man that He should repent. It is IMPOSSIBLE for God to LIE, according to Hebrews 6:8.
Therefore, for KJV only Christians to “interpret” Psalm 12:6,7 to try to prove that God PURIFIED His word SEVEN TIMES in the earth, to mean that God purified the SCRIPTURES seven times in the earth to end up with the of the 1611 KJV English translation, is to also say that God’s word, the INSPIRED Hebrew Scriptures, were NOT COMPLETELY pure at any time BEFORE the KJV.
And to me, that is ignorance that blasphemes the Scriptures.
Now, to ME, the true sound Biblical God INTENDED meaning of Psalm 12:6 is that WE who BELIEVE in Jesus are the PURE WORDS who are TRIED as silver is purged.
Please notice that the Hebrew word “’imrâh” is translated as “words” in the PLURAL. We all know and understand that Jesus is the FULFILLMENT of God’s word. The word was made FLESH.
In other words, Jesus is the PURE WORD! For you see, Jesus is the WAY, and the WAY of God is PERFECT, according to Psalm 18:30, which we will go ahead and read right now in its context.
Psalm 18:24-32.
“Therefore, has the LORD recompensed (Or Yahweh has rewarded) me (Referring to the Son of MAN, Jesus, speaking of himself in this prophecy of the Messiah. In other words, when Jesus read this prophecy, he understood that it testified of him to be saying, Yahweh has rewarded me) according to my righteousness, according to the cleanness of my hands in His eyesight.
Psalm 18:25. With the merciful You will show Yourself merciful; with an upright man You will show Yourself upright;
Psalm 18:26. With the PURE You will show Yourself pure; and with the froward You wilt show Yourself froward. (Or more correctly translated, with the perverse You will show Yourself tortuous, which is a DIFFERENT Hebrew would that means troubled, in pain, having to do something difficult and painful.
In other words, it GRIEVED God bitterly or deeply to have to destroy the wicked in the days of Noah. To say this another way, God takes NO PLEASURE in the death of the wicked, according to Ezekiel 33:11.
But the ERROR in the KJV translation of the second Hebrew word that is ALSO translated as “froward” makes it sound as if God Himself is perverse and wicked.
NO! It is a DIFFERENT Hebrew word for a REASON! And it should have never been translated as “froward”. And thus, a more correct translation is “tortuous”. And one of the meanings of tortuous is to be placed in a situation where you have to make a difficult decision to do something that you do not desire to do.
God DESIRES all men to be saved, but yet, not ALL mean will be saved. And that is NOT God’s fault. It is the fault of God’s ENEMIES, Satan and the fallen angels)
Psalm 18:27. For You will SAVE the afflicted people; but will bring down high looks.
Psalm 18:28. For You will light my candle: (Again, referring to the Messiah being made the light of the world) the LORD my God will enlighten my darkness. (Again, a more correct translation is, God will enlighten my “obscurity” or my understanding. The KJV translations of darkness is misleading and can be wrongly interpreted to mean my sin or God will reveal my sins)
Psalm 18:29. For by You I have run through a troop; and by my God have I leaped over a wall. (Jesus teaches us in John 5:19,30 that the Son could do NOTHING of himself. And in John 14:10, Jesus teaches us that it was Almighty God the Father DWELLING in him who actually did the mighty works,
So then, by or THROUGH the power of the Eternal Spirit dwelling in God’s Son, Jesus was enabled to overcome sin, according to Hebrews 9:14)
Psalm 18:30. As for God, His WAY is perfect: (Again, Jesus is the WAY, the ONLY WAY to the Father, according to John 14:8. In other words, Yahweh’s WAY to eternal life is to walk in the light even as Jesus walked in the light. Yahweh’s WAY is PERFECT. Or perhaps more correctly translated, God’s way is WITHOUT SPOT) the word of the LORD is tried: he (Our Lord and Messiah, Jesus, who was tried was without spot of blemish. Therefore, he, the word made flesh) is a buckler to all those that trust in him. (And the “all those” are referring to the PURE in verse 26, “With the PURE You will show Yourself pure”)
Psalm 18:31. For who is God save the LORD? (Or more correctly translated, for you see, who is an Elohim, or who is a God WITHOUT or by reason of Yahweh setting them as gods under and subject to Him?) Or who is a rock save (Except) our God? (Jesus clearly identified the Father, the God of gods, as being the ONLY TRUE God in John 17:1-3. Which by the way, is more correctly understood as the only TRUTHFUL God and Satan is a LYING god. And Jesus tells us many times that the Father is his God and our God)
Psalm 18:32. It is God that girds me with strength, and makes my way perfect.”
In other words, it was the Eternal Spirit who dwelt in the human Son of God that strengthened and empower the Son of MAN, Jesus, to make his WAY without SPOT.
Remember that another meaning of the Hebrew word that is translated as “perfect” in the KJV also means WITHOUT SPOT or without sin. And that is the ONLY WAY to the Father and eternal life in the world to come.
So then, not only is Jesus the word of God fulfilled, but WE, who BELIEVE and trust in the WAY, the ONLY WAY to the Father, are ALSO the WORDS of God being tried as silver is purified.
WE are the PURE WORDS of God whom God will preserve from that generation in the last days. And WE who overcome, enduring unto the end, shall be preserved FOREVER at the coming of Jesus. And the second death will have no more power over us.
You see, there are different Hebrew words that are “translated” as the PLURAL English word “words”. So, you have to ask yourself the question, “Why Did God inspire men of old to use this SPECIFIC Hebrew word “’imrâh ”, Strong’s number H565, in Psalm 12:6 in the original Hebrew text?”
This Hebrew word is found 37 times in the Bible, and it is translated 22 times as words, plural, in the KJV. The number 37 carries the meaning, the WORD of Yahweh. So, to me, it was no accident that this particular Hebrew word that means word, words, commandment is found exactly 37 times in the original Hebrew manuscript. But that is another study in and of itself.
So then, let us get back to the subject at hand, which is WE who believe ARE the PURE WORDS of Yahweh, in that WE are ALSO the FULFILLMENT of the Yahweh’s word of PROPHECY.
And, according to Psalm 68:30, WE are being tried in the furnace of the earth seven times. Tried as silver is tried or SANCTIFIED as silver is PURIFIED. And the SEVEN times speaks prophetically of the SEVEN 1000 yearlong DAYS of God purifying man in His own image.
Please read Psalm 66:8-10.
“O bless our God, you people, and make the voice of His praise to be heard:
Psalm 66:9. Which holds our soul in life, (Or by faith in His Son, we have eternal life abiding in us) and suffers not our feet to be moved.
Psalm 66:10. For You, O God, have proved us: You have tried us, as silver is tried.”
All through the Scriptures, it is ALWAYS the righteous who are TRIED and REFINED like silver and gold in a furnace.
Here is just one more of many passages of Scripture that clearly teach us that PEOPLE are made PURE and NOT that the Scriptures are tried as silver in the furnace of the earth SEVEN times.
Zechariah 13:9.
“And I will bring the third part through the fire, and will REFINE THEM as silver is refined, and will try them as gold is tried: they shall call on My name, (Speaking of the calling upon Yahweh’s Messiah who he gave a NEW NAME after the cross and resurrection) and I will hear them: I will say, It is My people: and they shall say, The LORD is my God.”
So again, the answer is NO! Psalm 12:6,7 does NOT teach us that the SCRIPTURES were PURIFIED seven times in the earth. The words “seven times” are prophetically speaking of the seven DAYS or the seven 1000 yearlong days of God plan of salvation.
Genesis 2:1-3 teaches us that Yahweh Himself worked six days and rested during the seventh day. And when you read the LITERAL translation of Genesis 2:1-3, then you can see that the ONE whom Yahweh make Holy is the one who will be FINISHING the work that Yahweh did. And in John 4:34 and John 5:36, Jesus said that he was called to FINISH the work of God.
Before I bring chapter 1 of this Book 4 called, The King James Only Controversy to a close, I want to share one more prophecy of Jesus in Psalms 105:17-22.
We all agree the Joseph in the Old Testament is a FIGURE of Jesus. In other words, there are some things that happened to Joseph which shows us a picture of Jesus.
Psalm 105:17-22.
“He sent a man before them, even Joseph, who was sold for a servant: (This is a figure of Jesus being the price of our redemption. But more specifically, the pronoun them is referring to the Jews wanted Jesus crucified)
Psalm 105:18. Whose feet they hurt with fetters: he was laid in iron:
Psalm 105:19 Until the time that his word came: (Or until the time came that the PROPHECY of him was to be fulfilled) the word of the LORD tried him. (Again, Yahweh PROPHESIED that His Messiah would be tried)
Psalm 105:20. The king sent (Prophetically speaking of the Eternal King, Yahweh who sent His word) and loosed him; even the ruler of the people, (Or more correctly, Yahweh saved his Son’s soul from death to be resurrected as the RULER or the people) and let him go free.
Psa 105:21 He MADE him lord of his house, and RULER of all His substance: (Again, this is a PROPHECY of Yahweh promising to MAKE Jesus Lord of His kingdom and a RULER over all His PURCHASE or what Yahweh REDEEMED or purchased back from Satan which His enemy STOLE from Yahweh. And the REASON that Yahweh did this is answered for us in the next verse)
Psalm 105:22. To bind his princes at his pleasure; and teach his senators wisdom.
The princes that Jesus was made Lord FOR to BIND are Lucifer, aka Satan, and the fallen angels. And the “senators” that Jesus teaches wisdom are the ANCIENT men speaking of the ANGELIC beings, both good and evil.
For a deeper understands of the ANCIENTS, please read Book 3 The Age BEFORE Man!
But for now, please continue to read chapter 2 of this book called B-4 Ch2 Did The Translators of the KJV Claim to be Inspired? In other words, did the translators themselves make the claim that their translation is the ONLY PURE translation of the Bible?
In chapter 2 of this Book 4 called “B-4 Ch1 The King James ONLY Controversy!”, we will cover some of the many errors in translation found in the KJV. And by “errors” I mean all different kinds of errors. I mean typographical errors, printing errors, accidental errors, and DELIBERATE adding to God’s word for the purpose of trying to support a preconceived BELIEF.
And if you have not yet read the other chapters of Book 4 The King James ONLY Controversy, then below is a list of the other chapters with links.
And if you have not already read my other new books, the links to all of my new books are in the list below.
Book 1 is called John 1:1 Made SIMPLE!
The link to chapter one is B-1 John 1:1 Made Simple
Book 2 is about the question, Did God Send His Son DOWN FROM Heaven?
The link to chapter one is B-2 Ch1 John 3:16-18 The TRUE Sound Biblical Meaning!
Book 3 is about The AGE BEFORE Man!
The link to chapter on is B-3 Ch1 Daniel 7:8 Who is the Ancient of Days?
Book 4 is about The King James ONLY Controversy!
The link to chapter 1 is B-4 CH1 The King James ONLY Controversy!
Book 5 is called What is the TRUE Gospel?
The link to chapter 1 is B-5 Ch1 What is the TRUE Gospel?
Book 6 is called WHY God Created us!
The link to chapter 1 is B-6 Ch1 WHY God Created us!
And for further and more in-depth studies on this subject of Jesus being created to STILL the enemies of Yahweh and who the TRUE Jesus is, please read the studies called D-25. A NEW LOOK at JOHN 1:1-In the BEGINNING, and D-28. The PRE-ADAMIC LUCIFERIAN FLOOD!
Thanks for reading, and may God bless you richly as you continue to seek the TRUTH of the WHOLE word of Almighty God. And to me, the truth concerning who Jesus TRULY is, according to the Bible ITSELF, is the Biblical Unitarian view of Jesus. So, for ALL of the studies on the Biblical Unitarian view of Jesus, please click on the subject heading >>> D-0. THE BIBLICAL UNITARIAN VIEW of JESUS! <<<
And for the SUBJECT on the true foundation of the church, please click on the subject heading >>> C-0. THE TRUE FOUNDATION OF THE CHURCH! <<< This way you can just send ONE link to those who you want to share the TRUE sound Biblical FOUNDATIONAL teachings of the church that Jesus and his Apostles taught in the first century church.
Your brother in our Lord Jesus Christ,
Brother Mark.
My heartfelt prayer is that all Christians RETURN to the TRUE FOUNDATION of the church that is taught by the very Apostles of Jesus in the first century. So let us all come into the UNITY of the faith and return to what Jesus and his Apostles taught us in SIMPLICITY in the New Testament.
To learn more TRUTH, then please return to
To me, the best way to know the ONE true God in ONE person is to know who Jesus TRULY is according to the WHOLE word of Almighty God. So please read ALL of the studies under the heading >>> N-0. WHO is JESUS ACCORDING to the BIBLE? <<< and you will see that the Bible itself teaches us that Jesus was CREATED by his God and Father. And if you have any questions related to the correct meaning of certain verses of Scripture on this subject of who Jesus is please read all the studies under the two headings >>> U-0. VERSES used for THE TRINITY! <<< and >>> V-0. VERSES used to TEACH that Jesus PRE-EXISTED! <<< These two headings have ALL of the studies that I have on who Jesus truly is according to what the Bible itself teaches us in simplicity. I compiled these three headings to make it easy for my readers to send just one, two, or three links to those you desire to help understand what the Bible itself teaches concerning who Jesus is in the LIGHT of the WHOLE word of Almighty God. If you have any questions, please feel free to write to me.
My contact email is MarkatAMatterOfTruth@Gmail .com.
Thanks again for reading and may God bless you richly as you continue to seek the truth of the whole word of Almighty God.
Your Brother in our Lord Jesus Christ,
Brother Mark.
The end.
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Always be faithful to share, to preach, and to teach the whole gospel of Jesus Christ!